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13 heilige nachten/12 dagen van Kerstmis⚡13 holy nights and 12 days of Christmas 

Dear Reader,

On the night of December 24-25, the 13 holy nights/12 days of Christmas begin. A time when the veil between earthly existence and the other realms is thinner.
The holy nights last until the night of January 5-6, the day of the feast of Epiphany.

This period is also called “the days outside of time”. People used to calculate in months of 29.5 days. These 12 days/13 nights “remained”. The nights were not time, but space. They were seen as gifts. This period provided space to turn inward, for reflection, for rest and for healing. A time to listen to your soul’s longing and to be inspired by the voice of your heart.

So Christmas night is the beginning of the 13 Holy Nights.

The most important nights in this period are the night of December 24 to 25, the night of December 31 to January 1 and the night of January 5 to 6.
So the first Holy Night is the Christmas night, the well-known: Silent Night, Holy Night. The last Holy Night is the night of January 5 to 6. On this night the three Kings, the three wise men from the East came with holy gifts for the newborn Son of God.

When we use this period for reflection, to listen to our soul, to allow the light into our inner darkness and to heal, it brings gifts for expanding our consciousness and for further healing, unification and enlightenment.
Just as nature rests during these dark days, so too can we rest, turning inward to gather new energy for the new period of growth and blossoming.
After the dark times, the light returns. It is a cycle, the circle of creation.

As the veil between the spheres thins during this period, we can gain deep insights during our meditations or have spontaneous AHA moments, or remember our dreams well.
You can set an intention before going to bed with what insights you would like to receive.

Have a pen and notebook ready so you can write down the insights and images you receive during your nights and/or dreams or the aha moments and clear thoughts when you meditate or clear your head during a walk.
What exactly all those insights offered mean, you don’t need to know yet…. that will become clearer with time. If you write them down now, you can read it back later to be reminded again and hopefully understand it (better).
I did this last year and it was very powerful!

Setting intentions

You can also consciously set intentions and ask very specifically for advice each day:
In the first night/on the first day: can you ask what you can work on in the first month and how?
And then in the second night ask what you can add to that the next month and how you will work on that.
Like by analogy with the well-known Christmas carol: The Twelve Days of Christmas. Each verse adds something new that the true love brings and builds on the previous verses. There are different lyrics but the structure is the same. You can use this as an example for the next 12 months, with each day of these 13 nights/12 days bringing you insight for a month of the year.

True Love

In spiritual circles, True Love is seen as the unconditional, permanent love from the Highest Source, from your Higher Self.

Our Higher Self consists of unconditional, divine love and light.
The Higher Self will always guide us in our lives with unconditional love. The Higher Self knows our purpose in life, as well as our potential to grow.
The Higher Self is a dimension of our being that serves as a step-down transformer, regulating the amount and quality of energy that flows from the higher dimension of Source/Creator into the subtle and physical anatomy of the body.

The Higher Self is your purest form of Love and Light. It is within you! It is up to you to radiate it through all the other layers of your being, which are like veils around that most pure part. Lifting those veils so that your purest Light and your greatest Creative Power can shape your life is all about awareness and consciousness; it is all about opening, receiving, activating, anchoring and making it your own. You live with the free will to make the choices that are necessary.

The more you allow love to spread and radiate from within you, the more it will reduce fear and the more love and success will attract and come to you.
Transform yourself. Become one with that unconditional higher love within you.
When you chose to incarnate, you chose the contract to fulfill your soul’s purpose. To be who you are. Live with this consciousness. You are so precious. Claim your own power. And radiate that highest power within you, that unconditional love into all aspects of your life.

Tune in in your meditations to receive the guidance, advice, good counsel and unconditional love of your Higher Self and/or tune in before you go to sleep and ask to receive the guidance during your dreams.
Transcend old patterns and release what is not in alignment with this unconditional love and highest light.
Be aware, that you create every moment whether you become one with your True Self or get separated more from your True Self, with every breath, with every thought, with every action. The choice is yours.

