Algemene Informatie ~🪷~ General Information Persoonlijke Groei ~🪷~ Personal Growth

Laat je innerlijke vonk ontvlammen ⚡ Ignite your inner spark

dear readers,

Only 5.5 more weeks to go and this year is already accomplished. It seems such a short time ago that we started 2023. What were your plans? What did you want to create in this year?
Did you succeed in manifesting your heart’s desire? Or did you feel like you were stuck, that nothing went as planned.
Were there unexpected setbacks perhaps? Or did you actually receive unexpected opportunities?
Have you done a lot, put your heart and soul into it, but still don’t feel the shift you so long for and are looking for the breakthrough?

What if I tell you that this blog is about an opportunity to change your blueprint, creating a greater chance of overcoming/preventing challenges and attracting unique opportunities to you, making you more likely to create the future that is an expression of your true potential.
If this makes you curious, read on, this blog is for you! 😃

We live in a time when many are suffering. Health problems, relationship problems, financial problems, business problems, natural disasters, they are the order of the day.
The question that is relevant as a result is whether there is a way to transform these increasing problems, and if so, how?
In this blog, I share information that could answer that.

The Universal Law of Shen Qi Jing
The Universal Law of Shen Qi Jing is a law of creation that can explain every process of creation.
Everyone and everything is made of shen qi jing.

Shen consists of 3 components: Soul, heart and mind/consciousness.
Qi is energy.
Jing is matter.

Soul, heart, mind, energy and matter together form a vibrational field that is part of the Grand Unified Field. Lao Zu, a Chinese philosopher, called this all-encompassing field, the Source of everything and everyone, Tao.
The Tao is all around us. The Tao, the Divine Spark, is within us.
Everything and everyone is in the core connected to the Tao, to the essence of all life, to the field of infinite possibilities of creation.

The more and purer we are connected to the Tao, to this unity field, to the Source, the more possibilities we have. The more separated we are from the Tao, the more challenges we can experience in life, in health, in relationships, in finances, etc.

To overcome the various challenges there is a common solution, which is to bring soul, heart, consciousness, energy and matter back into alignment with this pure field of creation. The more connection and harmony there is, the more positive creative power we will have.

Process of Creation
The Universal Law of Shen Qi Jing describes a Soul over Matter information system, which describes the process of creation in 5 steps.

Soul leads the heart:
The soul is the container, the warehouse of all information, which we have created and received in this life and/or past lives. This information is passed on to the spiritual heart.

Heart leads the mind
The (spiritual) heart is the core of life. The heart is the receiver of the soul’s information.
The more open and pure our heart is, the better it can receive the information and guidance of our soul. The heart transmits the received information to our consciousness.

Mind directs the energy
Our mind/consciousness is the processor of the information, which we receive from our spiritual heart. The outcome of this process is a decision, which can be conscious or unconscious. With this decision, the mind tells us what action to take. From this decision, energy is directed.

Energy directs matter:
Energy sets information in motion. It is the mover of information.
Where the energy goes, the information will take shape in matter.

Matter gives form to the information:
Matter is the manifester and transformer of information.
The information of the soul, takes shape in matter. Matter is what we see, hear, feel, observe and experience. In this way, the information from our soul determines the shape of what our material reality looks like.

In other words:
Although what we perceive and experience is matter, it takes energy to move and change matter, and it is information that determines energy and matter. Information determines and creates what we perceive and experience. Information in our vibrational field determines every aspect of our lives.
Therefore, if you want to change your physical reality, you will have to change the information in your vibrational field!

Positive and Negative Information
Quantum physics discovered that everything and everyone is essentially a vibrational field composed of different vibrations. Quantum physics further reveals that our vibrational field determines our qualities and life experiences.
In our vibrational field, consisting of shen qi and jing (= soul, heart, mind, energy and matter), we carry both positive and negative information.

A good vibrational field is one that carries positive information, energy and matter. Positive information, energy and matter bring connection, order and harmony in someone/something and with others. A happy, healthy and successful life is built on a solid foundation of positive information.

A bad vibrational field is one that carries negative information, energy and matter. Negative information, energy and matter bring disconnection, disorder and disharmony in someone/something and with others. They are the cause of illness, difficulties, challenges and disasters. To transform negative information, energy and matter in one’s vibrational field to positive information, energy and matter is to heal illness, overcome adversity and transform lack into abundance at the deepest level of one’s being.

Solution to challenges
The solution to all challenges in health, relationships, finances, the spiritual journey and every aspect of life is to apply positive information, energy and matter (positive shen qi jing) to transform negative information, energy and matter.

There are many ways to transform negative information into positive information and to strengthen a positive field. Examples include medical treatment, good food, pure water, laughter, music, dancing, etc.

