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FEAR = Face Everything And Rise.
Dear Readers,
In this blog, I share general information, powerful self-healing exercises, effective tools and a way to receive help from the spiritual world to effectively transform your fear(s), grow spiritually and go through life with more calmness.
An emotion familiar to each of us.
How do you overcome fear? How do you heal those feelings that can limit you so much in your daily life? How do you transform feelings of fear into calmness and confidence?
There are many different ways to deal with this.
In this blog posting I will give you information and exercises that you can do yourself as well as a form of help to heal your feelings of fear, from the perspective of Soulfulness and Tao Transformation.
Fear is often seen as something negative, but fear also has a very useful function, which is to warn us of impending danger.
Fear is a universal feeling. Everyone experiences a threatening situation in life at one time or another in which fear arises. For example, if you lose control of the steering wheel, or if you find yourself in a situation involving physical violence, or if you see your child or pet suddenly cross the street and the oncoming truck can only just brake in time, or if you have physical complaints and the future looks uncertain. Fear is a normal emotion that allows the body to respond to a real threat. Adrenaline courses through your body, your heart beats faster, your muscles tighten, your breathing speeds up, etc. All of this helps your body respond appropriately and get yourself or another person to safety.
However, many moments of fear are also possible where there is no immediate threat. For example, fear of flying, fear of spiders or other animals, fear of speaking in front of a large group, fear of being rejected, fear of great heights, fear of natural violence, fear of crime, fear of shortages, fear of death, fear of solitude, some people tell me they are afraid of the spiritual gift they have.
So there are many examples where the feelings of fear are there, but there is no threatening situation at the time. However, your body reacts as if there is. You feel your heart beating, adrenaline rushing through your body, and it can even make you feel paralyzed, making you unable to do what you want to do.
These forms of fear may not be related to an acute threatening situation, but the reactions you experience are very real. They can even hinder you in your daily life and cause a great deal of discomfort. And if these feelings of fear persist longer, it can even lead to a variety of mental and physical symptoms, such as depleting your adrenal glands, over-stimulating your nervous system, unbalancing your hormones, avoidance behaviors to make sure the anxiety is not triggered, among others.
Fear and the Water Element
Fear is the emotion linked to the Water Element in Traditional Chinese Medicine. If fear is frequent and prolonged, it can affect the Water Element and all other parts belonging to this element.
The yin organ which belongs to the Water Element is the kidney.
The yang organ is the urinary bladder.
The tissues belonging to this element are the bones and joints.
The body fluid belonging to this element is urine.
The senses belonging to the Water element are the ears/hearing.
The taste is salt.
The unbalanced emotion is as stated, fear, and the balanced emotion is calmness.
The color is blue.
The season is winter.
The weather type belonging to this element is cold and the wind direction is north.
All of the above parts are connected and influence each other. When 1 of these parts is out of balance, it can affect the other parts as well.
When there is a prolonged situation where feelings of fear are predominant, in the long run it can unbalance the adrenal glands (which produce adrenaline), it can give pain in your back at the level of your kidneys. You can’t handle cold as well or you have to go to the toilet frequently.
In the long run it can even affect your brain and concentration, because your kidneys and the energy center to which the kidneys are closely connected, the kundalini, nourish your brain. And the hormones produced by the adrenal glands when fear is present are in close connection with the neurotransmitters produced by the brain.
But it also works the other way around, weak kidneys can also lead to increased levels of fear.
You hopefully understand that it can have quite a few consequences.
Everyone knows the well-meaning advice people often give then: “Fear is a bad counselor, get over it.”
“Don’t be silly, there’s nothing going on, look at it from a different angle, I’m not afraid either…”
“Go straight through it then you will overcome your fear.”
But it is often not that simple. In fact, with me it backfired.
