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Dear reader,
In this blog posting, I would like to share one of the messages that came through during the spiritual healing group session on February 18, 2024 with the theme: self-love or love in a relationship of your choice.
What a wonderful session it was for me to be able to pass on. So powerful, so nourishing, so fulfilling.
Usually I pass on healing sessions to people who are suffering. So sessions aimed at healing, at transformation. And that makes sense. People often seek help when there is a complaint they would like to have remedied, and I pass on these healing sessions with all my love. I too like to see suffering reduced.
But for me personally, it is always very nice to be able to pass on blessings like this, which are about opening up to love.
It was SO powerful. I would always like to live and work in this loving and supportive energy.
Again, several messages came through of which I would like to share one to give you an insight into how special these sessions are and that they are so much more than a healing session for self-love or a relationship.
Among other things, a message came through from Source:
my loved ones coming together tonight. I love you. I have loved you since all creation. You were created out of my love, my essence. All that I am is within you and all around you. Open your heart to that essence in you and to the essence in everyone and everything around you. When you connect heart to heart, soul to soul with that essence, you will always be connected to me, with the greatest unconditional love. Your heart will be completely open to everyone around you and also to yourself and love will flow freely. When you connect with that essence, that form of love, all friction, all negativity will melt away.
This blessing tonight is about further opening your heart and soul to really, deeply connect with that essence, that love, that is within you and around you. If your request is to receive a blessing for more self-love, this blessing will focus on transforming negative information that blocks you from fully connecting with the essence within you. Your soul and heart will open further to yourself.
If your request is to transform your relationship with someone else, the blessing will focus on transforming the negativity that blocks you from connecting with that essence of the other person.
See the love and light within you or the other person, connect with that essence and let this blessing dissolve the negativity that prevents you from fully seeing the other being or yourself as part of me, part of all creation, emanating from the same Source. Open your heart and soul and allow my love to flow through you tonight so that you can receive the nourishment to connect more deeply with that essence. You are loved and blessed, The Source.

Afterwards, Mother Mary also spoke beautiful words about love and forgiveness.
I felt a lot of light and energy coming after that and saw white light arising in my heart chakra.
The feeling of love was overwhelming. I felt such a huge difference between “human love” and the love that Mother Mary sent through me.
What a powerful example Mother Mary is!
I also see and feel the presence of Jesus very strongly. Like a yin yang balance, as mother and son, as feminine energy and masculine energy and the balance between the gentle, maternal love of Mary and the powerful presence and forgiveness of Jesus.
That feeling of love stayed with me for a long time. And the day after, unexpected but very beautiful things happened. As if now that my heart was more open, I could attract and receive all those beautiful events.
And that not only I was able to experience it that way was evident from the many messages that arrived in my mailbox. Several participants shared their experiences. I would like to share some of them (with permission):
“After the love healing, I see the other person’s intention more and more. My husband is also a lot sweeter, but probably because of my changed attitude. Thank you.” ~E.
I had a really nice job interview a few days after the group session, which felt like it was totally guided and I noticed that there was a really good click there too, we were already very much on the same page in terms of ideas and my heart started beating faster with the place, the culture and the important events they organise. It really gave me energy 🙂 Very grateful for this conversation and opportunity. Coincidentally, I have also just been told that they also liked the interview and that I am through to the next round. Which I am so happy and grateful for 🙂 ~D.
I’d like to share with you my personal experience of last group session for more self-love. In the beginning, I was suffering from a lot of negative thoughts and anxiety that came along with them. At a certain point, a huge light came that was so much stronger than my negativity. The light penetrated me completely and melted away the negativity, as it were.
The relationship between me and my ex was concluded, like an explosion with fire.
The realisation also came that often everything I do is based on fear, but everything really is about choices that feel right for me (that was a gentle loving energy that brought that).
Then I saw myself happy with a baby and saw a lot of love with a pregnant belly and I had to cry from that.
The passage of light was from my crown throughout my body. I felt the connection and a certain pressure with it. At one moment a lot of light also came through my third eye.
I also saw my grandmother flashing by for a moment.
Then rainbow light came through my whole body in wavy movements and my whole body moved with it. Everything was purified and cleaned up it seemed.
Then I was enveloped by the sun and the sun warmed all the spots in my body and again melted away blockages.
Finally, it started raining lightly and that made me let it all rain off and let it go. The pressure eased and everything became calm.
So all in all, an extraordinary experience. ~L.
From the above experiences, you can see that everyone received a tailor-made blessing. The effect of the group session is therefore different for everyone, but what is the same for everyone is that many blockages in the heart were dissolved so that love can flow more freely.
If you too would like to feel more whole and embody more love, you are always welcome to experience the power of the healing sessions. You can do so on Friday evenings during the weekly spiritual healing group sessions (with varying themes) or through an individual session.
Would you like a personal channelled message, that too is possible during an individual appointment.
In this way, let’s not only give ourselves more love, but also fill the collective field with more love and make this planet a more beautiful place.
Do you know others who are struggling and could use more love, give them a chance and pass on this information.
Love, Barbara
~ True beauty is revealed only if there is light from within ~
Certified Soul Healer, Soul Teacher, Soul Communicator (Readings Akashic Records) en Guan Yin Lineageholder
Website: www.puur-licht.nl/en
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