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“Creating without claiming.
Doing without taking credit.
Guiding without interfering.
This is primal virtue.”
~ Lao Tzu ~
Dear Reader,
We are in the third week of January and “Blue Monday” has been. What is your big wish that you would like to see fulfilled this year? What would you like to be successful in?
Does your wish have to do with health, with a relationship, with studies or finances?
As different as all aspirations are, they all have one common factor for success.
Generally, we come up with a good plan before we start, but it doesn’t always lead to the desired results. No matter how hard we try!
Often we then point to causes outside ourselves as to why we don’t succeed in implementing our good intentions or what has been disappointing, but in fact the outside world is primarily a mirror of what is going on inside us.
In my own experience, when we start working with the information inside us, it is much easier to achieve your goals.
In this blog I will go deeper into what you need to accomplish your goal.
That what you need is….
In 2010, I left my doctor’s office after he told me that from his point of view I would not have more than a few months to live, now that there was no treatment for my then very critical health situation.
A normal reaction probably would have been to resign myself to that and make the best of it for the time that remained, but deep down I felt that this was not the time for me to die and that there was another way. It was time to discover that way.
I let go of the medical path that was hopeless for me and followed my heart and came in contact with a world-renowned spiritual teacher and healer, Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha. I then immersed myself in the spiritual way of healing: complementing virtue and light.
This did not make all my problems suddenly disappear, but it gave me a lot of insight, tools, hope, strength, possibilities and ultimately results that no one in the medical world would have thought possible. (I am typing this piece now over 13 years after the original diagnosis of just a few months).
Not only did this spiritual approach to my condition bring life extension, but it also brought an increase in my quality of life!
I learned that in order to successfully change every aspect of life, it is primarily about having enough virtue!
What is needed for:
- good health? Virtue
- harmonious relationships? Virtue
- financial abundance? Virtue
- spiritual growth and enlightenment? Virtue
- success in every aspect of life? Virtue
Virtue opens the doors to all that is good in life.
Virtue is the reason that for some people, without much effort, everything they touch turns to gold. And a lack of virtue is the reason that for others who despite trying very hard, the results just won’t come.
“Virtue does not come from wealth, but. . .
wealth, and every other good thing which men have. . .
comes from virtue.”
Everything starts with information
Often for our health, our career, our relationships we look at things like: what treatment/medication is available, what education do I need, what job opening is available, how/where can I meet someone? All situations that matter.
But what our lives are like, what good things happen in life, and what challenges we are placed before, is mainly determined by what is stored in us. More precisely, by the information and amount of virtue we carry in our soul. This information we carry in our etheric body becomes visible through our physical body or through the physical world around us.
The information in your soul determines what situations you create and attract and also whether you will succeed in making your good intentions or plans a success. The information in your soul is received through the heart, after which it is transmitted to your consciousness. Your consciousness uses the information to direct your energy, and where your energy goes, that is where creation/manifestation takes place. So it all begins at the soul level, at the level of information.
The information in your soul is of utmost importance. This information determines what you think, see, hear, speak and do and thus ultimately what is created in daily life. That information determines whether you create success or whether there will be challenges that block your success.
The good news is, that information is not fixed. That information is changeable! And you can learn how to do that!
Akashic Records
The Akashic Records is a field of information that has existed from the beginning of time. Everything is stored in it: what you think, what you say, what you do, where you are, who you are connected to etc…. and it is so for all souls. Everyone has their own book in the Akashic Records, that part that contains all the information about your soul, in this life and in previous lives.
You can close the doors and curtains here on earth, thinking: what one does not see, one does not know. But that is not how it works on the etheric plane. Everything is known.
All good thoughts, all positive feelings, all positive words, all helpful actions that lead to connection, order, harmony, bring you light and virtue. This virtue leads to blessings and success in the various aspects of your life.
Anything that hurts or harms another in any way, leading to separateness, disorder and disharmony, costs you virtue and leads to various blockages, problems and challenges in the various aspects of your life.
Experts estimate that the average person alone has 60,000 to 80,000 thoughts a day. So that’s many moments of creation all listed in your Akashic Records.
And that information is not only there in that big field, but you carry it within you too. Your soul, your etheric body also carries all that information that is mentioned in the Akashic Records within you.
And from this information in your soul, the actual process of creation begins. Not from the wonderful plan and the good intention that you have conceived from your mind. The information in your soul directs everything, and much of that information creates your daily reality through the subconscious mind and either promotes or blocks your success.
Virtue bank
Everything is recorded in the Akashic Records as mentioned. Every second you create. And it depends on the quality of your thoughts, speech, actions, whether you create or lose virtue.
In addition, not only your share is important for your amount of virtue, but also your ancestors influence it. About 50% of the virtue you carry comes from your ancestors. If your ancestors did a lot of good for people, animals and nature, they bring you a lot of blessings. If your ancestors in former times caused a lot of problems in their lives, e.g., because they had a factory in which the workers had to do their work in very bad conditions, or started a war or caused a lot of financial problems for others through greed, then a lot of negative virtue is passed on.