I’ve had a fear of spiders for as long as I can remember. Real? No absolutely not because there are no large dangerous poisonous spiders here in my country. But as soon as I see a spider, especially the large ones, my heart skips a beat and I feel the adrenaline rush through my body. Very annoying. And I can tell myself a hundred times that that spider is harmless and possibly more afraid of me, but that doesn’t lessen the reactions.
When the movie Arachnaphobia came on TV, I thought I would confront myself with my fear and “get through it.”
And TV seemed easier than holding a spider 😉
Well I watched that movie, but it didn’t make my fear go away, in fact it only made it worse.
So what does work? There are many ways to deal with fear, but in this blog I want to address the view as used in Soulfulness and Tao Transformation.
FEAR viewed from Soulfulness and Tao Transformation
We feel fear because there is something within us that is triggered. If there is not a certain information within us that can be touched, we will not respond to something around us. It is information, a vibration/frequency in our energy field that resonates with something around us and what triggers that fear feeling. This can be a memory of something that happened in this life, for example, you experienced a plane crash and that memory comes to life every time you board a plane again. But it can also have to do with situations from past lives. Then it is less easy to identify where a fear comes from. Yet you can do something about it yourself with the help of spiritual exercises. You can release or transform the information in your vibrational field that carries a negative charge into positive information by connecting with a vibrational field, a frequency and vibration that is higher than the vibration and frequency of the memory. As you can see in the image, fear has a low vibration.
For example, by connecting with the Source, the Tao, the vibrational field of the Creator, the universal field of Love, and using those higher frequencies to clear your own energy field of the vibrations associated with the feelings of fear, you can change your own situation.
Once those lower vibrations of fear are less in your energy field, you will also react less to the circumstances around you and ultimately be able to overcome your fear when you have healed yourself from within.
Overcoming something with your mind can be powerful. If it is indeed the case that the fear is created from the mind, by negative thoughts, then it makes sense to change that through positive thoughts. However, if there is a negative memory or a karmic blockage on the soul, then it will be necessary to go one step further and heal the soul.
A human being consists of 5 bodies, each with its own density. You have your spiritual body (soul), emotional body (heart), your mental body (mind/spirit), your energetic body (energy) and physical body (matter). These 5 bodies are interconnected and influence each other, but they are not all equal. The dominant body is the spiritual body. Your soul is in charge. Your soul sends the information to your heart, which receives it and transmits it to the mind, where it is processed. The mind then directs the energy in the right direction and matter responds.
Soul > Heart > Mind > Energy > Matter
Every cell in your body, every piece of your DNA, carries within it the information from your soul.
In your soul you carry all your experiences from this life, but also from past lives, and you also carry a part of your ancestors within you. Think also about curses, about vows, about voodoo and other spiritual blocks that can be transmitted from many lives and different traditions.
That’s a lot of information!
When there is a negative memory or other negative load on the soul, giving a message of fear, it is very difficult to overcome that with your mind. After all, the mind is secondary to the soul. It is Soul over Mind, not Mind over Soul. Then healing of the soul is needed. When you heal your soul and your soul no longer sends a message of warning or a negative memory, the heart will no longer receive that message, the mind will no longer process a negative message and the body will no longer react. Eliminating fear will also allow the Water Element to become stronger and the other parts of the body to become more balanced as well. After all, fear is not only felt in your kidneys but actually throughout your body.
Healing your soul can be done through spiritual exercises, through meditation, through receiving soul healing, among other things.
Below I share one of the self-healing exercises I learned from my teacher, Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha.
The purpose of spiritual exercises like this, is to bring more light into the soul, open and purify the heart, change the blockages of the mind/mind, allow energy to flow and transform matter.
For blockages on the soul, think of the negative karmic load and the negative memories you carry on your soul. But as mentioned above, also the karmic load from the ancestral lineage, voodoo, curses, vows, etc.
For blockages in the heart, think of judgments, greed, lack of wisdom, impurity, lack of self-love, etc.
For blockages in the mind, think of negative mindsets, negative beliefs, negative attitudes, attachments and ego.
