Transformatie Moeder Aarde ~🪷~ Mother Earth Transition

Het Zielenlicht tijdperk ⚡The Soul Light Era

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If you can really understand the problem,the answer will come out of it, 
because the answer is not seperate from the problem. 

Dear Reader,

You know that feeling when you’ve been walking around with a question for years and you just can’t seem to find the exact answer?
For me, that has been the case for a very long time. Deep down, I felt that there was a reason I became so seriously ill in 2003. The question, “Why?” occupied my mind for a very long time, but wherever I looked and whoever I asked, the answer was always only partially satisfactory.
When I was introduced to the teachings and books of Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha, I felt like I was finally accessing the answers I had been searching for so long.

Many of his books talk about the Soul Light Era, a new era, which began on Aug. 8, 2003.
Perhaps in reading this date, you too suddenly become aware of what happened in your life around that time. For me, it was like all the bells were ringing. My whole body reacted to reading that information about the Soul Light Age. As if everything suddenly fell into place. Many souls have felt the transition. Perhaps you are one of them.
After reading the information and how to deal with it, the long journey of living the new insights began for me. For me it gave clarity, direction, guidance. And I hope it does the same for you. I will share what I have learned myself.

New Era
This new era is of great importance and will last 15,000 years. This era is aimed at bringing out the light of each soul and letting it shine more and more. The soul will become more and more in charge. The previous era, which also lasted 15,000 years, was dominated mainly by the mind, by reason, by the tangible, the visible. In the Soul Light Age, the frequency on Mother Earth will move up from the Third Dimension to the Fourth Dimension. This Fourth Dimension has much higher frequencies and vibrations and much greater soul power and capabilities than the past era.

For me, this beginning of major changes on Earth was very palpable and it had a great impact. The choices I had made in my life up to that point had been made mostly from my mind. However, my soul began to make it more and more clear to me that I had to take a different path because I had a different purpose in this life. The path of change was not an easy one…fair is fair. Yet it was oh so important for me to do and I am very happy and grateful to have received so much help in that process.

Since the beginning of the Soul Light Age, a great shift has been taking place. More and more people are opening up to a spiritual approach to life. More and more children are coming into this world with open spiritual channels and wonderful gifts. And the methods that worked well before are suddenly proving to be less effective. Nature is also changing and also fiercely resisting at the moment. Everything that has been damaged in the past needs to transform, because Mother Earth herself also wants to go to a higher frequency.
Many people experience confusion, challenges in many areas of life or feel an inner drive to seek answers.
The latter was certainly the case with me!

From mind towards soul

Quieting my mind has not always been easy. As a lawyer, I am trained to use and further develop a strong and sharp mind. So it did not give in easily.
But this new era demands a different approach to life. That doesn’t mean we have to abandon the rational approach altogether, or that the mind no longer matters. The power of the mind is still important, but the shifts in the universe have put more emphasis on the power of the soul and on living to the potential of the soul.
No longer mind over matter, but soul over matter, as I have mentioned in several of my previous blogs.

What exactly the soul is, I went into that in detail in my blog post on the soul.
Your soul is aware of the shifts in the universe. And if you are as sensitive as I am, your soul will let you know in many ways that a change is needed in life. I was aware that I needed to make different choices, but it was a long search for the answers as to exactly what change was needed and how to get it done. Indeed, the old rational and familiar approach to solving a problem no longer helped, because the cause of the problems I was facing was not created by the mind or reason.
It was taking place at the level of my soul.

In this soul light era, the transition is being made from living by reason to living in alignment with your soul. The choices and decisions you make, the activities you do are supposed to be in accordance with the direction and guidance of your soul.
Your soul is your essence, the purest part of who you are. Your soul loves you and has your best interests at heart. Your soul knows what you should be doing in this life so that the soul can grow.
Living in harmony and agreement with your soul, with your purest self and with others, to ultimately bring your soul to enlightenment, is the true purpose of life.
The mind is wonderful and powerful and has achieved a great deal in the previous era, but in this era the mind is supposed to follow the direction of the soul, to be subordinate in other words.
However, the mind has dominated for a long time and thus will not easily conform to this new position. The ego does not give in easily. It likes to have power and prestige or to be admired. Nevertheless, there will be more and more of a shift and the power of the soul will be recognized more and more.

You see it even now in science, where scientists are becoming more and more open to the relationship between science and spirituality, and personally I am convinced that there is going to be more scientific evidence in the coming years for the existence of the soul.

