Guan Yin: Bodhisattva/Godin van Compassie 🪷 Guan Yin: Bodhisattva/ Goddess of Compassion

Guan Yin: Bodhisattva/Godin van Compassie en Barmhartigheid ⚡Guan Yin: Bodhisattva/ Goddess of Compassion and Mercy 

dear readers,

It was on a sunny day sometime in 2016. I was driving on the highway near The Hague and was singing behind the wheel. I was on my way to the Guan Yin temple in Antwerp, a place I loved to visit and feel at home.
For many years I have felt a powerful connection with Guan Yin, the Bodhisattva/Goddess of Compassion. I regularly see and feel her presence around me. So too that afternoon. She helps me with my health and has protected me several times in threatening situations.
She had asked me to come to the Temple and I was only too happy to do so.
But suddenly, as I was going along the highway at 100 km per hour, a large black flat thing about 10 cm wide, a few inches high, came at me. It flew through the air and came straight at me at eye level. There was no way to dodge that thing in just a few seconds. After all, I was driving on the highway, it was busy in the other lanes and I couldn’t just swerve. Intuitively, I knew that if that thing hit my windshield, it would go right through it and into my face. This was no innocent leaf….
All I could do was put my arm in front of my face and hope for the best possible outcome.
A few seconds later, I heard a loud bang right above my head. I removed my arm and saw the car in front of me driving, I was still driving myself, my windshield was intact, my face was intact.
I looked carefully at the roof and on the inside my roof was also still intact and I knew that a miracle had just happened, because according to pure logic it was absolutely impossible that such a big black massive thing could go half a meter further into the air in a few seconds.
And I realized that all those wonderful souls I felt around me in the car that day had used their power to ensure my safety.
I stammered in shock: Thank you!
When I arrived at my destination and got out of the car slightly shaking, I saw the massive damage to and deep dent in my roof, right above where my head had been at the moment of impact.
And again I stammered, Thank you! Thank you for protecting my life….
I also thanked my car, because the roof had been strong enough to resist. The glass windshield certainly hadn’t….
Emotionally and deeply impressed by the love and protection of Guan Yin and her team, I then walked into the Guan Yin temple where I was able to appropriately express my gratitude.

Who is Guan Yin and why is she held in their hearts by millions of people worldwide?
Her full name by which she is known is Guan Shi Yin Pu Sa, also written as Kuan Shi Yin Pu Sa.
Guan means hear/observe
Shi means world
Yin means voice
Guan Shi Yin means, she who hears the voices of the world or she who observes the suffering of the world.
Pu Sa means bodhisattva, a title for an enlightened spiritual master.
Guan Yin obtained the status of Buddha, the highest state of enlightenment, millions of years ago but chooses to continue to wear her Bodhisattva title.
She is honored by millions worldwide, not only by followers of Buddhism. She is also revered in other Eastern religions including Taoism. There she has the title of a Tao Saint.
Guan Yin, however, as an enlightened being, is not associated with any human religion. She is a spiritual mother, a universal mother, a powerful healer, with profound wisdom and an open heart for all souls. She hears and sees the suffering in the world and helps anyone who asks for her help.
Guan Yin has a particularly big heart and spreads her love and compassion to all humanity. There are wonderful stories handed down of how she saved people in need.

Guan Yin has made a vow that she will not use her Buddha title as long as there is still a human being who is not enlightened. Until then, she will use the title of Bodhisattva. She has made it her goal to help all people become liberated from their suffering so that they too can reach the state of enlightenment.
She is known for her compassion. Compassion is considered the highest form of love in Buddhism.

Guan Yin is the bearer of the 1,000 hands and 1,000 eyes.
The Da Bei Zhou, the great compassion mantra, is the mantra associated with her and her lineage.
(More on that in a future blog!)

As many are well aware, we are more than our bodies 😄. We are a vibrational field. Our soul, heart, mind and body together form a vibrational field. The information we carry in that vibrational field determines whether we experience success or challenges in our lives.

Guan Yin and all the enlightened beings who are part of her Lineage can help you change the information in that vibrational field so that success can be created or challenges can be reduced or resolved. When Guan Yin hears your sincere request for help, her heart will open, and her love, compassion and light will surround you. Through her increased positive vibration, it is possible to change the negative vibrations we carry in our field, allowing transformation to take place. The power of Guan Yin and her lineage is able to:

  • help heal 84,000 disorders:
    84,000 is a number representative of all disorders, in both the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual body. Both conditions for which there is currently medical treatment and conditions for which the medical world cannot yet do anything (as is the case in my own situation)
  • increase energy, stamina, vitality and immunity
  • transform relationships
  • increase finances and/or prevent poverty
  • increase wisdom and intelligence
  • grow love and compassion within yourself
  • purify the heart
  • bring peace and stillness to the heart
  • reduce fear
  • change anger, greed and lack of insight.
  • transform other negative information
  • prolong life
  • bless the spiritual journey to bring people to enlightenment
  • and much more.

Why? Very simple: Because we as humans live in the third dimension here on Mother Earth. Most people’s energy field has a low frequency. Guan Yin and the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas on her team all have an energy field connected to higher dimensions.
What happens to our vibrational field when we are surrounded by those higher vibrations? That starts to resonate with that higher vibrational field and therefore releasing blockages. That is why it is so powerful.
That day on the highway I felt their powerful energy field around me. And I myself am convinced, that it was this powerful higher dimensional light field which was able to change the trajectory of that black object.

Also, with the help of their powerful light field, I have significantly improved my chronic condition, for which there is no medical treatment.
The possibilities of Guan Yin are endless! And my connection with Guan Yin and her Lineage has only grown stronger over the years.

I could tell you many more stories of her power and of the extraordinary results I have been privileged to see over the past few years and will do so in upcoming blogs, but the best way to know her potential is to experience it! Very often people are moved to tears when they feel her love and compassion.

The healing was so nice… I focused strongly on opening up, to receive… and what a soft sea of velvet love I experienced, and even then words cannot describe how blissful it felt 🙏🏻

And you too can experience the power of Guan Yin.
As a Guan Yin Lineage holder, I have the opportunity to pass on her healing power and her messages.
You can read more about this on my website:

If after reading this blog you are interested in experiencing her power then you are welcome.
If you would like to learn more about her first, please keep an eye on my blog as I will be writing more blogs about Guan Yin or subscribe to my newsletter. Then you will be notified of any new posting💌



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