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dear readers,
“We must mentally prepare for war,” NATO boss Mark Rutte said on Thursday, Dec. 12, 2024.
In the days that followed, I saw various reactions, including from people who found it frightening after all and put together an emergency package. Others who are rebelling against the government and/or NATO.
But what if we don’t go into fear or stress or resistance, but go one step further and mentally prepare for peace?
Life = Connection, Order, Harmony
We are currently living in the Information Age. The speed at which information is received and transmitted is ever increasing. Computers, wifi, cell phones, it is impossible to imagine our modern society without them. And it is very common for many to send a whatsapp message which is received within a second on the other side of the world.
WIFI is accepted without being visible, and without many understanding how it works.
But that it works is clear. Information can travel great distances within a second without being visible.
What is true of WIFI is also true of information in intentions, frequencies, vibrations.
In Quantum Physics, there is a scientific definition of Life:
Life is a system capable of systematically maintaining, developing, enhancing and transmitting positive information (Dr. Rulin Xiu).
In this, positive information means: Connection, Order, Harmony.
Negative information is defined as: disconnection, disorder, disharmony and this leads to illness, challenges and eventually death.
To embrace and strengthen Life we will need to focus on Connection, Order and Harmony.
Each individual has their own vibrational field through which we are connected to the collective field, the Quantum Field.
This creates the possibilities of quantum healing, the process of transforming disconnection and disruption into connection and order. When we support this process in our own field, healing takes place.
But at the same time it means that when an individual has more harmony within themselves, it has an effect on the greater whole through the connection to the collective field.
And the more people simultaneously bring about that inner harmony, the greater the impact on the collective field.
The powerful phenomenon of Quantum Entanglement scientifically demonstrates that when A and B are quantum entangled, that when A changes, B changes simultaneously, regardless of the distance between A and B.
We can use this quantum field to promote Peace and Harmony on Earth.
If you really let this above sink in, you will understand that it is precisely not a good idea to mentally prepare for War. These too are intentions, vibrations, frequencies coming into the collective field. The more we engage in war or the fear of it, the more the collective field is filled with it.
That which is present in our vibrational field, that is what we attract.
What we focus on, is what will be manifested.
Ask yourself whether you want to use your enormous creative power to create peace or war…..

The Power of Meditation
How do you transform your own vibrational field into inner peace, harmony and greater connection?
There are many ways to do this, including through sound healing, chanting mantras, meditation, music and positive affirmations. Also through forgiveness, as forgiveness brings inner joy and inner peace.
Scientific studies have been done on the power of meditation, showing that a large group of people practicing a powerful form of meditation can reduce crime rates in a city far away. You can find several examples of this on the Internet.
This has only been demonstrated with meditation, not with other forms of relaxation.
If meditation is capable of lowering crime, then in my view meditation is also capable of preventing a war or reducing its impact. War requires many people participating in it and willing to commit the crimes. Peace also requires many people who are committed to it and prefer love, forgiveness, harmony to creating pain, sorrow, separation.
If enough people choose meditation and Love, Peace and Harmony, then given the scientific researches, we can influence the collective field and thus remotely lower the crimes (against humanity) in a certain place.
Through the Quantum Field, therefore, we can do something!
We do not have to wait and see what will happen. We are not powerless.
On the contrary, as a society, we are very powerful. The power of critical mass! A certain threshold is needed to realize change.
Everyone can actively do his/her/their part to influence the collective field and promote Peace. Everyone has the power to cause a ripple, and when enough people follow suit, it will have an effect.
This is not utopian thinking, but scientifically based.
Meditation Practice
As I said earlier, we can create that ripple through meditation, through music, through mantras.
There is a CD with beautiful music, high frequencies and a powerful mantra to promote Love, Peace and Harmony.
You can send me a message through this page with your email address and I will send you a digital copy of this CD for FREE.
You can sing along with the CD, or play it 24/7, or meditate with it.
A simple meditation practice you could do is as follows.
Turn on the CD of Love Peace and Harmony.
Close your eyes and take a deep breath into your lower abdomen.
Life is all about reinforcing positive information. For that, we need to connect.
So connect with yourself.
Breathe in to your lower abdomen.
Become aware of your breathing. Feel your inhale. Feel your exhalation.
Connect with your breath.
Become aware of your body. Observe and feel your body. Where are you holding tension? Where do you feel pain? Where are you relaxed?
Connect with your body.
When thoughts, feelings, sensations come up, just connect, don’t judge, everything is sacred and divine, we just connect.
Then connect with your mind.
Become aware, observe and feel. What thoughts, patterns, words come into your mind?
Connect with your heart. Feel your emotions. Do you feel sadness? Do you feel fear? Do you feel anger and frustration? What is going on inside you. Observe without judging or pushing it away.
Connect with every part of yourself: your soul, your heart, your mind, your energy, your matter.
Connect with your spiritual heart.
