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Welke invloed heeft de herfst op jouw welzijn? ⚡ How does autumn affect your well-being?

dear readers,

Tired, tired, tired? Fluish? Lots of sadness and old pains coming up? Do you lack the courage to take up new things?
Do the colors of the falling leaves and the smell of fresh air or the forest make you very happy and do you set out enthusiastically?
Or are you in low spirits because summer is over, it is raining and the wind is blowing and you retreat?

It is October 2 and autumn has made its appearance. Each season has its own energy, its own qualities, and therefore a different effect on your well-being and health.
Whether there is balance or imbalance in the Metal element determines how you feel in autumn.

Read in this article what autumn has to say and how you can promote balance and well-being?

Letting go

The season of autumn is not only the season when the leaves on the trees turn color and are then let go by the trees. After the exuberance of summer, blooming and outgoing energy, autumn is also for ús the time of letting go, of turning more inward, of preparing for a new period of growth and flowering.
It is a cycle that, if it goes well, keeps nature and us in balance.

We too cannot go on and on and give everything and be focused on the outside world or hold on to everything. We too will have to let go of what no longer serves us, turn inward to gather strength for a new period in which we can shine and create. Autumn is the season par excellence to reflect and feel who we are deep inside, to connect with our true essence and let go of everything that is not (or no longer) in harmony with it.

Do you allow yourself to be completely yourself? To live in connection with Source and to nurture and strengthen your true essence? To show your light and power?
Or is there something blocking you from receiving that love, that light that so nourishes us and from which we exist at our core?
Do you actually let go of that which does not (no longer) suit you or no longer serves you or do you stubbornly hold on to something you hold so dear? Afraid of losing something or because you don’t know what will take its place.
Trees do not hold on to their leaves, they let them go so that they can nourish the soil, giving the tree strength to sprout new buds in the spring.
Similarly, all of us in this season are asked to let go, turn inward and connect with our true life force. And where we let go, space is created for something new. Something that may fit us much better at this stage of our life.


Autumn is the season associated with specific health aspects.
According to Chinese medicine, autumn is associated with the Metal element.
It is the season when we may give extra attention to the different parts that are counted as belonging to this element. We may nourish, develop, heal and strengthen these parts.

The main organs that drive the Metal element, the yin organs, are the lungs.
The yang organ is the large intestine.
Together they form a Yin-Yang pair. The meridians of these two major organs are related to each other.
The body tissue belonging to this element is the skin.
The body fluid is mucus.
And the sense organ counted to this element is the nose.
The associated unbalanced emotion is sadness/grief.
The balanced emotion is courage.

The lungs, as mentioned, are the authority organs of this element.
They have several functions for our well-being.

  • The lungs greatly influence the energy of the respiratory organs, as well as the overall body energy.
  • The lungs help to absorb and transport the essence we get from our food and body fluids through the body to nourish the body.
  • The lungs nourish the skin and hair.
  • The lungs help to transport water to the kidneys and bladder.
  • The nose also plays an important role in this element. Through the nose we can inhale and exhale the air with which our lungs fill.
  • Through the lungs we receive the pure Chi. the pure Energy.

The large intestine removes the residue of our food from our body. However, also consider what we get to us energetically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. In those areas, too, we need to let go, to purify, so that we can better connect with the beauty within ourselves and with the beauty around us. So that we can be more connected to the true life force. So it is important to be aware of what we feed and surround ourselves with and what we take in and release on all levels: physical, energetical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

Health Problems

Since autumn and the Metal element are connected, challenges can arise in these specific areas during this very period if there is an imbalance.
For example, you can think of:
lack of energy, fatigue, exhaustion, shortness of breath, weak voice, coughing, asthma, pale skin, dry skin, fluid retention, problems with the nose or smell, intestinal problems, etc.

