Gezondheid ~🪷~ Health Persoonlijke Groei ~🪷~ Personal Growth

5 tips om het Licht in je Hart te vergroten ⚡ 5 tips for increasing the Light in your Heart

Dear readers,

All of us here on earth, are a beautiful unique creation. We are made up of light, sound, frequencies. We have a material body, an energetic body, a mental body, an emotional body, a spiritual body and a purest light body, which is directly connected to Source. All vibrational fields of varying degrees of density.

This pure light body, your Higher Self, your God self, your Original soul, or whatever other name you prefer is a light being, it is Pure Light. It is part of you, is within you. But it is surrounded by all kinds of veils, lower vibrations, blockages and barriers that we as humans carry within us, including memories, karma, emotions, attachments, thoughts, blockages in energy flow, blockages in cells/matter and more.

It is these veils and blockages that prevent us from fully embodying that powerful pure light source that is within us. That pure light that is within us can heal us, can bring all the abundance we desire into our lives, can help us make our dreams come true.

The heart/heart chakra is the place in our body that allows us to access that higher light force. The heart is the core of life. However, the heart is also the place where many of those blockages and veils we carry within us are gathered.


When your Higher Self, your soul, heart, mind, energy and matter come together as one, there is health. When they are not properly aligned, when the light does not radiate unimpeded, it can lead to a disease (process). This results from one or more blockages on the soul, in the heart, in consciousness, in energy or in the body. The soul and the mind both house in the heart. Therefore, the heart is a place where many blockages are united.

  1. Blockages in the cells and organs are called blockages in matter. Blockages in the spaces between the cells and organs are called energy blockages. According to the latest teaching I received, 70% of blockages in the body are in the spaces and 30% of blockages are in the organs and cells.

    This can be the result of nutrient deficiencies or excess waste, for example. It can also be a result of viruses, bacteria, heavy metals, etc. or the knock-on effect of blockages on other levels.

  2. Blockages in the mind/consciousness are formed by
    (a) negative beliefs: e.g.there is no medical treatment for my condition, so I will never get better.
    (b) negative thought patterns: If I do this then that will happen…. I don’t deserve to receive love because I am not healthy.
    (c) negative attitudes: nothing works for me, it’s all money-grubbing and a waste of time, this might work for others, but I’m always the exception.
    d) attachments: attachments lead to suffering. attachments indicate clinging to things in the past or fear of the future and can narrow your field of vision, preventing you from seeing possibilities.
    e) ego: Ego and wanting to be in control can lead to regression and destruction. Ego makes it difficult to surrender to the soul.

  3. Blockages in the heart are formed by impurities like selfishness, greed, judgment, a desire for fame or wealth, anger, lack of wisdom how to act right, lack of wisdom choosing the right words or the right thoughts, lack of self-love, anxiety, depression, stress and more.

  4. Your soul, the essence of who you are, can also carry blockages. When the blockage is on your soul, in images with your third eye, it looks like darkness on your soul. When the soul is completely healthy, it looks like a radiant golden light being. The more light the soul radiates, the better it is for your health.
    A blockage on the soul has consequences for the messages the soul transmits to the heart. According to the ancient Tao teaching, every illness and every healing of it begins at the level of the soul. Why? Because the soul directs through the heart, the consciousness and body. Illness begins as a message at the soul level. It then goes throught the heart to consciousness before it manifests in the body as disease. The root, therefore, lies in the soul.
    The soul is the carrier of all memories and karmic load from this life, past lives and that which we have inherited from our ancestral lineage.


The heart has a very central role in our lives. It is, as mentioned, the core of life.
Your heart is the gateway to your soul, to your transformation. The heart is the connection to and receiver of the information from your higher self and soul and directs your consciousness and body.
So opening, cleansing and healing the heart is a way to manifest more light, healing and abundance in yourself and in your life.

The spiritual heart has 2 parts, 2 chambers, and between them is a thin membrane. One part is connected to Source. The other part includes the memories, the emotions, the mindsets, the blockages. You can think of it as the divine part and the human part.

The more you heal the heart, the more you connect with the higher frequencies, the thinner the membrane between these 2 chambers becomes and the more you can merge with your Higher Self.
Transformation of the heart is therefore the key, to living more in alignment with your True Self. And the more you live in alignment with your soul and your True Self, the more you can attract that which makes you happy.

But it goes beyond that, because the heart is also the most important organ in our body.
When your heart stops, life stops.
The heart not only controls your mind and your body in general, it also controls the Fire Element, and therefore a lot of important organs and systems. So if you transform the blockages in your heart, you can create a stronger alignment between Source, your higher Self, your soul, your spiritual heart, your consciousness, your energy and your matter.

Heal your heart and your soul and body will thank you!


The impact of the heart on matter becomes clear by seeing the heart as the main organ of the Fire Element. The Fire Element is one of the Five Elements in Traditional Chinese Medicine. The other four elements of the Five Elements are Wood, Earth, Metal and Water.