Blocks in energy involve blockages in the spaces between cells.
Blocks in matter involve blockages in the cells themselves.
FEAR is nothing more than an obstacle that stands in the way of progress. In overcoming our fears, we can move forward, stronger and wiser within ourselves.
Energy healing exercises and spiritual healing exercises from China, India and other countries have been around for a very long time, for over five thousand years and have helped many people. Nowadays many have forgotten the power of these, but if they were not so powerful they would not have lasted so long😌
These techniques are simple, but don’t let that fool you. Simple does not mean they are not powerful. On the contrary. The power of these techniques together have already amazed many people and changed their lives. But you don’t have to believe my words. Try it yourself and feel the power!
We use 5 power techniques. Each technique by itself is powerful, but combined their power is amplified.
1) Body Power: Where you put your hands, is where you receive the blessings.
We use certain body postures and hand positions to promote energy flow and transformation. Where you place your hands the energy will go and you will receive the benefits for healing and rejuvenation.
Sit up straight with your back clear of the chair backrest. And make sure your back is straight and your crown and perineum are aligned. This allows the energy and light to flow freely. The universal light can pass through your crown chakra through the other chakras in the middle of your torso down to your lower abdomen, where the basic energy centers are. Place one hand on your lower abdomen so that the energy centers are nourished and you remain well grounded. Place the other hand on your back at the level of your kidneys.
Put your feet on the ground and connect with Mother Earth, so that you remain well grounded during the exercise as well.
Close your eyes during the exercise.
Take a few deep breaths into your lower abdomen and relax completely. The more relaxed you are, the more transformation can take place.
2) Soul Power: That which you ask Heaven/ the spiritual realms, the Tao (Source) and your own soul is what you receive the blessings for.
Here we appeal to the power of the soul. We make contact. Here we distinguish between the inner souls and the souls around us.
We all have a body soul, but also the organs, systems, cells, DNA/RNA each have their own function and also their own soul. We can call upon these to heal themselves. Every soul has a great self-healing capacity and by tapping into the soul we can activate it. Your body soul knows what it did that created the karmic blockages. The Divine, Tao, Source and spiritual fathers and mothers know where the blockages in soul, heart, mind and body are. They know what is needed to heal and transform. Your soul and the souls around you have deep knowledge and wisdom and power to help you transform. All you have to do is ask for this.
Say Hello: Dear soul, heart, mind and body of my kidneys.
Give love: I love you.
Affirmation: You have the power to heal my fear and to transform the blockages. I would like to be calm, courageous and confident.
Give an order: Do a good job.
Give gratitude: I am very grateful.
It is important to give love to those places that need healing and transformation. Love has the ability of dissolving all blockages. Love is the counterpart of fear.
It is often the case, for example, that people who have back or knee pain talk negatively about their back or knee, but those negative reactions only increase the blockages. Giving love is much better. Bring love to your negative feelings, to your negative emotions. Bring love to promote healing and to transform or release fear.
Love melts all blockages.
Forgiveness brings inner joy and inner peace.
Therefore, it is good to include a forgiveness practice in this self-healing exercise to relieve the karmic burden. You can do this as follows.
Dear all souls I have ever hurt or harmed or taken advantage of in this life or in previous lives, or who have been hurt or harmed by my ancestors, please come.
I love, honor and appreciate you.
I offer you my sincere apologies for the mistakes I and my ancestors have made. I am so sorry.
I thank you for the lessons you have given me. I am learning from my mistakes and I am not the same person anymore. Therefore I humbly ask for your forgiveness.
Please forgive me for my mistakes in this lifetime and all of my other lifetimes. Please forgive my ancestors.
I won’t take advantage of it. I will serve more.
I cannot thank you enough. Thank you.
Dear all souls who have ever hurt or harmed me or my ancestors or have taken advantage of me or my ancestors in this life or in previous lives, please come.
I love, honor and appreciate you.
