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Sometimes you just need a unicorn hug to make everything better.
dear readers,
In this blog, I am happy to share the special energy, light and messages of the Unicorns that came through during the spiritual healing group session on June 14, 2024.
The group healing session had the theme: Transformation of the Heart.
This series of 4, aims to help each participant to open, purify, rejuvenate and strengthen the heart and help everyone connect with the higher spiritual dimensions and your spiritual guides with heart and soul.
It was the first session of the series. Every group healing session is different and I am always guided by what comes through my spiritual channels in the moment. When that day’s session starts, with my spiritual eye/third eye, I see the beautiful forms of the Unicorns. They too are present at this session. I see a unicorn standing next to each of the participants. All unicorns have different colours, different qualities, but that same beautifully radiant, powerful light in their light horns. Some unicorns have rainbow colours. To my surprise, I also see a black unicorn with silver sparkles. I have never been allowed to see a black unicorn before. I see that there is also an emerald green unicorn.
When I ask why exactly in this group session the unicorns are so clearly present, the answer I receive through my spiritual channels is:
(note: Hao for me is the signal that begins or ends a message).
Hao, my dear beloved one, this is the representative of the Unicorns. We have come today with many, to assist each of the participants today. We carry high vibrational frequencies of light and our task is to bring healing and love, especially to the heart of the people to help them remember what they have forgotten for a long time now.
Each of the participants will be reminded of why they are here and what their unique role is to bring forward the love , the peace, the harmony that is so needed on this planet.
That all starts from the heart.
Love is given from the heart, peace is felt within the heart and when love and peace are spread, there is harmony between all souls and that also leads to a heart-to-heart connection. That is what we came here for, to help bring to realization the heart-to-heart connection.
Our breath breaths the frequencies of love into each of the participants. Our light activates the healing of the heart.
Our horn is able to go through the blockages and bring in the light into the heart where it can bring forward the resonance of healing, of remembering, of connecting.
Each unicorn present here has a special connection to each of the participants. Each soul recognizes the spirit of that unicorn from childhood when the unicorn visited the children. Unicorns often go to the young children to bring them joy and to establish a connection with them. Later in life that heart-to-heart connection is no longer remembered by humans, but it is still there.
The unicorns still remember and that is why they are here. To bring healing and opening of the heart, to bring awareness and to bring peace.
They are all very loved and blessed today. Their souls will remember the joy they have felt in their childhood, and that joy will additionally help to heal the heart. Hao. The representative of the unicorns.
The blessing continues in silence. I feel so much love and inner peace in the field of all these beautiful unicorns. It is such a joy to connect with the unicorn that is with me.
I see how these beautiful loving beings bring light into the brain, into the mind, to expand consciousness.
I feel the love of each of these magical creatures. There is so much love for each participant. They communicate telepathically with each of the participants.
I feel my own heart chakra being opened and all this light passes through me.
Words that flow through me and are spoken with power as a kind of command are:
Open the heart and soul
Heal the heart
Rejuvenate the heart
Protect the heart and the soul journey
Elevate the heart and soul journey
You are all blessed.
Open the heart and soul
Heal the heart
Rejuvenate the heart
Protect the heart and the soul journey
Elevate the heart and soul journey
You are all blessed.
There are many more light beings present, each bringing healing and transformation in their own way. They too pass on messages.
After some time I start shaking and I see a lot of light coming down, like a kind of shower, a “shower of light”.
Again a message comes through:
Hao, this has been a huge flash of light to uplift the frequency of the heart of each of the participants. This will help to cleanse the blockages, to bring forth purification and rejuvenation and to transform the barriers within their hearts to align with their true selves.
They are most loved most blessed.
This has been all for today, All that was allowed to be given on this day, has been given and even beyond that. Now bring all of the light down to their lower abdomen where it can be hold in the energy centers and support their lives. Hao
I see how the light is stored in the important energy centres in the lower abdomen.