You can probably imagine that if the lungs can no longer take in pure essence, or the bowel does not properly eliminate that which needs to be drained and released, that this also affects the mind and soul.
If there is an imbalance in the Metal element it can affect our sense of self. Each of us is a unique creation and has something to bring to this life. But sometimes we don’t see this value. It is not nurtured enough by the lung essence or not made free enough by shedding what does not serve us.

And above all, don’t underestimate the influence of the emotions either. Sadness and Grief are the emotions that belong to the Metal element. So in this period, traumas can come to the surface from this life, but also from past lives to be healed. Old pain and deep sorrow may suddenly return from a deeper layer, when you may have thought you had already healed it.

Or you may feel lame, not having the courage to take on something new. That too is part of the Metal Element.

So you see that many symptoms can be interrelated and can affect the various sub-aspects of the Metal Element. If one aspect is out of balance, it can affect the other aspects and also unbalance them. For example, unprocessed grief can unbalance the lungs or the large intestine. Using medication then does not always have the desired effect.

Five Elements

The Metal element is part of the Five Elements in Traditional Chinese Medicine. It nourishes the Water element (this includes the kidneys, bladder, bones, ears, fear). So when the lung energy is powerful, it will nourish the kidneys. In time, when the Metal element is out of balance, it can also affect the Water Element through lack of nourishment and may cause problems with the bladder, kidneys, anxiety or fatigue.

The Metal element keeps the Wood element (liver, gallbladder, tendons, nails, eyes, anger) under control. When the Metal element is out of balance, it can also affect the Wood element by not keeping it sufficiently in check. For example, unprocessed sadness can express itself as anger.

In addition, the Metal element is connected to the heart chakra. I wrote more about this in a previous blog..

Perhaps now you understand better that and how everything in us is connected and affects each other physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. An imbalance in the Metal element can also affect other elements in this way. It is therefore important to maintain or restore balance in the Metal element and autumn is a very appropriate time for this.

How do you bring back balance?

Here on Earth, we live in a world of Yin and Yang. It is a universal law. Everything is made up of Yin and Yang.
When Yin and Yang, the two opposing forces, interact, creation and change occur. In other words, if you want to bring change to a situation, bring in the opposite force and let these two forces interact.

Every situation has its opposite.
To give some examples:
If you are short of something, supplement it by taking extra temporarily.
Are you bitten by a poisonous snake, take an antidote.
Is there too much stress, get more relaxation.
Is there too much impurities in the body fluids and spaces between cells, take care of cleansing.
Thus, there is always an opposing force. That is Newton’s third law.

When Yin and Yang are in balance, there is health. Where that balance is disturbed or broken, problems can arise.
There are many ways to restore this balance in both conventional and alternative medicine. Each method has its own specific ways.
In Soulfulness and Tao Healing, we bring that balance back by focusing on the information, frequency and vibration in our vibrational field.

When there are problems with health, pain, illness, inflammation, etc, there is negative information in the vibrational field, a low frequency. There is then a partial disconnection in that field with the purity of Source. There is a blockage preventing the pure Source energy from flowing freely.
So following Newton’s third law, that means that you can change that by adding or amplifying positive information in the vibrational field.
You can do that by adding more light, more unconditional love, spiritual healing, among other things, so that the negative information is transformed into positive information.

This is what the techniques of soulfulness and Tao Healing focus on, transforming “negative” information with a low vibration into “positive” information with a higher vibration and thus it works on all 5 different bodies (spiritual, emotional, mental, energetic and physical) simultaneously. It creates order and brings balance back into the vibrational field.
You can do this by applying self-healing techniques and you can receive spiritual healing sessions. Both are important and they also form a yin-yang pair.

The purpose of both is to dissolve the existing blockages and bring more light into the soul, open and purify the heart, change the blockages of the mind, allow the energy to flow and transform matter and in this way become more connected to the Source within ourselves and around us.
Tao Healing can be applied to the physical body:
Energy blockages involve blockages in the spaces between the cells because there is too much or too little energy between them.

Matter blockages involves blockages in the cells themselves because there is too much or too little matter in the cells.