As I said, living from your true self, your purest essence is the goal with the ultimate goal of bringing your soul to (further) enlightenment.
The soul knows exactly what is good for you and lovingly steers you in the right direction, however, it is our humanity that often has difficulty in feeling/knowing/hearing or following the right direction. When the heart is open and the mind is willing to follow the directions the body will also follow and everything can flow in harmony. That is why aligning soul, heart, mind and body is so important. When the soul is not listened to, it is like an orchestra without a conductor. All parts play their parts but the harmony is likely to be far away.
In this soul light era, the voice of the soul will become louder. Each of us is here on earth for a specific reason. Each of us has our own role to play, and your soul knows it. Your soul wants to grow, as do the souls of many. However, not everyone is aware of this or willing to listen to that inner voice.

For a seed to achieve its greatest expression, it must come completely undone.
The shell cracks, its insides come out and everything changes.
To someone who doesn’t understand growth, it would look like complete destruction.
~ Cynthia Occelli ~

Love, Peace, Harmony
The ultimate goal of this Soul Light Era is to achieve Love, Peace and Harmony among all souls and bring all souls to enlightenment. This is a great task and it all begins within ourselves. Are we willing to purify ourselves from our negative karma, our negative emotions, our ego, our attachments, our negative thought patterns and more and thus bring our soul, heart, mind and body into harmony.

My soul has given me a clear mission, and by gaining more and more insight into the reason for my existence, and delving more and more into the deep wisdom available, I can live more and more according to this.
This is not an easy path, for the spiritual path can be painful. “No Pain, No Gain” is really something that fits the spiritual path. But if you go through that, it brings a lot. It has brought me a lot of challenges, I don’t need to beat around the bush about that, but at the same time, overcoming the challenges has brought me more than I ever dreamed of, and that’s what I love to convey to others to inspire them.

The spiritual approach to life has nothing to do with religion or worldview. It doesn’t matter if you are a follower of Catholicism, Buddhism, Islam or any other religion. Or that you are an atheist and don’t believe in anything. Or that you believe in the Light. It doesn’t matter what the color of your skin, your eyes or your hair is. Your sexual orientation does not matter. Spirituality is based on universal tenets that are reflected in every religion or belief and are important to everyone. Every soul is here to grow and most souls want to experience more love, light, harmony in life. Right? Every soul is on a spiritual journey and the physical life and the form you give to your life aim to support that spiritual journey. Every soul is living in this soul light era.

Open yourself to the potential of your soul and your soul’s journey.
Open yourself to the potential of your heart.
Open yourself to the potential of your own light.
Open fully!

The soul light era which has been going on for 20 years now is the era when the opportunities for the soul are so great. We are being asked to go deep within and believe in who we really are. To love ourselves and look at ourselves from that love and transform everything in ourselves that is not love or light. All fear, all pain, all uncertainty and more can be transformed by love into something positive.
The more light comes to Earth, the higher the frequency will become, the more those lower frequencies will be pushed to the surface to be transformed. From self-love and self-forgiveness, we can come to inner peace and harmony. As our purity grows, our light can begin to shine more and more, and when we can radiate and transmit that to others and love and forgive others unconditionally, peace and harmony can come around us and in the world. In this soul light era, we all have the opportunity to come into the light in a way we have not been in the light for a long time and the more light each of us can embody and radiate to others, the more it can help others to stop suffering.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if suffering in so many forms could be stopped and everyone could feel love again, in unconditional form. Isn’t love what everyone longs for deep inside? As I see it, suffering is a manifestation of a lack of love in some form.
Love is the greatest force and opens everything. And when everything is open, life can flow naturally.

Many speak of unity, we are all one, but as long as we still live in separateness and disharmony, that unity has not been achieved. However, this is the era when that unity could be achieved. We can begin to live from our true selves, from purity, from love for ourselves and everything and everyone around us.
I know, there is still a long way to go…. but this is the era when we can go that way! A road to a beautiful final goal: the union of all souls as one. I sincerely believe that it is possible!
But as many books by many great spiritual masters describe, that road to purity and enlightenment is also a road of overcoming challenges, in which we are tested to transform our impurity and come to embody the 10 highest qualities: love, forgiveness, compassion, light, humility, harmony, flourishing, gratitude, service and enlightenment.

Reading the books and studying the teachings of Dr. and Master Sha has changed my life in a profound way. I am very grateful that these teachings are accessible and the deep wisdom is shared so freely, because without this deep knowledge, I would still be stuck in an old pattern. I hope that sharing my insights can help you and that you may even be inspired to read the books yourself.
Many changes will come and the more people are able to make that transition from living from reason to living from the soul and are able to embody more and more these highest qualities, the easier these changes can take place.

Now is the time to unite the soul and the world.
Now is the time to see the sunlight dancing as one with the shadows.

Do you have the feeling after reading the information: YES this is for me, this is what I want to experience! and would you like help in this process of living from the mind to living from heart and soul, then read on here: YES I would like help

Love Barbara

~ True beauty is revealed only if there is light from within ~

Certified Soul Healer, Soul Teacher, Soul Communicator (Readings Akashic Records) en Guan Yin Lineageholder


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