The Fire Element is the most powerful element from the Five Elements. It is important that this element is in balance. Fire gives energy and warmth, but too much fire has a devastating effect, burning all the fuel. For fire to burn in a controlled way, it needs nourishment (from the Wood element), it needs oxygen (from the lungs/Metal Element), and it needs to be kept under control by the Water Element.

The Fire element is also connected to our inner fire, think of the saying, being on fire. It represents enthusiasm, passion, assertiveness, life energy, activity, cheerfulness. But if you give away too much of yourself, go on too much, you get burnt out. You don’t listen to your heart and soul enough and you are automatically forced to rest, to better reflect and feel/listen and come back to yourself.

The main organs associated with this element are the heart and small intestine. The heart is also called the emperor of all organs. And that, of course, is not surprising. The beating heart is necessary for life here on earth. The heart pumps the blood through the body.
In Chinese Medicine, the heart is also seen as the seat of the soul. When a person reaches the state of enlightenment, your Higher Self, your original soul, will also seat itself in the heart chakra, allowing your soul to unite with your Higher Self.

The balanced emotion that belongs to the fire element is joy and laughter. Of course, love also belongs to the heart.
The unbalanced emotion that belongs to this element is depression, anxiety or overexcitability. There are 5 types of overexcitability according to Dr Kazimierz Dąbrowski. You see these overexcitabilities a lot in gifted people. This can work to your advantage if you learn to balance it, but can also be very troublesome if it is out of your control. It is therefore important to be aware of this so that you can take it into account, that you are wired differently than most people. This can help you keep the Fire element in balance.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, stress is seen as a disruption of the body’s natural energy balance, especially in the Liver and Heart systems. Stress management is therefore important for a healthy and strong heart.

The state of the Fire element is reflected in the face. A person in love radiates. That is heart energy. Heart energy is also expressed through the tongue. When the energy of the heart is weak, a person talks very slowly. Stuttering can also be an expression of heart energy out of balance.
Openness, good communication, genuine interest are an expression of strong heart energy.

Fire needs the element water to stay balanced and vice versa. Fire is most Yang, Water is most Yin. So this is the ultimate Yin Yang Balance.
Too much water extinguishes fire. Too much fire vaporises water. Too much heat in the heart (fire element) must be dissipated by the bladder (water element). Heat in the bladder can cause a bladder infection.

The fire element also represents time. When you do your best to keep all the balls high and get in time trouble, heat is created in the heart. Time distress creates heat in the heart. Taking time for things is therefore very important.

Complaints attributed to the fire element being out of balance are:
Sleep problems, restlessness, palpitations, poor memory, bad blood vessels, arteriosclerosis, speech problems, cold hands and feet, talking very fast and busy, dizziness.
Other signs are: the light in the eyes is extinguished. you have trouble enjoying yourself, feeling rushed, seeking an outlet in drugs, alcohol or sex, making fun of everything.

When the Fire element is balanced, the heart is open, you feel enthusiasm, energy and joy, you can freely give and receive love, you have internal balance and feel peaceful. You are happy and do things “that fuel your fire and energise you”.

Nutrition, acupuncture, herbs are known ways that can be supportive for an imbalance in the fire element. The various forms of Tao Healing can also help with dissolving blockages at the deepest level, the soul, and from there, soul, heart, consciousness, energy and matter become more balanced.

ElementYin OrganYang OrganBody TissueBody FluidSenseUnbalanced EmotionBalanced EmotionSoundSeason
Wood Liver  Galbladder Tendons, nails  Tears  Eyes/ 
Anger, irritation Patience Xu  Spring 
Fire Heart  Small Intestines Blood vessels Sweat  Tongue/Taste Depression, Anxiety  Joy, Awareness Ah Summer 
Earth Spleen  Stomach  Muscles Saliva  Mouth, lips/ Speech  Worry Love, Safety Hu Change of the seasons 
Metal Lungs  Large Intestines Skin  Mucus  Nose/  
Grief, Sadness Courage Si Autumn 
Water Kidneys  Urinary Bladder Bones, Joints  Urine  Ears/ Hearing Fear Calmness Chui  Winter  

I hope that after reading the above, you understand why it is important to open your heart, purify it and amplify the light in your heart. But how do you do that in a powerful and effective way? From my own experience, I can say that Tao Healing and Transformation is a very powerful, effective and fast way to do it. There are several ways to strengthen the light in your heart through Tao Healing.
Tao Healing Technologies were developed by Dr and Master Zhi Gang Sha, a world-renowned healer who has given a new chance to many people in hopeless situations all around the world. And I am one of them. It is really the only thing that has helped me in all these years of trying countless things to stop my life-threatening condition. This was the only thing that helped me! And it might help you too. That’s why I love sharing it here in my blog!


1) If you would like to read more about the theory of the Five Elements, please refer to the information on my blog: Tao Healing and the Five Elements

2) If you would like to do an exercise for Opening your Heart, I would like to refer you to this blog Open your heart chakra.

