Gechannelde boodschappen ~🪷~ Channeled Messages Persoonlijke Groei ~🪷~ Personal Growth

LIEFDE is Alles⚡LOVE is the Whole Thing

Dear readers,  

“Remember who you are!”

That was the intriguing assignment I received years ago in a meditative state.
Since then, these words have recurred regularly in meditations, in communication with the soul world, in thoughts.

And with it, the question arose, “Who am I?”

Part of the answer is that I have a name, talents and many skills. That I have a body and am part of a social structure.

For a long time after getting that assignment, I did my inner work and felt deep wthin whether my physical life matched what I would like or whether I had gone along with societal expectations. I interpreted this assignment as a way to make me aware that I was not living the life my soul wanted and I was “out of balance” and no longer living in alignment. I subsequently changed and adjusted many things in my physical life. Releasing much of that which was no longer appropriate and nurturing and following my dreams.

Over time, however, I learned that there is another answer to this assignment/question.
There is also a non-physical part of me. An essence, that has no visible form and is also a part of me.
In my experience, that part of me is part of an all-encompassing, creating energetic force, which has various names, such as the Creator, God, Spirit, Source, Tao etc.

In quantum physics, it is known that the tiniest material particle, which can no longer be divided, turns into energy when it collides with another particle. This results in the proposition that form, arises from the formless, from energy.
There is a shift from energy to form when something is created. And form returns to energy when something ceases to exist in the material world.

The Bible says that everything comes from God and God is Love. (1 John 4)

The Tao Te Ching writes in chapter 40: Being is born of non-being.

So the question of where we come from seems to be answered equally in both physics and metaphysics. Form arises from the formless.
But if we arise from the formless, then the formless is therefore part of us. After all, we are a part of the whole.
A part includes the essence of the whole from which it comes. Think of a cup of water from a lake, it contains the essence of the lake. Or a blood sample, which gives information about the body it came from. Or a DNA sample. Or a wood carving which holds the essence of the tree the wood came from.

So if we extend that to our lives and who we are, it is plausible to think that if we come from the all-encompassing creating energy, that we also carry that energy within us in essence. It is not only around us, but also within us.
In my personal belief, we are a part of the Creator/God/Tao. And so we also carry that within us in essence.

Our physical body is an expression in the form of that essence and during our lives we can do our best to express this beautiful essence as best we can. The faster our vibration is, the closer we are to this essence. The highest vibrations are in alignment with the Source, the Creator, God. And the highest vibration we know is the energy of Love.

So when I/you look at it this way, we are all an individualized expression of Love.

But throughout our lives we have forgotten this original state of Being or we seperated ourselves from this original essence.
Every thought, every emotion, every action we have either brings us closer to Source, or if it is not based on love, brings us further away from where we came from and who we are in essence. It then creates disconnection. We go out of alignment and the very purpose in life is to live in connection. In connection with yourself, in connection with each other, in connection with that all encompassing creating Source of Energy, Love and Light….

One of my favorite quotes from Rumi is:

The answer to the assignment I received years ago, “Remember who you are,” thus acquires a deeper and more substantial meaning.

I am not only Barbara Kuipers in human form, but also a part of that all-encompassing Love. And that all-encompassing Love is my essence. If I want to return to my essence, I will have to return to the purest expression of that love and open my heart and soul to that essence.

I have to ask myself over and over again: Is that which I think, speak or do based on Love? Am I getting closer to that essence by what I am thinking, saying or doing now, or am I getting further away from it. Am I getting more connected or am I just getting more out of alignment and seperated.
It’s a constant reminder of Love: being Love and expressing Love.

The more we can open our hearts to Love, the more we connect with our true selves, the more our lives can change for the better.

The more we express love to others, the more we can contribute to creating a more loving society.

And isn’t that what we are working towards in these times of deep Transformation?

(Note: This text is written as an introduction to the group healing sessions I will be giving on Friday evenings, February 16 and 23, 2024, starting at 7:30 pm CEST /1.30 PM EST/ 10.30 AM PST.

The group healing sessions will help each participant transform barriers they have built up against being and living that Love, all as is appropriate for each participant.

Would you like to join the group sessions after reading this information? You can! ✅!
More information can be found here: Spiritual Healing Group Sessions – PUUR LICHT (

During the group healing session on August 10, 2021, with the theme “Surrender,” I received the following message through my spiritual channels:

Happy to share this beautiful poem in closing and for inspiration:


Me: Hey God.

God: Hello, my love.

Me: I’m falling apart.

Can you put me back together?

God: I would rather not.

Me: Why?

God: Because you aren’t a puzzle.

Me: What about all of the pieces of my life that are falling down onto the ground?

God: Let them stay there for a while. They fell off for a reason.

Take some time and decide if you need any of those pieces back.

Me: You don’t understand! I’m breaking down!

God: No – you don’t understand.

You are breaking through.

What you are feeling are just growing pains.

You are shedding the things and the people in your life that are holding you back.

You aren’t falling apart.

You are falling into place.


Take some deep breaths and allow those things you don’t need anymore to fall off of you.

Quit holding onto the pieces that don’t fit you anymore.

Let them fall off.

Let them go.

Me: Once I start doing that, what will be left of me?

God: Only the very best pieces of you.

Me: I’m scared of changing.

God: I keep telling you – YOU AREN’T CHANGING!! YOU ARE BECOMING!

Me: Becoming who?

God: Becoming who I created you to be!

A person of light and love and charity and hope and courage and joy and mercy and grace and compassion.

I made you for more than the shallow pieces you have decided adorn yourself with that you cling to with such greed and fear.

Let those things fall off of you.

I love you! Don’t change! Become! Become! Become!

Become who I made you to be.

I’m going to keep telling you this until you remember it.

Me: There goes another piece.

God: Yep. Let it be.

Me: So…I’m not broken?

God: No – but you are breaking like the dawn. It’s a new day. Become!! Become!!

Author ~ John Roedel

Love, Barbara

~ True beauty is revealed only if there is light from within ~

Certified Soul Healer, Soul Teacher, Soul Communicator (Readings Akashic Records) en Guan Yin Lineageholder


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