Your spiritual heart is the receiver. It must be open in order to receive.
Open fully and begin to receive from the Source Field, the quantum field.
Receive the light and the high frequencies when you breathe in and when you breathe out let go of everything that is not in harmony with those frequencies as much as possible.
Breathe in and receive.
Breathe out and release.
Breathe all the way to your feet. Connect with the Earth. Feel your feet and the light of Mother Earth coming through your feet all the way to the top of your head.
Feel the Source Field within you and around you.
Connect with the Source field.
Source loves us and supports us. It created everything, we just need to open our hearts and receive the Source love, vibration, abundance, light.
Let the light of Source come down through your crown through your body, your head, neck, chest. Etc
Go within, become aware, observe, feel. Go deeper and deeper and relax.
When you meditate with the CD of Love, Peace, Harmony you receive the positive frequencies of Love, Peace and Harmony that fill, nourish and transform your vibrational field.
See if you prefer the instrumental version or the sung version.
Open your soul, heart, mind and body to connect with these powerful healing frequencies.
Allow the frequencies of Love, Peace and Harmony to pass through you so that you can embody more love, peace and harmony.
And when you feel that you are more connected, more in harmony, more loving, you can turn your focus to the collective field and with your intention feed that field with Love, Peace and Harmony.
You can also make your Meditation bigger, by inviting the souls of those who are at war to chant with you.
Their souls will be able to hear your request, for in the Quantum Field there is no time or distance. Souls can listen and receive at a distance and you can invite them to join you.
Do not chant for them, but give them their own choice to be in this field to receive. Just give them an opportunity with your invitation to join.
When you end your meditation, you can do so with:
Hao. Hao, Hao.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
Gong Song, Gong Song, Gong Song.
The reason this is repeated 3 times is as follows:
Hao is Mandarin Chinese and means: Perfect! Become healthy!
Gong Song we say to the souls we have asked to come and means: return respectfully to where you came from or are currently needed.
And expressing gratitude is very important. We say it 3 times each time.
The first Thank You is addressed to the Divine Tao Source, the second is addressed to all the souls who came to help you in the meditation, and the third is addressed to your own soul.

Make a difference
When enough people and souls align and connect with the vibrations of Love, Peace and Harmony in this way, we can make a difference in the world. All that is needed is to reach critical mass.
So my call would be not to mentally prepare for war, but to mentally prepare for Love, Peace and Harmony.
Science has shown the power of this.
Are you willing to do your part for Peace in this simple way?
You don’t have to go to a disaster area to actively support there, you can do this meditation from the comfort of your own home or you can chant the mantra as you walk or travel. So everyone is capable of this and no one needs to feel powerless.
Last year I led several group meditations with this CD of Love, Peace and Harmony in order to promote these qualities in ourselves and the world.
These are just three responses from participants to give you an idea of the power of this CD and the meditations:
💟 When Barbara began to sing Love, Peace Harmony Song, I saw that an energetic circle was formed by all of us and from this circle a big red heart rose above Mother Earth that stayed there and all the little red hearts fell out, like rain falling all over the Earth in those places where it was needed. It was so moving to see.”
☮️During the meditation, I felt heavily moved with tears of emotion. I saw an image of a column formed by countless bright/ golden rays of light shining on the earth (seen from outer space). Before this column of light entered the atmosphere it broke down in different rays of light towards the different small red hearts I could see all across the globe, representing the souls that joined our meditation to receive light in conflict zones all across the world. During the meditation I could see the different rays of light increasing/ decreasing depending on how much light was needed per heart, some rays were thicker than others, some were brightly lit and some were golden rays of light. This organically changed, constantly. I also saw an image of a woman in Ukraine which I seem to recall from a reportage of a photographer, I saw an image that I gave her a hug as a symbol to give her love. I also saw a really big tree flourishing healthy. During the meditation I felt a strong pressure on my throat, both of my ears, my back (between lower and middle of my back) and my head and crown chakra, I also experienced different flows of tinglings throughout my body and very strongly in my legs. .
☯️The meeting was a special experience.
I enjoyed receiving healing for myself first.
During the meditation afterwards, for people in war zones, I saw in my third eye a group of soldiers sitting relaxed around a fire. I also saw an elderly woman wearing a headscarf holding a baby. The longer the meditation lasted, the more lights I saw appearing in the dark landscape.
The power that went through me in the moment of meditation was very strong and powerful.
It was very special and I would love to play the Love Peace Harmony song and music at home and participate in the gathering again.”
May these experiences encourage you to experience the power of the CD for yourself.
You can find more information and the request form for the free digital version on this page .
May we collectively create more Love, Peace and Harmony in the world.
Love, Barbara
~ True beauty is revealed only if there is light from within ~
Certified Soul Healer, Soul Teacher, Soul Communicator (Readings Akashic Records) and Guan Yin Lineageholder
Website: www.puur-licht.nl/en
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