A very powerful way to transform negative information into positive information is to connect with the Tao through Tao Transformative Art. An art form consisting of Tao Calligraphy, Tao Song, Tao Dance, Tao Music.

Tao Transformative Art
Tao is the Ultimate Creator and Source. The vibrational field of the Tao contains unlimited positive information, energy and matter.
Tao can create anything. It can provide, support and nourish anyone and anything. Connecting to the vibrational field of Source is the highest and most powerful way to heal, transform and empower ourselves.

Tao Calligraphy, Tao Song, Tao Music, Tao Dance all create a Tao Field.

A Tao Field carries:

  • the power of Tao, the Ultimate Creator and Source
  • Tao love and light. Love melts all blockages. Light heals and transforms all life.
  • Tao frequency and vibration, which can transform negative frequency and vibration for all life.
  • most-positive information, energy and matter from the Tao, which can transform negative information, energy and matter for all life.
  • infinite possibilities from the Tao.
  • highest power of Soul over Matter. Soul can make things happen. Tao has the greatest power to make things happen.

The Tao Field is praised for its ability to:

  • Remove blockages in physical, emotional and mental health.
  • Stimulate the flow of qi (energy) in your body, increasing overall well-being.
  • Harmonize various aspects of life by raising your energy frequency.

Tao Concert
Tell me, how would you feel if you could enjoy more than 2 hours of Tao transformative art, with calligraphy. song, dance and music, while your vibrational field is nourished and strengthened with the pure vibrations and positive information from the Tao, raising your vibrational field to a higher frequency?
While enjoying these different forms of art, how would you feel if you could relax and receive more light into your soul, heart, mind and body so that you can help solve the challenges you are facing and feed yourself with positive creative power?

This Tao concert, which is not just for entertainment and relaxation, is above all for transformation and healing.

Personally, I have been saying YESSSS to this for a number of years. I have attended several concerts over the past 13 years. Some concerts in person, others online. And I can tell you from all honesty that I always came out of such a concert differently than I went in.

In the first weekend of December there will be another concert. This time I will be there online. But many of those performing I have met and talked to in person.
Eli Ho’s dance is beautiful. Her dance is unique and she has been awarded worldwide. When your third eye is open, you have the opportunity to see that she is not alone on stage, but surrounded by beautiful light beings performing with her.

Steven Chiang is an award-winning pianist and composer from Taiwan whom I have had the pleasure of meeting and photographing on several occasions. He does not play from sheet music but lets himself be guided by what he gets passed on at that moment. Completely in tune with the higher dimensions. Regularly tears streamed down my cheeks when hearing his music.
In 2016 he asked me if I wanted to take a picture with him 🙂 I felt a little uncomfortable because he is the special person in the picture and not me. Even though it is not my best photo because my eyes are not fully open ;), it is a photo I have fond memories of.

And last but not least, the person who created this special weekend, Dr. & Master Zhi Gang Sha is a Tao Grand Master, world-renowned Healer, global spiritual leader and 11 x New York Times Bestselling Author. Master Sha has a very deep connection to the higher dimensions and a special and powerful voice through which he transmits the vibrations from the higher dimensions.
To echo the words of Roberta Flack, a world-renowned American singer, “Tao Song that Master Sha sings is a musical gift beyond the sound of any voice you can hear singing every day. It has a purity and resonance that only he can lay claim to. His voice transcends everything and that is what makes him the great teacher and healer.”

His healing power and techniques in many different forms is what caused me to have the opportunity to improve my health situation, which has allowed me to live “in extra time” for 13 years. Something I am extremely grateful for and every next step I can take, I gladly accept.

On Saturday, December 2, 2023 at 7 pm Toronto time, the concert will begin. This is for us in the Netherlands at 1 am. I know, it’s a bit late….but it’s worth taking the laptop to bed or snuggle under a blanket on the sofa and letting yourself be surrounded by the power of the Tao Field which will be there during this concert. If you prefer to watch it during day time, you can also do so, as there is a 48-hour REPLAY opportunity.

On December 3, 2023 there will be a Tao Transformation day from 10am-5pm Toronto time, so that is from 4pm-11pm Dutch time, in which you will have the opportunity to receive even more healing and transformation and learn wisdom and practical techniques that you can do YOURSELF. Again, these will be hours full of light, love and art that will transform your vibrational field. If you cannot be there live, no problem, there is a temporary REPLAY option for this as well.

Does this sound like music to your ears as it does to mine?
Then sign up. There are 4 different options and I will post all 4 links below.
For those who do not speak English there is the possibility of simultaneous translation into Dutch.

