Persoonlijke Groei ~🪷~ Personal Growth

Vallen of Vliegen? ⚡To Fall or Fly?

~ voor Nederlands: scroll naar beneden en ga naar pagina 1 ~ 

There is freedom waiting for you,
On the breezes of the sky,
And you ask “What if I fall?”
Oh but my darling,
What if you fly?”
~Erin Hanson ~

Dear Reader,

The above is a promise, an invitation to embrace your fears, an encouragement to take risks even when there is a chance of failure.

Kan een afbeelding zijn van libelle
Title: Devotion
Technique: Acrylic on canvas
Size: 30 x 70 cm
Artist: MARCEL WITTE (a Dutch Painter)

Why do I like to share this inspiration?

Because I have taken this as a starting point myself several times, when I had to make decisions to follow the unknown, to embrace it, and to deviate from the beaten path.

I have been reminded several times in recent days how grateful I am to have been able to do that.

Was it easy? NO, there was a lot of resistance around me, people who wanted me to keep trying the familiar, medical route, but I felt from everything that it wouldn’t get me where I wanted to be. So I did things differently.
Sometimes fear struck me, doubt struck me, but then I remembered quotes like these.

In recent days, many of those memories came flooding back.

I was confronted several times in recent weeks with poignant and confrontational messages on social media and the Internet because a well-known and beloved person within the ME community has chosen euthanasia.

It brings all kinds of questions to many people: What about me? How am I supposed to move forward? Is improvement possible? When will there be medical research, medical help? Should I perhaps also start thinking about euthanasia?

And I do understand those feelings and the impact this situation is having….
It breaks my heart that so many are in a situation that feels so hopeless to them that they are seriously exploring the possibility of euthanasia. 🥲
Therefore, I share the following on my blog today for you to consider that option as well. Maybe it helps.

Fall or fly
As many of you know, I spent many years in bed because of this same degrading, life-threatening condition. And I too have had the same reactions for years from doctors, that there was nothing they could do. So for me, reading all these posts is quite confronting, because I too had been reported as hopeless and untreatable by my doctor. And the suffering was great … with a big G.

But all those messages about euthanasia, also reminded me that, partly because of my doctor’s words, I reacted completely differently. For me, the hopelessness of the path offered by mainstream medicine was not a reason to choose euthanasia. For me, as strange as that may sound, the hopelessness of the mainstream route brought a certain kind of freedom as that path had absolutely nothing to offer, so I now was completely free to take another path. A road that hopefully had more to offer.

After all, I had arrived at that point, at the edge of that cliff…. if I did nothing I was going to die in not too long (that would have been in 2010!). But what if that other path did the exact opposite and I could rise to new heights….. I had to completely trust my intuition and go down that path. I had to give/allow myself to be given wings….

I found my path to recovery by no longer looking at my situation from the perspective of Western medicine, but through the perspective of quantum physics, Traditional Chinese Medicine and spirituality.

It was not an easy way out of that deep dark pit, but the way up was there. And my recovery can be explained scientifically. It is not a coincidence.

I learned and experienced so much in the past 13 years that I still gratefully use every day and which brought the turning point in my process. It can provide a way out for many more people, I have seen that happening around me for years.
I do not see myself as a coincidence, as a lucky person, as a loner. There is a whole scientific explanation under my success story. The reason and the how of my success in overcoming a progressive and in western medicine untreatable condition I share here on this blog.

Are you also dealing with a condition for which Western medicine has no solution or do you want to take your life to the next level?
Then ask yourself if you are willing to open yourself to the Tao, the quantum field of unlimited possibilities.

What is broken can be mended.
What hurts can be healed.
And no matter how hard it gets,
the sun will rise again.

Love Barbara

~ True beauty is revealed only if there is light from within ~

Certified Soul Healer, Soul Teacher, Soul Communicator (Readings Akashic Records) en Guan Yin Lineageholder


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