On blockages in the mental body:
On blockages in the mind you can think of negative thought patterns, negative beliefs, negative attitudes, attachments and ego.

On blockages in the heart, connected to the emotional body:
On blockages in the heart, you can think of selfishness, inferiority, greed, lack of wisdom, impurity, etc.

And on blockages in the spiritual body:
On blockages in the soul you can think of the negative karmic load and negative memories you carry on your soul from both this life, past lives or transmitted through ancestors.

By applying Tao Healing you can bring balance to all the aspects of the Metal Element involved.
And autumn is a great time to do that!

Room for something new

For some, letting go can be difficult.
But when we let go of what no longer serves us, space is created for the creation of something new.
When we let go physically, or let go of old habits or beliefs, when we let go of what we have derived our identity from, space can be created for a new vision of who we are, more connected to our core, our true essence.

For others, it can be difficult to receive, to receive the real life force, the pure energy of Heaven that nourishes us in all our facets.
Then, too, we become unbalanced. Tao Healing can help you to open your heart and soul, to dissolve the blockages, so that you are better able to receive and allow that life force to flow. And that can help you get closer to your true self.

You can learn to apply the various self-healing techniques specifically focused on the parts belonging to the Metal element or in general to dissolve the blockages in the five bodies and thus harmonize the five bodies.
In this way you yourself can get closer to yourself and to Source step by step.
It is also possible to receive spiritual healing. There are different forms of spiritual healing. I have tried several myself. My experience is that Tao Healing is one of the more powerful forms of spiritual healing.

Does it really work?

That’s a question many people ask me. Can you strengthen your health through spiritual healing?
Yes, there have been many scientific studies that show the positive results of Tao Healing. In addition, I know from my own experience that it works.

For example, I came into this world with lung problems. I was in danger of being born much too early and my mother was given extra growth stimulation for that reason because my lungs were not yet fully developed. At 7 months, they could no longer delay my birth and I came into this world with, although more mature lungs, problems in the form of bronchitis.
Even later in life, I regularly experienced blockages in my lungs during intense periods of grief, of mourning, of rejection, etc. And many problems with my digestion.

Through extensive information received through my open spiritual channels, I learned that there was a lot of grief from past lives stuck on my soul due to rejection, intense traumatic events in different lives, due to a curse etc. All this information and vibrations of grief was carried on my soul and caused problems with my lungs.
Through Tao Healing, I was able to heal many layers of all this negative information from my soul.
That is the power of Tao Healing. It removes the different layers of pain, emotions, karmic information from the soul, and when that is done the body can increase in strength.

The body has a tremendous capacity to recover and is always focused on doing so. It just needs the right conditions.
Soulfulness and Tao Healing brought me (and many others) much knowledge and ability to create those conditions. It brought hope and change to many in a situation that doctors saw as hopeless. By approaching it holistically through the perspective of frequency and vibration and information in the different bodies, I was able to go beyond physical diagnosis to bring change on many levels.

That is the reason I have delved into this and obtained several certifications so that I can help others and pass on those experiences that have changed my life. It is fascinating to experience again and again how we can get to the core of a problem through Soulfulness and Tao healing.

If you want to know more about this, read on to my website or this blog.
If you are interested in experiencing the power of Tao healing, you are welcome to join a group healing session or to make an appointment for a personal session.
In October 2024, the Metal element will be the focus of the weekly group session.

The combination of self-healing exercises and receiving spiritual healing gives the greatest opportunity for transformation. That is the reason why I myself receive so much teaching and blessings and also do many self-healing exercises every day. This is the only way I can give the best results to myself and pass them on to others.

This page on my website contains powerful tools to strengthen your self-healing ability.

For this Metal Element theme, you could listen to the video and tao song for 30 days for these topics,

Or you could choose a powerful light transmission for the above topics to gain more light and higher frequency and vibration in your Metal Element.

I wish you a beautiful autumn, in which you may let go of what no longer serves you and nourish and enrich yourself to be able to blossom ever more fully!



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