30-dagen Tao Transformatie Programma ~🪷~ 30-day Tao Transformation Program Gezondheid ~🪷~ Health Persoonlijke Groei ~🪷~ Personal Growth

Spiegelneuronen: ervaringen van anderen kunnen jou helpen ⚡ Mirror neurons: experiences of others can help you

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Tao Field Transformation Program, part 13

August 11, 2023

The world you see is created by what you focus on.
It is never too late to adjust your lens

Dear Reader,

It is special to experience how powerful and varied my Shi Fu’s guidance is for what is the best way for that day to integrate the transformation that the Tao Field Transformation Program brings daily into my life.
When I tuned in to my Shi Fus this morning, I was once again given another guidance for the day. No rest, no movement, but meditation and inspiration. I have learned throughout my life that I can blindly trust their guidance. The message I received through my spiritual channels was:

My dear daughter, this is Yan Wang Ye (leader of the Akashic Records). For you, my dear, this program brings you a tremendous transformation for your heart, your brain, your kidneys and more. It balances the trauma you have been carrying for centuries and brings you back into alignment with your true self and your original task. What is asked of you to do is to chant, meditate as much as possible, integrate all the teachings and blessings for yourself, really integrate and heal at the deepest levels of your soul, heart, mind and body. Give yourself time to heal, give yourself the opportunity of a lifetime to transform one of the greatest blockages in your life. You are loved and blessed.

So I did indeed take a lot of time that day to go deep within, feel what I want and study the teachings more deeply. In addition, I watched film/videos, in which I was guided by my Shi Fus what was good to watch. I continue to find it extraordinary that by watching teaching material or an inspiring film/video, I feel so much activation within myself. Just by watching and listening to others, I feel so deeply who I am myself and what I want, what is important to me and what I may start to spend more time and attention on.

Many think watching film is a waste of time. But if you choose the right images, it can also bring you a lot! Images sometimes say more than a thousand words….
And there is a wonderful scientific explanation for this that I make frequent use of!

The power of mirror neurons
So today I want to elaborate on my blog on how powerful it is to take the experience of others as an example and to be open to everything around you that has a positive influence.
We as human beings have a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual body. We are an energy field of varying degrees of density, frequency and vibration and are in contact with everything and everyone around us. We are part of the collective energy field.
Everything around us affects us and brings change to our vibrational field, either in a positive or negative way.
Change is a universal law. Nothing stays the same. Something gets better or gets worse.
I think most of you know the three monkeys: Hear no evil/don’t listen to negative words, see no evil/don’t look at negative things, speak no evil/don’t speak negative words. The reason is that those negative frequencies affect us.

So at the same time, you can turn it around. If we surround ourselves with positive things, listen to positive words, look at positive things, speak positive words, that will also influence us.

It is important to be aware of what your lens is tuned to, what you surround yourself with, and what information you receive that way. Your energy field is like a sponge and absorbs a lot. By taking this into account, you can shape your own life.

Adjust your lens
For example, what do you do when you are given a diagnosis and then told that there is no solution in medical science. Do you resign yourself to that, or do you focus your lens on the wealth of information that exists outside of modern science? Modern science is only a few hundred years old and there are still a lot of questions they can’t answer.
Quantum physics, for example, has only recently discovered that everything is connected, but have yet to answer all the implications of this discovery.
The ancient cultures never looked for proof of this, they assumed that thousands of years ago that everything was connected, and the healers and tribal elders have built their knowledge and experience over all these thousands of years on this basic fact. So they have a wealth of experience, where quantum physics is only at the beginning of answering many questions.

Where do you turn your focus? On the few hundred-year-old modern science, which looks mainly at matter and energy? Or do you dare to look more broadly, at all the knowledge and wisdom available and see self-healing as a holistic process of both soul, heart, mind, energy and matter. And you may even look further, to the possibilities from the collective field, the universe or the Tao.
Looking at things differently will change things and reveal new possibilities. It is never too late to adjust your lens. Every moment can be the beginning of something new.

What is currently taken for granted can change through a different view, through a new angle, through new information that has come to light. Change is good! We can choose to embrace that change and grow through it.
We are incredibly powerful beings, with tremendous creative power and a wonderful mechanism called self-healing ability. When we learn to properly use and develop that power, miracles can happen.