1) TAO Healing sessions

In the month of June, the weekly spiritual healing groupsessions have the theme

The group sessions will be held on Friday evenings June 14, 21, 28 and July 5 2024 from 7.30pm CEST.
Receive powerful Tao Healing Sessions remotely. To be received anywhere in the world.

You can read more about this on my website.
Everyone is very welcome!

Of course it is also possible to make an individual appointment.

2) You can also register for an online video: Touch The Button.
These are 10-minute videos, in which while participating in the exercise, you can receive the light from Higher Dimensions.
So this is a combination of self-healing and receiving spiritual healing.

There are videos for the different parts of the FIRE ELEMENT:
For example, there is a video for healing the HEART.
There is a video for healing the SMALL INTESTINE
There is a video for healing STRESS
A video for healing DEPRESSION
And there is a video for increasing SELF-LOVE

These videos will bring you the healing power of Sound, Light and Higher Frequencies!

All these videos are spoken in English, but you can turn on subtitles in different languanges, like Dutch, French, German and more.
You have access to the video after registration for 30 days and you can watch it as often as you want! The more you watch, the more benefits you can have.


If you are familiar with spiritual healing you probably know the importance and power of Light Transmissions. There is the possibility to receive a very powerful permanent Light Transmission for your Heart: If you would like Yin Yang Balance in your Fire Element, it is also possible to receive a Light Transmission for the Small Intestine or for any other desired organ, body part or condition.
Every first Sunday of the month and every third Saturday of the month, there is a 3-hour workshop. At these workshops, 1 light transmission is included in the participation fee. You will then receive the LIGHT from Source in your heart or another organ of your choice and you will also be explained during the workshop how to work with these transmissions to strengthen the light in the organ of your choice.
There are also 14 days of online practice sessions to familiarize yourself with this.

This is a very powerful and fast way to realise transformation in your heart. Registration can be done through the links above. Click on the link and follow the steps to be taken.

4) Tao Light Transmission Healing Programme, a 20-day programme
If you have serious heart problems or other serious or chronic health challenges and are like I was, willing to go all the way, it is also possible to follow a 20-day programme where you receive the most powerful light transmission and 20 days of access to powerful exercise videos and personal guidance. This is a very powerful programme which I have also followed myself and which has brought me a lot.
If you are interested in this, check out the FREE Introduction webcast on Tuesdays about this programme and get more information there.

5) Would you like to know more?

If you have any questions about the above or would like to know more about other ways to transform your life through Tao Healing, you can always contact me without any obligation and I will be happy to explain more about the possibilities that suit your situation.
You can also watch a FREE webcast on the different forms of Tao Technologies. This can be followed via a LiveStream every Thursday at 11 am PST / 2 pm ET. There is also a 7-day Replay.

As you can see, there are many ways to increase the light in your heart.
You can do it yourself, you can receive help.

I have been gratefully taking advantage in the past 13 years, of the many opportunities Tao Healing and Transformation has to offer. It has literally saved my life! I think you can understand now why I am very excited to share this with many. I would like more people to have a better/longer life, just like I have!

In 2010, I was given up by my doctor and told that I probably had only a few months to live. The medical world had nothing more to offer me. I then embarked on this path of Tao Healing. And with success 🙂
You can read more about my personal story on my website.

I did a lot of self-healing exercises as I described in my blogs.
I have attended lots of webinars and workshops.
I have received lots of Light Transmissions, similar to what the link above refers to.

The combination of all this has resulted in me living in “extra time” for almost 14 years now. And not only that, my quality of life has increased significantly. In addition, I have been able to further open my open spiritual channels I was born with, allowing me to help more people in a more powerful way in my online spiritual practice. This is my passion and joy in life.
So many clients whose lives have also improved!
After every group or individual session, I receive many grateful responses.

Including this one, received after the group heart healing session last Friday:
This participant who had been living with the family for months in a very stressful situation wrote to me:

I felt a deep sense of release, I have been able to breathe a bit for the first time in a long time, which is unusual as I work so regularly with breath, meditation and nervous system regulation. I think this situation has clenched every muscle of the body so much. so to be able to feel a warming sensation in the heart, a sense of support and a bit of rest was a moment of realisation of the toll this has taken on us, and the great need for support and rest it eventually needs. The children have felt calmer too.

So I can really recommend this, from my own experience and from the feedback I have received from many clients over the past few years. Give yourself a chance to discover for yourself what the power of Tao Healing can do for you. Try it and strengthen the light within yourself!

I wish you all a loving, open, strong and healthy heart.
And remember, when more people will increase the light within their hearts, this world will become a better place.
It all starts with us.

Love Barbara

~ True beauty is revealed only if there is light from within ~

Certified Soul Healer, Soul Teacher, Soul Communicator (Readings Akashic Records) en Guan Yin Lineageholder


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