The balance of all virtue, both positive and negative, is kept in your virtue bank.
The virtue bank can be thought of as the total of all virtue. A balance of the positive and negative information there is in your soul. For every aspect of life there is a balance. For example, there can be a lot of positive virtue with regard to relationships and that brings you many blessings: you grow up in a harmonious family, have a loving partner, many friends, fine colleagues, etc.
But on another level there can be a lot of negative information and thus a lack of virtue, for example with regard to health. This then results in many challenges: You are often sick, emotionally out of balance, there is no treatment or you react incorrectly to medication etc.
Then it is important to resolve the negative information on your soul, which can be compared to a lack of positive information, a debt, and only when there is enough positive information will you start manifesting health.
The more positive information/virtue your soul has, the more blessings can be manifested in your life.
Compare it to a bank account. If you have enough balance, you will be able to pay for what you need with ease, but if there is a deficit and you have debts, you will first have to pay off that debt, then earn more money, and only then can you make a purchase from the positive balance that you are happy with.
That virtue bank is not a given in itself, as it is with a physical bank account, something outside yourself. After all, your soul is within you. All positive or negative information, all virtue, is also within you.
Replenish your virtue bank
As we go through life consciously, we can influence that balance in our virtue bank and thus our quality of life.
(a) Create more virtue
The universal law of service says:
Help another, do good things and you will receive virtue.
If you offer a little service, you will receive a small amount of virtue.
If you offer more service, you will receive a more virtue.
If you offer unconditional service for all humanity, you will receive an immeasurable amount of virtue.
For example, think of giving love, forgiveness and compassion, being generous, expressing gratitude, etc.
Anything that helps another such as volunteer work, a service profession, lending a helping hand or inspiring someone, going through life positively, donations to charities, doing meditation or spiritual exercises, connecting with a Tao Calligraphy, art/dance/music/joy. Anything that makes the world a little more beautiful and better brings you virtue.
By doing something unconditional for others, without thinking of yourself, you receive the most virtue.
But healing yourself is also a form of service to the greater whole, for your own positive change brings a positive contribution to the collective field. You are not only healing yourself, but indirectly helping your ancestors and descendants. Indeed, more positive information is brought into the whole lineage.
The more you give from your heart and soul, the more you will be able to receive virtue, and the more virtue you have, the more you will be able to continue to give.
(b) Prevent loss of virtue
In addition to building virtue in this way, it is also important to prevent loss of virtue. Remember the wisdom of the monkeys: “see, hear, speak no evil,” supplemented by “think and do no evil.”
And this applies to others as well as to yourself.

Anger, for example, is an emotion in which you lose a lot of virtue.
Complaining a lot or writing off your anger on social media does your virtue bank no good.
Obtaining money by cheating others costs you a lot of virtue.
Just to name a few examples.
This means that it is not always easy to influence your balance in a positive direction. What you have accumulated that day can be lost in an unguarded moment.
The line is not a straight ascending line, it goes like the line of the heartbeat, up and down, up and down, like Life itself.
The power of a mantra
A very effective way to protect and build your virtue is to (try to) control your thoughts. After all, thought underlies emotions, words, actions, etc. Everything you create is preceded by (un)conscious thought.
A powerful way to influence your thoughts is to chant/recite a positive mantra.
As mentioned above, the human brain produces many thoughts a day, but it can only have 1 thought at a time. You cannot have a positive and negative thought at the same time.
A mantra is a positive thought. By repeating a mantra over and over, you replace many changing thoughts with 1 thought…. a positive one!
For example; love, if you continually chant “Divine Love” or “Unconditional Love,” and thereby think in love, act in love, this will affect everything you say, see, do. Where there is love, there cannot be fear at the same time.
The more love you give, the more will be returned. Maybe not directly on the physical level, but surely in terms of virtue.
Love melts all blockages, challenges, problems (sooner or later). Is there a problem, give it love…. when the problem doesn’t solve, give it more love!
You can also chant the name of an enlightened being. For example, Buddhists chant the name of Ar Mi Tuo Fo, or Guan Shi Yin Pu Sa for a very long time. You then connect with the soul of the enlightened masters and their good qualities. And if you connect your heart with theirs, they will bless you with their virtue.
Change your blueprint
If you make this principle of virtue, your way of life, over time you will be able to transform more and more negative information and build more positive information. Each of us in this way has the potential to be successful in life. To grow and flourish. To transform the blueprint of your life to the next level.
After all, every cell, every gene, every piece of DNA/RNA, is composed of the information you carry within you.
If you want to be successful in manifesting your desires or changing your blueprint, a powerful way to begin is to increase your virtue in that area, to change the negative information into positive information, to change any deficit into a surplus. When there is a surplus, a positive balance, you will be able to manifest your desires with (more) ease.