The unicorns say goodbye to their pupil and the energy field that surrounded each of the participants dissolves.
I feel it is important to choose a “unicorn card” from Diana Cooper’s deck and the card I am drawn to is:

I thought it was a very appropriate card for this session. 😊
The black unicorn I was shown remains on my mind for a long time after the session. As mentioned, I had not observed a black unicorn with my third eye before.
But there is information and images on the internet:
“a black unicorn can overcome barriers and push through to a desirable, powerful life”.
Before going to bed, I again felt the guidance to draw a Unicorn Card. I was very strongly guided to 1 special card.
And what do I see to my surprise: The black unicorn with sparkles 😊

It was a wonderful guided evening.
If you’d like to draw a unicorn card yourself, take a look here:
https://dianacooper.com/pick-a-card/# The Magic of Unicorns.
I was told by many participants that they had experienced the group session as very powerful and transformative. The 3 reactions below are all from people going through very intense and heavy periods in their lives. Even in such situations, a group session can offer light, love, support and relief. And that is something that always touches me. So nice to be able and allowed to help those who are suffering so intensely, and to strengthen and encourage them.
One of the participants who is very ill wrote:
I felt huge stabs in my heart area, then focused on my breathing to get through it.
I also saw the unicorns, how lovely that they are there again!
I can’t say much else yet, I need to let it sink in, it’s all a lot at the moment.
Another person going through tough emotional situations wrote:
The last healing has done me good. I feel softer and feel an enormous love for everyone and everything. Watching my father change in his illness process is quite intense, but I haven’t had to cry since the healing session. Love! ❤
Another participant who has been living with the family in a very stressful situation for months wrote to me:
I felt a deep sense of release, I have been able to breathe a bit for the first time in a long time, which is unusual as I work so regularly with breath, meditation and nervous system regulation. I think this situation has clenched every muscle of the body so much. so to be able to feel a warming sensation in the heart, a sense of support and a bit of rest was a moment of realisation of the toll this has taken on us, and the great need for support and rest it eventually needs. The children have felt calmer too.
If, after reading these experiences, you would like to experience for yourself the healing power of everything that is allowed to come through my spiritual channels, you are of course welcome in the group sessions or to make an individual appointment.
The group session of July 5 will again have the theme Transformation of the Heart. This will be followed by a series of 4 for opening/purifying the first chakra.
If you would like to develop your third eye yourself, you can join the workshop on July6, 2024: Open your Third Eye.
You will learn:
- The power and significance of the Third Eye
- The location of the Third Eye Energy Centre and Third Eye Channel
- How to develop the Third Eye
- How to use your Third Eye to gain wisdom by interpreting the images
During the workshop, there will also be exercises and blessings given to purify your third eye and accelerate its opening.
If you are not able to participate live this weekend, you may as well register and then watch the recording. The recording is available for 2 weeks.
I have attended at least 14 such workshops and trainings over the past few years. Some workshops were one-day sessions like this one. Others were a weekend. Some trainings lasted a year. All the workshops and trainings I attended with great pleasure, and each workshop brought me a lot of wisdom, transformation and more.
Whether you haven’t opened your spiritual channels yet and would like to open them, or whether you can already receive a lot of information, everyone can participate in this workshop and take the next step in (further) opening your third eye.
From my own experience, I can really recommend it! It really is an enormous enrichment of your life when your spiritual channels are open and you can consciously receive the guidance from the other realms.
If you would like to experience the healing power of everything that is allowed to come through my spiritual channels, you are of course welcome in the group sessions or to make an individual appointment.
“Always be yourself, unless you can be a unicorn.
Then always be a unicorn.”
Love Barbara
~ True beauty is revealed only if there is light from within ~
Certified Soul Healer, Soul Teacher, Soul Communicator (Readings Akashic Records) en Guan Yin Lineageholder
Website: www.puur-licht.nl/en
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