🌟1) I want to be at the CONCERT online on December 2, 2023. (35 CAD)
Gift to all who are registered:
1 x Tao Treasure: Da Ai Greatest Love Tao Transformative Treasure (usually $100 CAD)

🌟2) I want to be at the TRANSFORMATION DAY online on December 3, 2023 (96 CAD)
Gift to all who are registered:
1 x High-Level Rainbow Light Treasures (usually $150 CAD)

🌟3) I want to be there the WHOLE WEEKEND online. (119 CAD)
Gift to all who are registered:
1 x Tao Treasure: Da Ai Greatest Love Tao Transformative Treasure (usually $100 CAD)
2 x High-Level Rainbow Light Treasures (usually $300 CAD)

🌟4) I’m ALL IN and fly to Toronto to be there all weekend In Person. Note: only a few spots still available. (170 CAD)
Gift to all who are registered:
1 x Tao Treasure: Da Ai Greatest Love Tao Transformative Treasure (usually $100 CAD)
 2 x High-Level Rainbow Light Treasures (usually $300 CAD)

🌟5) The first TRANSFORMATION DAY in the new year is on January 14, 2024. Start your year in a POWERful way!
Gift for every registered participant:
2x Tao Rainbow Light Treasures (Value $300) & 1 Tao Light Soul Operation (Value $1,000)

Tao Light Treasures
Tao Light Treasures are a Tao Field. They contain the Shen Qi Jing (soul, heart, mind, energy and matter, or information, energy and matter) of the Tao.
Tao Light Treasures have a high, positive information, frequency and vibration that can transform negative information, frequency and vibration and help you bring your frequency and vibration to ever higher levels.
They help heal, prevent illness, rejuvenate, transform and empower every aspect of your life.

We all have Tao within us and the Tao is around us, but these treasures help create a stronger connection to the Tao because we are all so separated by our blockages.
Think of it as a personal spiritual gift that is permanently with you and that you can activate and use at any time to give you support and nourishment. During the events you will learn how to activate them.
Just being able to receive these transmissions makes registering for these events more than worth it.

Give this as a gift
I really recommend this to anyone to give as a gift to yourself and/or your loved ones.
I also gave it as a gift to my loved ones. I cannot think of a nicer December gift to end this year.
What could be more valuable than changing the blueprint for yourself or others. To fill your vibrational field with positive possibilities and new opportunities.
They often say: happiness is not for sale and you cannot package it and give it as a gift, but this weekend can be given as a gift to yourself or your loved ones.
So you can give yourself or another a chance for more light and positive information in the vibrational field and THAT can lead to greater happiness, health, positive transformation in relationships, finances, business, and more.

To be clear:
All family members and loved ones must be registered on their own account, except children and pets who can be registered on their parent/owner’s account.

Yes animals too have Shen Qi Jing and a vibrational field. They too have a soul and a soul journey. So they too benefit tremendously from more light and transformation of the negative information into positive information and transmission of the Tao Light Treasures.
My dear cat has been able to receive many healing sessions and treasures that have solved his health problems for which the vet had no solution.

If you are still not completely convinced, which of course I hope you are, because the more light in the world the more I prefer to see it😃, you can also watch this video The power of Sound / Tao Concert of about 10 minutes. Very much worth watching!

This weekend is an opportunity that I myself grabbed with both hands and now share in love with you as a reader of my blog. Personally, I think this is a wonderful offering at a very affordable price and given the developments in society, it is important that as many people as possible get this opportunity. I hope I am doing you a favor with sharing this.

So many people and animals need Light; need a solution to the many challenges they face right now. This can help, I know from experience.
The world also needs Light. More than ever.
The world also needs YOUR Light and your unique qualities.
May this first weekend in December illuminate your vibrational field and that of your loved ones and further ignite your inner spark.
May it further lift the veils that extinguish the inner light and lead to further amplification of the greatest light we all carry within.
May the Tao Field help you to develop your unique qualities so that you can create your future as an expression of your true potential.
May it bring a powerful ending to 2023 for yourself and your loved ones.

If you have questions, feel free to reach out. I am happy to share with you my experience from previous years.

Herewith, for your convenience, the various options for the Greatest Light Weekend once again.

🌟1) I want to be at the CONCERT online on December 2, 2023.

🌟2) I want to be at the TRANSFORMATION DAY online on December 3, 2023

🌟3) I want to be there the WHOLE WEEKEND online.

🌟4) I’m ALL IN and fly to Toronto to be there all weekend In Person.

🌟5) The first TRANSFORMATION DAY in the new year is on January 14

To all who decide to participate themselves and/or allow loved ones to be part of this Light Weekend. Lots of fun! 🌟

More information is also in my next blog:⚡open-your-heart-to-the-greatest-light-transformation-weekend/

Love Barbara

~ True beauty is revealed only if there is light from within ~

Certified Soul Healer, Soul Teacher, Soul Communicator (Readings Akashic Records) en Guan Yin Lineageholder


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