Transformatie Moeder Aarde ~🪷~ Mother Earth Transition

Tijden van verandering⚡Times of Change

A time of change

~ voor Nederlands: scroll naar beneden en ga naar pagina 1 ~ 

Dear readers of my blog,

A lot is happening in the world right now. Great changes can be observed. In nature, think of forest fires, drought, flooding, whirlwinds. In society, think of financial challenges, war. But also in the personal lives of people and animals, think of illness and relationship problems. It is an intense time for many. In this article I will go deeper into the changes on Mother Earth. 

The secret of change is to focus all your energy, 
not on fighting the old,
but on building the new.


For some time now, many people are going through intense processes. For some people memories and emotions from this life or past lives are coming to the surface, other people experience physical challenges, others are dealing with challenges in daily life because suddenly everything seems to be upside down. This has to do with the times we are living in now. The energy and vibrational field on Earth is changing. The energy and vibrational field of Mother Earth is changing. It also means that our energy and vibrational field  is changing.

Higher frequency and vibration on Mother Earth
Many people are looking for answers and are seeking truth about existence, the interconnection, the development and the end of everything that exists. We however, are observing the world from our perspective in the 3D world we are currently living in. Higher Dimensions also exist, but not everyone is able to observe higher dimension and science is not able to detect it or find proof for higher dimensions. Science is simply not far enough yet. From all the energies in the universe we seem to be able to detect 5% of it. The other 95% is there also, it exists, but it has such a highlevel frequency that science is not able to detect it. Some people with advanced spiritual channels however are able to understand more of the higher Dimension but spirituality is not understood nor accepted by everyone. Those with advanced open spiritual channels are sometimes able to see through the veils and some parts of the higher dimensions are revealed to them. They are able to see or feel the higher frequencies of the higher dimensions. Everything and everyone around us is made of frequency and vibrations. And those frequencies are rising through the processes on Mother Earth.

The high temperatures we have experienced lately (in the Netherlands) are not a coincidence. They are connected to the transformation process which is currently taking place on Mother Earth to uplift the frequency from the Third to the Fourth Dimension. This means we are moving towards a planet where there will be more love, more compassion and more harmony.  I think everyone would like to live with more love. More self-love, more loving relationships, more loving workplaces, more love for animals and nature, more love for Mother Earth. A planet where there is more love and harmony is the ultimate goal. In order to raise the frequency, everything with lower frequencies has to be transformed and brought to a higher frequency. That is what we are experiencing now, a deep clearing and transformation.

Mother Earth is experiencing deep pain because of all that humanity has created. The 3D frequency has to rise in order for Mother Earth to survive and the lower, densed frequencies will need to transform to higher frequencies in the next few years. The high temperatures, the volcanic eruptions, the wild fires, they all play a role in this transformation process. The time of the Mother Earth Transition is here and we as human beings are invited to raise our consciousness, to wake up, to feel the awakening and to transform too. Some people already are aware of this wake-up call. Others are resisting and are holding on to what they know and what is so familiar.

In Ancient Chinese Wisdom it is said that there is a process in which the densed, heavy energy of Mother Earth will rise through evaporation (so global warming is not without reason) and the higher clean frequencies from Heaven will come down to the Earth through rain, snow and energy transmissions/downloads. In this way the Yin Yang Balance is regulated.

Higher frequency and vibration in the cosmos
In addition to all the transformation happening on Mother Earth nowadays, there also is a lot taking place in the sky above us, with solar eclipse, full moon, lunar eclipse, lots of energies coming from the sun and the planetary positions. We as human beings are not only responding to the energy of Mother Earth, we are also related to the sun, the moon, the stars. They all are connected to many processes, systems and organs in our souls, hearts, minds and bodies. A full moon, lunar eclipse  and solar eclipse are therefore felt by those who are sensitive and will speed up the transformation process.
And as Mother Earth and the people on Mother Earth move to a higher frequency, this will of course work through and bring a change for the entire universe. 