It is my wish to transform the karmic blockages between us and to improve our relationship. I offer you my unconditional forgiveness and I ask all of my ancestors to do the same.
Let us join hearts and souls together and live in love, peace and harmony.
I cannot thank you enough. Thank you.
Dear my beloved soul and all of my inner souls of all my organs, systems, body parts, cells, RNA/DNA.
I love you, honor you and appreciate you.I offer you my sincere apologies for the mistakes I have made against you, for all the moments I didn’t give love to myself, for all the times I wasn’t standing up for myself, for all the moments I polluted myself with the things I ate, drank, or with the products I used and in this way I harmed myself. I am so sorry. Please forgive me. I will take better care of you.
I cannot thank you enough. Thank you.
I totally and unconditionally forgive meself.
There are also many souls around us. You can think of the light beings, such as the ascended masters, the gurus, lamas, kahunas, angels, archangels, the Divine, the Tao, the Source. You can also think of the souls of the sun, the moon, the stars, the planets, nature. These light beings all have very powerful souls and therefore much power to bring light and healing and we can ask them to help us in the healing process. You can call them by name if, for example, you feel very connected to an archangel, or to Jesus, Mother Mary, Guan Yin, or you can ask them all for help and let them choose who comes by addressing “all spiritual fathers and mothers.” By asking the light beings for help, we can speed up our own healing process because their souls are so developed and so pure. They are around us and are willing to help but they often wait for our request. Speak with sincerity and from your heart and soul and ask them for help. You can ask them for help, but you cannot force help.
Dear ________ (call the souls who you would like to ask for help and receive a healing from).
I love you, honor you and appreciate you.
Please come. Would you please help me to heal my fear?
Please forgive me and help me to meld the blockages within my soul, heart, mind, energy and matter so I can receive healing for my fear.
I cannot thank you enough.
Thank you.
3) Mind Power: Where you focus your attention is where you receive the blessings.
Here we use creative visualization. Where you focus your attention, using creative visualization, is where you receive the benefits for healing, rejuvenation and transformation. Where you focus your attention is where the light goes and the healing takes place. Visualize bright blue light coming from 360 degrees to where you want to receive the healing, in this exercise the kidneys. It is important to visualize light and not energy. This is because light has no negative effects. When you focus on energy, there can be an imbalance between yin and yang.
Focus your mind on your kidneys. It is best to do so with your eyes closed. If you keep your eyes open, the attention and focus will diminish and the intention with which you do the exercise will be lost more quickly.
4) Breathing Power: Abdominal Breathing. When you inhale, your lower abdomen expands. When you exhale, your lower abdomen contracts. Follow your own natural pace.
Take a deep breath to your lower abdomen and as you breathe in visualize bright blue light coming from 360 degrees to where you want to receive the healing, the kidneys. Each breath comes through your nose and through every pore of the body to bring light to the place where you want to receive the healing. With each exhale visualize the light flowing through your whole body.
5) Sound power: What you chant is what you become.
Here we use the chanting of certain sounds and mantras. That which you chant is what you identify with. That which you chant is what you become. So chanting positive mantras has a beneficial effect on healing, but it also has another effect.
Many people find it difficult to quiet the mind while meditating because the inner conversation is hard for them to stop. By chanting the mantra, while meditating you prevent lapsing into inner discussions or thought patterns that negatively affect the meditation. You replace all those thoughts with one mantra.
Love is a strong connection to Light. Fear, on the other hand, is a connection to the dark side. Love dissolves blockages, while fear can make you freeze, paralyze, stiffen.
Forgiveness brings inner peace and joy and dissolves karmic blockages.
We can therefore use different mantras. Try them and see which one fits best for you.
I forgive you,
you forgive me,
Bring love, Peace and Harmony
Bring Love, Peace and Harmony
I forgive you,
you forgive me,
Bring love, Peace and Harmony
Bring Love, Peace and Harmony
Chant for at least 3-5 minutes, silently or aloud.
