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Dear readers,
Self-love has many facets.
In this piece, I share insights and part of my journey towards self-love and the courage to go against the grain.
I invite you to feel with me, discover your own path, and connect with your inner wisdom. And where necessary, open yourself to various forms of help.
Channeled Messages for Self-Love
Last Friday was the first group session for self-love. It was a remarkably large group, which shows me, on the one hand, that many recognize the importance of self-love, but on the other hand, it also shows that there are many barriers to fully embracing self-love.
Many messages came through from the spiritual world, which I reread multiple times in the days that followed.
I would like to share part of these messages here to give you insight into something that happened shortly after, and why I am so happy and grateful for the power of soul communication.
The messages not only offer insight but also strength, explanation, direction, and so much more.
During the group session, the following was conveyed:
“Self-love is one of the greatest blessings you can give yourself. Your soul needs love, specifically YOUR love.
Open your heart and soul tenderly to yourself, receive the love from deep within, feel that love for and from your soul, and remember who you are.
Never abandon yourself.
Open yourself now to the one aspect that needs transformation. You will be reminded of it.
Feel in your heart where you are letting yourself down.
Are you too critical?
Do you condemn yourself?
Do you deny yourself time to enjoy what makes you happy?
Do you only care about others and forget yourself?
Do you compare or complain about an aspect of your life?
Think about that one aspect that is not congruent with love. And let that aspect receive love, light, from your own soul and from this session.
Let it dissolve, let it transform.
Let it also become love.”
For myself, I received a very clear indication of what is being asked of me:
That one aspect in you that needs to be transformed is that you must distinguish yourself, not copy others, but be the unique version that only you can become if you open your heart and soul completely to who you are and why you are here. Do not copy, do not conform, do not say yes when you feel no. Be yourself. Always. Not to rebel or disagree, but out of love for who you are.
And of course, you can wait to be triggered and tested by this🙏🏻😇
Listening to Your Feelings
The following day, my Shi Fu’s (guides in the spiritual world) advised that it was important to listen to the teachings of my teacher, Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha.
I spent hours listening to a new way of helping clients: The Tao Light Wall.
These are 10 Tao Calligraphies that together form a portal to higher dimensions and create a powerful field, as the name suggests: a wall of light. If you are authorized to work with it, you can lead breathing exercises in that field, breathing in the light and releasing blockages upon exhaling.
Beautiful! Many people were very happy with it and couldn’t wait to work with it. Some were already using it and enthusiastically shared their success stories. Among them were many people I personally know.
I clearly saw the possibilities to expand my service, the potential for clients to grow and transform, and the accompanying financial growth for my business.
But… I didn’t feel it resonating in my heart and soul!
We did several breathing exercises, and although I know that things were also released in me, I didn’t feel that deep connection with the soul world that I love so much.
I looked at all those happy people, but I didn’t feel that joy within.
I listened to all the business success and saw the potential for my practice, but I didn’t feel the calling to do it.
I really tried to open myself, but it became increasingly clear: this doesn’t make me happy. My heart isn’t opening. My soul isn’t jumping up and down like Tigger in my body. My energy isn’t flowing. So I have no other choice but to let it go.
Following your inner guidance is a deep form of self-love.
Your soul knows very well what your unique path is and speaks to you in various ways through your feelings, intuition, insights, mirrors that others hold up to you, etc.
And my soul spoke in clear language!
Your soul speaks too. Perhaps, just like mine, in clear language. Maybe as a soft whisper, but your soul speaks. Do you listen to the voice of your soul?
I have no other choice but to listen if I want to live in alignment with my soul.
And the indications were very clear. However, it created a tension field.
I know it is more or less expected of me that I will start to offer these sessions, but honestly… this doesn’t make me happy.
I remembered the teachings: The purpose of life is to serve. To help others be happier and healthier. And that’s exactly what I can do with this Light Wall, I can help many people become healthier and happier in a very simple way.
But I also remembered the specific message that I shouldn’t forget myself and shouldn’t conform, shouldn’t say yes when I feel no.
There are many ways to serve! You are allowed to choose to do what makes you happy too. After all, life is also meant for you to feel love and joy, not just to serve others. That too is a form of self-love, in my opinion.
The Guan Yin Blessings I am able to pass on also bring that light and help release blockages, only in a different way than the Tao Light Wall. Through the Guan Yin Blessings, I can also connect with the soul world and receive messages.
A way that suits me better.
Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
The Power of Soul Communication / Channeling
My soul loves to inspire, motivate, create, and communicate.
For me, this is missing in the Tao Light Wall.
For me, it feels like I’m helping people get rid of their blockages without being able to inspire them, without communicating with them, without passing on messages.
It feels to me like going to the doctor with pain. And the doctor says, “I don’t know where it comes from, but here’s a pill and you’ll be rid of it.”
You have no insight, no explanation, but you’re free of the symptoms.
Many people find this wonderful and amazing.
But my soul wants more. My soul desires insight! Where does the pain come from, what is the lesson behind it?
And that’s something I also want to offer to others. Because only when there is insight into the cause can you change yourself and prevent repetition.
And that’s possible through soul communication, through teachings, through insights.
But not everyone wants this. It is a choice that everyone must make for themselves.
Take a moment, close your eyes, and connect with your soul. Listen to what your soul desires, and then decide if participating in this Tao Light Wall session fits you.
If you’re curious about the power of the Tao Light Wall and want to experience the breathing techniques for yourself, you can do so on Saturday evening at 6:30 PM CEST /12.30 PM ET via an online session.
You can join a weekly session or sign up for a month.
When you decide to experience the Tao Light Wall, I truly wish you the greatest transformation!
Authenticity: The Courage to Stay True to Your Soul
But for me, it was so obvious that my soul wasn’t motivated and happy with the idea of working with this every week.
Even though it was so clear, I was still a bit confused. Because going against the flow and expectations isn’t easy…
So what do I do then…? I think you can guess it 😌😁😇: Soul Communication.
My dear Shi Fus, I’m quite confused after these hours of teachings. What is the right step for me?
One of my Shi Fu’s answered:
“You’re not confused. You know very well what you don’t want. That is extremely important information! Listen to it, relax, and wait for the moment when other things are presented to you that will make you happy. You will feel it.”
Well, if you put it that way 😁, it was indeed a very educational lesson in self-love and opening my heart to my soul and the task she has here to do. Now I must patiently wait for the right moment when the next step will become clear to me.
Have you ever experienced this—where you know very clearly what you shouldn’t do, but you don’t yet know which direction to go in? Do you dare to wait for the right moment before you take steps, or do you follow the path of others just to belong?
Follow Your Unique Path
We are all here with our own unique calling. That which we have to do and that which makes each of us happiest. Your soul knows your unique path, just as my soul knows the path it has to walk.
Consciously choosing to follow that path is a form of self-love.
My soul has a clear preference for working with Guan Yin, for soul communication, writing, personal guidance, group sessions, webinars, etc.
And who knows, my service may expand in the future with other forms.
The deeper I connect with my soul, the more consciously I take the next step, the clearer the path ahead becomes. And with every step I take, I hope to leave a mark that inspires others to walk their unique path.
Open Your Heart
Opening your heart to self-love and your unique path is incredibly important. Only when your heart is open to yourself can you receive the guidance of your soul clearly and purely.
For inspiration, I would like to share a passage from the messages received last Friday:
Your own soul, the one that is with you at all times of your life and beyond. The one who knows exactly who you are, what you’re searching for, and what will make you happy. But when the heart is closed, self-love is hard to feel.
Forgotten self-love can close the heart and make someone long for this kind of love from others, but it cannot be found there. It can only be found within. So, open your heart and soul tenderly to yourself, receive the love from deep within, feel that love for and from your soul, and remember who you are.
Is your heart open to yourself?
Do you feel who you are? What your soul desires?
Do you dare to make decisions that go against the expectations of those around you?
Do you have the courage to stay true to yourself, even when you have no idea where the path will lead?
Take a moment to feel the answers to these questions for yourself.
Do you feel called to deepen your connection with your soul? Then join the weekly group session on Friday evening at 7:30 PM from wherever you are. Let the spirit world help you open your heart (further) and follow your path, and be inspired by all the messages that are channeled during the sessions.
And if you’d like personal advice in a reading, that is also possible. You are very welcome!
It is also a beautiful preparation for the month of December, to open your heart to love and all that you would like to give to yourself in order to close the year successfully.
Self-love requires courage to follow your own path. Listen to the voice of your soul and stay true to who you are.

Love, Barbara
~ True beauty is revealed only if there is light from within ~
Certified Soul Healer, Soul Teacher, Soul Communicator (Readings Akashic Records) en Guan Yin Lineageholder
Website: www.puur-licht.nl/en
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