Lower frequencies towards the surface
Because we as human beings (a small universe) live in and respond to everything that happens in the big universe, we also will feel that the heavy densed energy will come to the surface in order to be transformed to higher frequencies.
As Mother Earth needs to uplift her frequency, all those living on Mother Earth also need to uplift their frequencies. These higher frequencies sometimes will integrate and flow through us easily, but very often these frequencies will hit a blockage within us first, before those blockages can be melted and transformed.

Old patterns and behaviors, deep emotions of pain, anger, grief, can all come to surface in order to be purified and brought to a higher frequency (i.e. love, compassion, harmony, inner peace). Physical issues could arise, and modern medicine could not have a solution for them yet. Internal pressure or stress could affect relationships. There could be challenges in every aspect of life in order to go in the flow of transformation towards a higher frequency. But everyone has a free will and choice whether they want to transform or not.

Connect with the Source/Tao
You can make this transformation process a little easier and faster through connecting with the qualities and high frequencies of the Source. Lao Zu called it the Tao. The Tao is all around us. The Tao is within us. So we already have all these qualities of the Source within, but some of these qualities are not developed enough and could be developed much further. Every quality has its own input. To give you some examples:

  • Love melts all blockages.
  • Forgiveness brings inner peace and harmony and inner stillness. 
  • Compassion increases willpower and boosts energy, stamina, vitality and immunity. 
  • Humility helps to transform and let go of the ego. Ego blocks your progress.  
  • Harmony brings cooperation, that feeling of connection. Harmony is the secret of succes. 
  • Gratitude is very important for the growth of your soul.
  • To serve and to help others is the purpose of life.
  • To increase and to shine your light helps every aspect of your life. 

Awareness raising

By reading this blog or other inspiring texts it is possible to open new consciousness, but even more important is to implement new wisdom in your daily life. Something will only have effect when you apply it in your thoughts, speech and actions.
You can become more aware during meditation or inner work of which qualities in you may be strengthened. Do not reject any negative information that comes up. This is valuable information, because it has been present in your subconscious up to now. Now you can do something with it. For example, is there maybe an aspect in your life what would benefit from more love or a situation where forgiveness could bring relief? Where there is love, there is no room for fear. Where there is forgiveness, there is no place for anger. Maybe your energy levels are quite low and it is needed to be more compassionate with yourself?

These inner processes we all have to face sooner or later could be very demanding for ourselves or the people around us. During these times we need to be more compassionate with ourselves and others, drink lots of water to support the purification process and maybe even change the things we eat to lighter food with a higher frequency, such as fruit, vegetables, raw nuts. See these times as an opportunity to progress on your soul journey in an accelerated way en to evolve towards the higher frequencies of love, peace and harmony.
If you notice that emotions or blockages are coming up,  you could also apply self-healing techniques. I will share some techniques on this blog.
Open your heartchakra in order to make a deeper connection with your soul and the souls around you.
Go out for a walk and spend time in nature in order to stay grounded.
These are some tools for you to apply by yourself.

You don’t have to do it alone

Sometimes it feels like you have to go through those processes all by yourself, but that’s only how it feels. No one is alone. Everyone has help from the spiritual world around them. 

If you feel stuck in your process, then reach out to others and ask for help. There are many healers and channels for the Light on Mother Earth at this time and they are here to support you in your transformation process and to connect you with the light in those times when darkness is so tangible.
They can help you to bring in more light and to uplift your frequency. The more light you carry within, the more you will be able to live your full potential.

This process of upliftment of the frequency on Mother Earth, will go hand in hand with an increased resistance of the lower frequencies. There could be / come lots of darkness and heavy energy and then there is lots of light needed to balance the situation.

Living from your soul and higher self
This transformation process on Mother Earth is not only to help Mother Earth survive. It also is a huge opportunity and an invitation to each one of us to grow and to live more from the soul, in alignment with our souls, and less acting from the minds, the ego and the 3D thinking and acting. It is a wonderful opportunity to connect with our higher self, our true self.  

Be really whole,

And all things will come to you.

~ Lao Zu ~

So, be prepared for deep processes.
We are going full speed ahead towards a New Earth  


~ True beauty is revealed only if there is light from within ~

Certified Soul Healer, Soul Teacher, Soul Communicator (Readings Akashic Records) en Guan Yin Lineageholder


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