Now bring love to your kidneys:
I love my kidneys
I love my kidneys
I love my kidneys
I love my kidneys
I love my kidneys
You can also include a positive command in your mantra:
Transform my fear into calmness and love.
Transform my fear into calmness and love.
Transform my fear into calmness and love.
Transform my fear into calmness and love.
Transform my fear into calmness and love.
Chant for at least 3-5 minutes, silently or aloud. Do this several times a day. The longer you practice, the better the results can be.
When you chant in silence, the smaller cells and spaces will vibrate. When you chant out loud, the larger cells and spaces will vibrate. Chanting silently is Yin. Chanting out loud is Yang.
Alternate, because where Yin and Yang are balanced, health will be able to be realized.
Where light shines, sickness will disappear.
Conclude the exercise by saying
Hao! Hao! Hao!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Gong Song! Gong Song! Gong Song!
Hao is Mandarin Chinese and means: Perfect! Become healthy!
Expressing gratitude is very important. We always say it 3 times. The first Thank You is addressed to the Divine, the second is addressed to all the souls who came to help you with the exercise, and the third is addressed to your own soul.
Gong Song we say to the souls we asked to come and means: respectfully return to the place you came from or are currently needed.
This is a very simple basic exercise that you can do to bring more love and forgiveness to your soul, heart, mind and body and to transform the blockages in your kidneys associated with fear.
Love melts all blockages.
Forgiveness brings inner joy and inner peace.
The more often and the longer you practice and connect with love and forgiveness, the better it is.
For chronic and life-threatening situations, chant at least 2 hours a day. This may be 2 hours consecutively, but may also be spread out throughout the day where you add all the time together and chant at least two hours a day….
You can also chant while walking, while showering, while driving a car (but don’t close your eyes 😌 ).
This seems very simple. This may seem too simple for you to believe, but you will see that if you do this regularly and consistently it will bring change in how you feel and in many aspects of life. The help of a mentor or experienced person can speed up this process.

EFFECTIVE AID: Touch the Button with Tao Calligraphy and Tao Song – video
As many may have experienced, illness can come at you out of the blue, it can appear out of nowhere, while healing an illness takes time. It requires patience, it requires perseverance and mostly it requires a different way of going through life.
It is good to give yourself the knowledge of exactly what is going on, it is also nice to learn what you can do about it. But results are only possible if you actually apply them. That’s the same with the exercises in this blog. Reading and understanding them is the first step. Applying it regularly/daily is important to actually make the self-healing ability strong. This takes time, patience, persistence, trust and an attitude of “don’t give up.”
And there’s something about time. Time never comes back! I’ve always been aware of that. Also aware of the importance of spending that time usefully on things that were important. Where I can gain time by doing something in a different way that is faster, especially in the context of my health, is something I have always invested in because it gave me something that was priceless to me: a better quality of life in the shorter term. And let’s face it, after all those years of misery, I was done with it at some point. And since the faster way was there, I grabbed it with both hands.
An even more powerful way of practicing self-healing is by using Touch the Button videos. This allows you to meditate and practice in a very high frequency light field and use the above 5 power techniques supplemented by the 6th power technique of tracing Tao Calligraphies. These calligraphies were created by Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha, a worldwide channel for the healing force from the Tao. The calligraphy acts as a kind of portal, bringing the powerful light field from the Tao into the video. By tracing the calligraphy, you bring the light into the different bodies, allowing the lower frequencies associated with fear to be released more easily. By connecting with the video you can achieve results much faster than on your own is my experience, as well as the experience of many people worldwide. I can really recommend it for that reason.
There are currently more than 30 different Touch the Button videos. You can find an overview of them on my website.
Relevant to this blog include a 10-minute exercise video for:
You can register for this by clicking on the links above. You then get 30 days access to use the video as often as you like, to achieve your desired results faster.
Read what others experienced by using touch the button:
Fear transformed quickly with Tao Song Touch the Button.