The heart is the receiver

How do you receive messages, guidance, Love and Light from Source and/or your Higher Self?
Through your heart! Open your heart completely to receive the messages and guidance in the purest way possible. I shared an exercise for this earlier on my blog .

You can tune in very consciously before your meditation and ask for guidance. For example:

Dear Divine/Tao/Source/Creator (choose the name that is most appropriate for you),
Dear all spiritual fathers and mothers (you can name those whom you feel a connection with),
my dear Higher Self.
I love, honor and appreciate you.
Will you please fill me with love, light and power and help to radiate it through all layers of my being, so that every aspect of my life fills with unconditional love and most powerful light.
Will you please give me guidance on how to align every aspect of my being that is not aligned with these higher dimensions of love and light and how to transform the blockages in__ (name the aspect of your life where you experience a lack of love, light, and creative power).
Will you help me receive this information into my heart and then transmit it to my consciousness so that I can consciously use the guidance received to transform my life.
I cannot thank you enough.
Thank you.

You can, as written earlier, ask this before you go to sleep or at the beginning of your meditation.
You can use for your meditation, if you wish, the structure of the self-healing exercise I posted in the blog mentioned above, using Unconditional Love as a mantra.

You can ask for help with any aspect of your life, for example, to bring more love and light into:

12 examples

1) your lower self, your soul, which carries all the information from this life and past lives and the information that has been passed on to you from your ancestors. These are both the good aspects as well as the things that have not gone so well in the past and where love is missing.
2) Your heart. Blockages that manifest in the heart include: greed, anger, lack of wisdom, selfishness, lack of self-love, guilt, etc.
3) your mind/awareness: For blockages of the mind, you can think of negative thought patterns, negative attitudes, negative beliefs, ego, attachments.
4) Your energetic body (think of anything that can block or promote the free flow of energy in your physical body)
5) Your material body (the matter and balance in the cells)
6) Your family relationships (think of restoring or deepening contact with parents, children, sisters/brothers, etc.)
7) Your relationship with your (future) partner (bringing harmony in your current relationship or finding your life partner.
8) your intelligence / studies
9) your job
10) your finances
11) your spiritual development and (further) opening of your spiritual channels
12) environment/nature/Mother Earth (how can you make your stay here on Earth in harmony with Mother Earth and how can you support her in her ascension process)

These are 12 examples of aspects of your life in which you can let the unconditional love and powerful light of your higher self shine through. But you can choose any aspect of your life that is important to you.

If you are able to purposefully strengthen the love and light in 1 of your chosen themes each month and then add a second theme the following month, then in 12 months you will be working toward more unconditional love in yourself with regard to 12 important aspects of your life. The more the Light and unconditional Love of your Higher Self radiates into all layers of your being, the more creative and manifesting power you will develop and the more good things you will attract.
You are thus creating not from your Mind, but from the Source of unlimited possibilities.
I am sure that if you manage to do that you can then make the next 12 months a year full of inner growth and transformation!

Infinite creative power and unlimited possibilities

The closing of this year and the preparation for the new year can start in a very powerful way on Christmas Night, connecting more and more with the Higher Self that is hidden deep within you and wants the very best for you. The more you are able to embody the light and love of your Higher Self, the more you activate the infinite creative power that is within you and thus you will be more and more capable of creating your life of unlimited possibilities.

I wish you a period of 13 nights and 12 days full of Love and Light and special experiences, inspiration, healing and connection.

Should you feel that you could use some help in aligning with your Higher Self or would you like to receive advice from the spiritual world or the Akashic Records on how to bring more light and love into different aspects of your life, it is possible to arrange a personal consultation with me, where you can receive help in transforming your situation into Love, Light and Healing.

It is also possible to receive healing for your soul for a blockage that is not easily broken or for boosting your inner strength to achieve your goal.

From my heart and soul I wish you all
during these special days/holy nights AND all the days thereafter!
Make something beautiful out of it ❣️

Love Barbara

~ True beauty is revealed only if there is light from within ~

Certified Soul Healer, Soul Teacher, Soul Communicator (Readings Akashic Records) en Guan Yin Lineageholder


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