Experience of others
We can even feed our self-healing capacity with the experiences of others. We don’t have to experience everything ourselves.
Science discovered mirror neurons not long ago.

Wikipedia defines it as follows:

mirror neuron is a neuron that fires both when an organism acts and when the organism observes the same action performed by another. Thus, the neuron “mirrors” the behavior of the other, as though the observer were itself acting. Mirror neurons are not always physiologically distinct from other types of neurons in the brain; their main differentiating factor is their response patterns. By this definition, such neurons have been directly observed in humans and primate species, and in birds. In humans, brain activity consistent with that of mirror neurons has been found in the premotor cortex, the supplementary motor area, the primary somatosensory cortex, and the inferior parietal cortex.

In other words, when you perceive something happening to someone else, your body reacts as if you were experiencing it yourself.
Do you have any idea which way I want to go?

Find inspiration
When I was told I was sick, and that there was no solution in the medical world, I had a choice… I could resign myself to it and take it as a given and wait for the medical community to come up with a solution or not.
For me, that really didn’t feel right. It felt depressing, hindering, dependent, powerless because there was no research going on at all…. So how long did I have to wait?

A strength and conviction inside of me was awakened that said: science may not have a solution, but there is more than that and so I will have to be creative and find a solution. Apparently, there is no quick, easy, medical solution, so it will have to be another way, but if I don’t keep striving to progress and improve, then I will go backwards. Because nothing stays the same….
The universe is an energy field of endless possibilities. So I have to adjust my lens. And if you’re into photography like me, you know how different the world looks when you adjust your lens.

The beautiful thing about those mirror neurons is that when you see someone else getting well, healing themselves, benefiting from healing, those neurons activate something in you too.
So watching inspirational videos did have an impact on me. Besides giving me hope, watching others literally activated positive responses in my body that strengthened self-healing.

And no, it didn’t necessarily have to be someone with my own condition. I looked for stories, experiences of those who had been told there was no solution and yet did the seemingly impossible. Like this video,, for example, where this man, Arthur, was told he would never walk again without assistive devices, and look at the result at the end. Inspiring or not?
For me, as someone who could hardly walk anymore, it was incredibly inspiring. I wanted that too, and his example gave me the information that the “impossible” is apparently doable. I just had to find my way.

Tao Healing
I finally found that way for me in Tao Healing. During the first info evening I attended in 2010, I was also confronted there with an experience story of someone who, according to the doctors, had a condition from which he would not heal for the rest of his life and had to learn to live with. The man I saw on stage, however, had been declared healthy. And deep down, I knew that Tao Healing was what I had been looking for for me as well. For years I saw the person on stage that night as an example, connected to his energy field so that my brain was programmed that it was possible. After all, those mirror neurons fire when we perceive that someone else is having an experience. If that is a positive experience of healing it can trigger something in us. It is very powerful. Even if we have been told that it is impossible, or if there is a deep conviction, conscious or otherwise, that it is impossible. By witnessing the healing of another, and the workings of the mirror neurons, those beliefs can be released. It changes your perception and in this way we can reprogram ourselves and promote restoritive processes. The story we tell ourselves, or the story we are told by others and believe in, is actually what we create in our lives, because that is what we put our focus on. And that which you put your focus on is reinforced.
Inner limiting beliefs we can change. And those become very clear when you are confronted with certain things.
It is interesting to see people’s different reactions when I tell them that I have realized improvement despite the doctors’ negative announcements about my future.
Some immediately dismiss it by saying, “then you do not have the same condition as I have, because there is no treatment for me…”
Others may react more openly to me, but not to themselves: “Oh how wonderful for you, but that’s not going to work for me because….
While only a few ask, “Then what did you do? Could it be something that can help me too?”

Higher level
How a person reacts says something about the inner beliefs a person has. These inner beliefs play a major role in your healing ability, so they are very important to figure out and, if necessary, transform into positive beliefs.
Einstein said it beautifully:

“We cannot solve our problems
with the same thinking we used when we created them.