Circular Motion
The 5 levels of creation move in a circular motion:
The information we carry in our soul, is given through our heart, to our consciousness, and then directs our energy, so we can create in the physical world. This movement goes only 1 way, not both ways!
Soul > Heart > Mind > Energy > Matter
That which we manifest daily in our physical life then brings us the positive or negative virtue in return that feeds our soul.
So from Matter it goes back to the Soul and thus the circle is complete.
If you feed your soul with positive information and virtue, a spiral upwards is created.
If you create mostly negative information in your thoughts, speech, emotions and actions, it spirals downward.
By being/becoming aware of what information is in you and what you create, you can influence the outcome!
And I speak from experience that it WORKS. In this way, through going deeper and deeper within and becoming aware of the information I carry within and then purposefully changing it, I have made things that seemed impossible according to my doctor, possible!
My health improved, my life expectancy was extended over and over again.
From within, I created a different future. Not only in terms of health, but also in other aspects of my life.
The path to success
I started walking the path of success. The path defined by the amount of virtue and have worked very consciously to increase my virtue.
Building virtue by yourself, however, takes time. Time that I did not have much of due to my urgent health situation. Fortunately, there turned out to be another way. You can also receive virtue through receiving Tao Healing and obtain light and virtue in a faster way.
Sometimes a situation is so urgent that there is not always enough time and energy to build everything by yourself. For that reason, I am very grateful to have met a teacher who not only helped me bring change into my life by increasing my knowledge, but also helped me to actually build that virtue at an accelerated rate through the ability to receive virtue through spiritual healing. As a result, my virtue was built up sufficiently quickly within the time I had!
In Tao Healing, you receive virtue from the light beings and from Source itself. That form of virtue comes from the higher realms and therefore has more power, more purity, more value than what we can mostly create ourselves, which fills the virtue bank faster.
Every Tao healing session, every blessing brings light, love, virtue to the aspect that the healing is focused on and that accelerates the process of positively influencing that aspect of the virtue bank. The more positive information and light there is in the soul, the more the physical body and other aspects of daily life can flourish.
This is not to say that with 1 healing session everything always changes.
If the deficit is huge, it will take a lot of virtue to create balance. But the more the virtue is replenished the more success, healing, flourishing there can be.
So in these 2 ways, creating yourself and/or receiving healing, you can increase your virtue and with that you can change your blueprint of life and create success in every aspect of your life. And that feels good to have a grip on something, doesn’t it?
Personally, I found this particularly gratifying to learn, now that the medical route offered no future. When I understood this principle of virtue, it gave me hope, inspiration, willpower and so much more.
I have been applying this principle daily for many years now. In everything I do, I have a voice in the back of my mind that makes me aware of whether I am gaining or losing virtue by doing so. It has become automatic.
Virtue is the foundation of success in all aspects of life.
When there is sufficient virtue, in addition, of course, it is important to work on everything else necessary to achieve your goal, because for a successful business, of course, you also need the right knowledge, skills, people. For health, the right diet, exercise, relaxation, sleep etc is also important. Meeting your true love also requires getting among people. It is mostly not the case that if only you meditate enough that suddenly the bell rings and your true love comes to propose to you😉
But without virtue, being successful is very difficult. Then it feels like you are constantly being pulled back on a rubber band or there is a blockage in the road that makes it fail again. Having virtue and/or understanding how to build virtue is the beginning of success!
Many apply this ancient wisdom and watch their success grow.
I hope I was able to inspire you in this blog posting to start applying it for yourself as well.
Receive virtue through Tao Healing
However, if for some reason you don’t have so much time or can’t wait to see results, you can also receive help.
I feel very fortunate and privileged that over the years, through the many trainings I have received from my teachers, I have developed my spiritual channels further and further and I can and may also pass on to others this form of help that has brought me so much.
The weekly spiritual healing group sessions bring virtue, the Guan Yin Lineage blessings bring more virtue, the crown chakra blessings bring even more virtue for a subject of your choice.
It is also possible to receive a reading of the information in your Akashic Records that prevents you from being successful in a certain aspect of your life. And that can help you work with it in a very specific way and change the balance in the virtue bank in a positive way.
That this approach not only works for me, but is effective for many, is obvious when you read (some of) the many stories/testimonials.
I wish you lots of success!
I hope this explanation will give you more clarity on how you can make this year (and beyond 😉 ) a success through conscious choices and how you can blossom in every aspect of your life. 🌱🌹🍀
You understand by now, I think, that you can never have too much virtue. 😊
So get out there and build a life more spectacular than you could have ever imagined.

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Love, Barbara
~ True beauty is revealed only if there is light from within ~
Certified Soul Healer, Soul Teacher, Soul Communicator (Readings Akashic Records) en Guan Yin Lineageholder
Website: www.puur-licht.nl/en
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