Gechannelde boodschappen ~🪷~ Channeled Messages

Gechannelde boodschap over Spirituele Healing ⚡Channelled message on Spiritual Healing

Dear reader,

In this blog posting, I would like to share some of the messages that came through during the group healing session on March 3, 2024 with the theme: Free choice for physical body (organ, system, condition, body part)

This healing session focused on healing and transformation of health conditions.

Tao Healing, a form of spiritual healing, is about changing the negative information in the Akashic Records and in our souls. This negative information underlies challenges we experience in life, e.g. in health, relationships, finances, work etc.. When we release this negative information and/or change it into positive information, we will also release and be able to change the low frequencies and vibrations in our vibrational field.
In addition, these healing sessions are about adding the higher frequencies and vibrations of light and positive information.

When you open yourself and allow this light to fill your vibrational field and change your vibration, healing will be able to take place from within. The light will help you release the old information leading to illness or other challenges stored in your cells, to deprogramme your cells, so to speak. To then re-programme your cells with what is best for you. Re-programme yourself, your cells, your systems, your organs and vibrate on a higher vibration and then your health problem or other challenges can come to a solution step by step.

Health vibrates on high vibrations of light. Illness vibrates on low vibrations and with an opened third eye looks like darkness, blockages, disturbances in your vibrational field.
During a healing session, light and virtue (=positive information) is transmitted. This can be seen with the third eye as different colours of light and as flowers. These flowers can also have all kinds of different colours and shapes.

Every healing session is different in terms of energy, theme, messages, requests and results etc. What the sessions are similar in is that they bring in the light from the other dimensions and help participants come into alignment with the higher light, so that connection, order and harmony can arise in their vibrational field. And when that happens, wonderful results can follow.
Messages also come through for the whole group during the sessions.

In this session, the messages came from Yan Wang Ye, the leader of the Akashic Records.

I was asked to share the information here on my blog too, so that it can help anyone who wants to know more about spiritual healing.

At that moment, the actual blessing starts.

With my third eye (spiritual eye), I see many white hands in all sorts of formats erasing the negative information for the participants. Blockages are released, energy that was stuck can start flowing.
However, I see deeply dark blockages in some and the light struggles to penetrate. But the hands try hard and very slowly the light seeps in. That darkness is not brushed away in them, but it becomes lighter in colour.
I see many flowers coming down in all kinds of colours, red, pink, yellow, gold, white with red, I also see gold and silver as if a financial blessing is also coming for some with the changing of their issue.
I see lots of rainbow-coloured light in the field around everyone.

Around the group of participants, I see a circle of other souls, a group growing.
Many souls are watching. Some are connected to the participants through the family connection, others are connected to the karma being brought into the light. Their pain is also touched. Some of those watching are grateful. Others are still angry and they resist and are sometimes removed by the higher souls so that the karma can dissolve.

In each of the books in the akashic records, it is noted what is given today. I see more light radiating from that page. On other pages, something is deleted so the darkness goes out of that page.

Then another message comes through from Yan Wang Ye.

A little later, I get the message that this was all for that evening. All that could be given has been passed on and I can conclude the session.

The energy flow through me stops and the field of energy and light I could perceive around each participant dissolves. I see the souls that were present leave one by one.

Personally, I obtain a lot of strength from the messages I am allowed to get through.
I channel daily with the spiritual world. I learned in this way to understand that it is not about feeling guilty for my chronic condition that I have been living with for 30 years.
I also learnt not to feel despondent because there is no treatment in western medicine.
This explanation, “illness is the result of negative information in my vibrational field”, gave me so much strength, motivation, courage. It’s almost a mathematical formula…. release the negative, replenish the positive, and the body cannot help but heal….
It sounds so simple. However, it does not mean that living this wisdom is simple 😉 Letting go and changing is a very difficult and time-consuming process for many…. causing newly developed cells to carry the same information over and over again, thus perpetuating a disease.

This information and insight made me take ownership of my own situation. I have the ability to control my thoughts, my words, my actions. Even lying in bed, which I was forced to do for years, I could work on my recovery!
The fact that there is no medical treatment for the condition I live with does not mean that there is nothing that can be done about it. This way, changing the information in my akashic records, adding positive information, releasing negative information, actively practising love and forgiveness, makes working on the cause of the condition from within. After all, if the information that has led to the manifestation of the illness changes, a different reality cannot fail to be created, right?
It just takes more time and commitment than taking medication.

In doing so, it is important to realise that applying forgiveness is not a matter of having to feel guilty or blame for your condition…it is a powerful way of letting go by forgiving yourself or another person so that you can move on. Every time you forgive someone, you release stored anger. Forgiveness is a positive high vibration. Anger and feeling guilty have a low vibration. Forgiving allows you to move on with less ballast.

And don’t we all want that? To move forward with more love, more light, more compassion and thus have a better quality of life?

I hope these messages I received will help you on your path to more light, more love and better health.

If you too would like to feel more whole and embody more love and light, you are always welcome to experience the power of the Tao healing sessions. You can do so on Friday evenings during the weekly spiritual healing group sessions (with varying themes) or through an individual session.
Even if you are not experiencing a problem with your health right now, you can of course participate in the group session or an individual session. The more light you have in your vibrational field, the better it is. It then works strengthening and for prevention. Preventing health problems is always better than healing them! 😌

Would you like a personal channelled message, that too is possible during an individual appointment.

In this way, let’s not only give ourselves more love and light, but also fill the collective field with more love and light and make this planet a more beautiful place. Right now, there is a great need for more light in the world and we can do our part by filling ourselves with more light and love.
If you know others who are struggling and could use some help, give them a chance and pass this information on.

Love, Barbara

~ True beauty is revealed only if there is light from within ~

Certified Soul Healer, Soul Teacher, Soul Communicator (Readings Akashic Records) en Guan Yin Lineageholder


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