I am so grateful for the practice during Tao Song Touch the Button for Transforming Fear. I really needed more strength and support today. After the practice, I feel like there is more peace, clarity and courage in my heart. Thank you!
Baseline level of calm has increased dramatically.
My experience with Touch the Button has been incredible. I have been using Tao Song Touch the Button for stress, and I have noticed my baseline level of calm has increased dramatically despite how many work and business tasks I have had. I feel at ease and relaxed despite it all. I know in my heart it is because of the power of Touch the Button!
Significant decrease in my fear.
I have been using Touch the Button for Kidneys generally every day. I noticed a significant decrease in my fear regarding my handling of one of my live birds who bites me out of the blue. I am more relaxed in my interaction with her. My heart is more calm, and I feel more love towards her.
NEXT LEVEL: Spiritual Healing
In addition to practicing myself, I have also received many spiritual healings. Everyone has the power to heal themselves. The light beings, the Divine, the Tao, the Source all have the power to bless you and support your healing process.
The form of healing I used, Tao Healing, brings spiritual healing into all those 5 different bodies so that they become more aligned. It brings light to the blockages in the spiritual body (soul), emotional body (heart), mental body (mind/spirit), energetic body (energy) and physical body (matter). When your own bodies carry more light, have fewer blockages and are more aligned, this works through, you might say, from the inside out. If your blockages diminish, then you radiate something different and you attract other situations.
This method is very powerful. I was introduced to it because of my health and my doctor’s statement that I would only have a few months to live. Soon after, I met Dr. and Master Sha and he gave me this method of Tao Healing and Soulfulness. It saved and extended my life. I have been able to receive many healings and in-depth training from him since 2010 and thanks to his method, I am now many years down the road. Transforming the blockages on my soul in a way I had not experienced with any other method. It made the biggest difference to all aspects of my life. I have seen and experienced a lot in those more than 10 years of training, seen my own life flourish and seen many people blossom and shine who applied these techniques as well.
I regularly receive very nice comments from clients about what they experienced while receiving the healing.
I had asked the archangels and souls at the beginning of the healing session to help me open my heart chakra. I also expressed my regrets to the souls I have hurt or harmed in this life and past lives and asked them to forgive me. During the healing session I saw my lower chakra break open and dark energy flowed into the earth through my feet. What happened next was so immense. I felt a tremendous warmth from my heart going into my body and I got very hot! I said to myself, “stay calm this is the universal light I may receive.” It was quite intense but I am so grateful for this session. I really feel a difference and got inspired again a few hours later to continue writing my book. Thank you to the celestial team who gave this healing through you.
You can read other experiences here.
If after reading this blog you would like to experience the power of Tao healing and transformation yourself, you can!
There are weekly spiritual healing group sessions with a changing theme. The benefit of a group healing is that it is a powerful field and you receive the healing at a reduced rate. However, because it is a group healing, not everyone gets the personal attention and feedback. If that is your preference, then a personal session is most appropriate.
20 days program
If your fear is so strong that it controls your life, there is also the possibility of participating in a very powerful 20 day program, Tao Light Transmission Soul Healing Program, which combines the above self-healing method and receiving help through spiritual healing.
Every Tuesday evening from 8 p.m. CEST/ 2 p.m. ET there is a free information and demonstration webinar about this program.
You can register for free via this link.
If you know someone else who might benefit from these techniques, please feel free to share this blog. I am grateful to you for it and hopefully it will help many people gain a different perspective on life and increase the number of people going through life happier and happier.
I wish you much strength and love in healing that form of fear you are experiencing and hope you are able to transform it into more inner peace and love.
And with that, remember:
Your largest fear carries your greatest growth
Love, Barbara
~ True beauty is revealed only if there is light from within ~
Certified Soul Healer, Soul Teacher, Soul Communicator (Readings Akashic Records) en Guan Yin Lineageholder
Website: www.puur-licht.nl/en
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