Our mind controls the body. Through new input, we get a different output….
The powerful techniques that Tao Healing and the Tao Field Transformation Program bring, help to bring more light and positive information to the soul and heart, to bring other information into our vibrational field, and thus to pass a different message to the mind, so that a different outcome can occur on the physical level as well. Thus soul-heart-mind-body harmonizes at a higher positive vibration and in this way healing can take place.
The techniques in this Program teach you to shift your focus, to transform and open blockages, conscious or unconscious, on soul, heart, mind and body level, so that new positive information can be passed on and self-healing capacity can be strengthened. This has already led to wonderful results for many people worldwide with very different health problems, for which doctors sometimes have no explanation….
It is a wonderful confirmation for me time and time again that there is more than we can sometimes prove scientifically. The more of these inspiring videos I watch, the more my own healing process is strengthened!

In an interview with Gregg Braden that I listened to recently, he clearly indicated that he too believes that we are all very powerful and that it comes down to the information and the story that we believe in and that it is very positive to surround yourself with healers, with people who are healing and that in that way by watching it, you can influence your own life.
From my own experience, I can only endorse that. It helps to open up and change the message that something is impossible into something that is possible…. A small adjustment is sometimes all it takes 😉


Isn’t our body fantastic at having those mirror neurons? What information are you letting in from your environment? What are you letting those neurons pass on?
And what about that little voice inside yourself? What kind of messages is it giving off?

Many people believe that they do not need a teacher or a coach, but the view of another, the input of another, the experience of another can sometimes be necessary to expose your own blind spots or to change that inner voice. So this can be done through conscious self-created change, but also by activating those mirror neurons through finding inspiration and example in another.

Watching the film and videos made me very aware of what wanted to be lived in me. Watching those people, what they did, awakened a part in me that wanted that too. I got so much inspiration and really felt that things in me were activated, transformed and healed.

My current situation is not yet the way I like it, so it takes some extra dedication and commitment to make it the way I like it. And this day and watching the lives of others, brought me many ideas how I can make that happen for myself.

This is what makes us so beautiful as human beings, we have the ability to go beyond instinctive action. Each of us has the power to choose. You can choose to focus all your attention on what you would like to manifest in your life.
When you manage to reach the right frequency then it cannot fail to manifest.

Let your current situation inspire you to expand your field of vision and explore your possibilities. Look/Listen to those who have achieved success. The strongest people have often traveled a tremendous path. And precisely because of that, they know how to inspire me again and again.
Know what you want. And then, with the high light force and powerful frequencies that Tao Healing brings, you can more easily support those choices that will help you reach the right frequency, so that the desired result is bound to manifest.

There is so much inspiration available! There is something for each and every one!
With the Internet and globalization, it has only gotten easier. So many examples, knowledge, experience and insights that have become accessible, where for years they were only known in a certain part of the world.
If you look closely, you can be inspired by many different forms of healing that indigenous peoples have used for thousands of years: spiritual healing, sound healing, nutrition, mindfulness, love and forgiveness (very powerful and often underestimated factors) and much more.
And with that, remember that if something is possible for 1 person, it means it may be possible for you too. It doesn’t have to be the same way. Maybe your path is longer, more difficult, more educational, or just different. After all, everyone’s path is unique. But if something is possible for 1 person, that means it is not impossible….!

Tune in to the opportunities and see what will reveal itself to you. That’s what I did myself, I tuned into the possibilities and took advantage of the many opportunities that now exist because of globalization. What was not possible here in our little cold chilly country (the Netherlands) according to the doctors, has led me to look further. I have been introduced to ancient Chinese wisdom and techniques via the Internet, through a doctor living in Canada, for which I have spent years immersing myself in English books with Chinese texts in them in order to do the seemingly impossible here in the Netherlands 😃.
A long, fascinating road, where I had to overcome many bumps, where I fell down several times, got up again, became wiser and more knowledgeable with time, and where I still continue to learn and be surprised by new insights in order to grow and gain more freedom.
And I lovingly pass on that knowledge and experience to others through my blog or through my online business, to help them further open their soul, heart, mind and body to the higher frequencies of light.

There is nothing more confining
than the prison we don’t know we are in.

So do your best to break free from that prison!
I hope this blog inspires you to keep exploring the many opportunities out there, to keep investing in yourself. Find that which helps you and find those who believe in you, so that you can demonstrate that what seemed impossible turns out to be possible!
Believe in it, miracles do exist!

Love Barbara

~ True beauty is revealed only if there is light from within ~

Certified Soul Healer, Soul Teacher, Soul Communicator (Readings Akashic Records) en Guan Yin Lineageholder

Website: www.puur-licht.nl/en

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