30-dagen Tao Transformatie Programma ~🪷~ 30-day Tao Transformation Program Gezondheid ~🪷~ Health

Het belang van RUST ⚡The importance of REST⚡

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Tao Field Transformation Program, part 11

When in doubt, pause.
When angry, pause.
When tired, pause.
When stressed, pause.
And when you pause, pray.”
~ unknown ~

Dear Reader,

In previous parts of this series, I have shared how much I have received during the beginning of the 30-day Tao Field Transformation Program, which I recently participated in to help heal my chronic condition. After all that light, it was time for integration. This day was all about taking rest.

I know, taking rest is not something that comes so naturally these days.
We live in a society where everything goes faster and faster. We have to do more, faster, better. Many are always busy and an appointment must be scheduled far in advance. We are busy, busy, busy…or sitting with our noses on our smart phones. I personally notice more and more that many people are surprised when you take time to do nothing, just come to yourself. Making contact with yourself and/or with the soul world is not so obvious anymore.

Doing nothing? I don’t have time for that is a reaction I get a lot…🤨 Many are constantly looking for distraction or entertainment. But resting does not mean doing nothing.

After three such powerful healing sessions in such a short time in which so much light had come to my soul, heart, mind and body, it was very clear that a lot was happening. I was incredibly tired when I woke up and that after a night of sufficient hours of sleep. I felt like I had a fever and everything was too much for me. That is not a very pleasant feeling, but part of the process.

Where light and high frequencies come, darkness and low frequencies will disappear. For the soul this is very easy to do. But the density of the matter sometimes has more difficulty with that.
The heart carries within it many emotions that can be stuck, such as anger, guilt, loneliness, lack of self-love, etc.
The mind can have many negative midsets, patterns, sometimes learned, sometimes created in our lives, that prevent us from looking at something in a different way. There can be many attachments. Our ego can have a great influence.
Where the energy no longer flows, it gets stuck.
When the energy around the cells stops flowing, the cells (matter) can have trouble getting nutrients in the right place and waste products out.

When there is a sudden surge of light and high frequencies, anything stuck is set in motion. Emotions can rise up, looking for an outlet. Our thoughts can go in all directions, creating a monkey mind. Energy can start to flow. Toxins can be released.
And when these purification processes are going on, it is important to rest, relax, take good care of ourselves, get enough sleep, because in this way all our bodies (the spiritual, emotional, mental and physical bodies) have the opportunity to allow the light to integrate into the deeper layers.

Now what does that mean, taking rest? At least it doesn’t mean lying down while staying in full stress and fight mode. It also does not mean that you first go over limits and prey on your body, only to crash for a long time and take the necessary rest to recover. Taking rest also doesn’t mean lying down and letting your head run overtime by getting very busy about anything and everything or watching movies full of negative messages. Taking rest also doesn’t mean to continuously turn your attention outward, via a smartphone or frustration toward another person.

But what is it? By taking rest, my Shi Fus meant taking time for myself, to go deep inside and listen to my own soul. To listen to soul communication with the light beings who came to me. To explore what needed to be healed in me (what emotions were surfacing, what thoughts were showing up, where the energy was blocked, where I felt sick), so that I could realign my soul, heart, mind and body and bring back the yin-yang balance.
So taking rest did not mean being passive and doing nothing at all, but rather being active, by taking the path inward. Taking an attentive, honest and open look at myself and daring to acknowledge all the pain, then working with the answers I found!

After all, the emotions, the thoughts, the pain in the body are all forms of information. By very consciously receiving and examining this information, you gain insight into what has been stuck all along. And this gives you the opportunity to actively work on changing and/or releasing it.

And that’s pretty busy work 😆 In those moments, I was allowed to actively work with my ego (I want….) and release my attachments; transform old pain and negative emotions into acceptance, compassion, light, love, self-worth, forgiveness, etc.; further open my heart to myself and others; allow my body to get in line with what my soul wanted to do in this life, not what society wanted from me; process my traumatic experiences, set the energy in motion and release the toxins.

It also meant opening my spiritual channels further and further, because while I was taking rest, the light beings were working on my development.

Taking rest meant to take time and be with myself for a while. And by being in peace, a lot could happen.

If you search the Internet, you will find many wonderful quotes regarding rest:

  • A martial arts teacher said: “Be patient in times of inactivity”. The grander gift is to notice that “inactivity” can be filled with unseen activity. A creator knows that energy has its own activity. Energy has its own dynamic. Allow all of the dynamics in creation to take place in the best possible way.
  • Rumi wrote: The only real rest comes when you’re alone with God.
  • Lao Zu wrote: “if you can master the art of non-doing, you would be able to accomplish anything you want.” Do nothing and get everything undone’. Follow Nature’s Way. The key thing is that you act on what is required by nature, NOT your desire. You allow nature to takes its course, rather than imposing on nature your desires.
  • Dr. and Master Sha wrote in his beautiful small book: Living Divine Relationships on pag. 149:  Allow your heart to rest in this place of no place. Rest with ever so subtle awareness that has no thought and no “I”. Rest as quietly as you can as if suspended between breaths. When the power, the energy, the visions, the teachings suddenly open to you, still continue to rest and suspend yourself as long as possible.
  • Ovid said: Take rest; a field that has rested gives a bountiful crop.” 

As I interpret this, the deeper meaning of taking rest is to connect with the Tao/Divine/Source/Creator and with your higher self, and in the rest receive the deep wisdom, so that your soul can be nourished and grow and through the power of the soul, transformation on other levels can take place.

The soul has tremendous power to transform blockages in the mind, in energy or matter. However, we generally use less than 5% of that soul power! When you learn to use more and more of your soul’s power, the body will be able to recover.

And I said to my body. softly. ‘I want to be your friend.’
It took a long breath and replied:
‘I have been waiting my whole life for this.”
~ Nayyirah Waheed ~

Connect to the Source/Tao/Creator and you will receive what your soul needs and that will help you to get closer to yourself and gain deeper insight and clarity about yourself.

In the case of health, there is connection, harmony, order.
In the case of illness, there is disconnection, disharmony, disorder.

Each in-depth session where I connected with the Tao and with myself in peace, gave more insight where I had lost connection. What had stood between my soul and Source. What had been standing between my soul and a healthy body. So much came up that gave deep insights.

Wayne Dyer described it as follows:
When you squeeze an orange, orange juice always comes out. What comes out is what’s in it. The same logic applies to you: if someone squeezes you, puts pressure on you or says something unflattering or critical, and anger, hatred, bitterness, tension, depression or fear comes out of you, that’s what’s inside. If you want to give and receive love and joy, change your life by changing what is inside.

All that intense light and all those high frequencies that I had received in the previous days can be seen as putting pressure on my vibrational field. Everything that has to leave my vibrational field through those high frequencies comes out! And it is very informative to investigate what is coming up, what is coming out, what has literally blocked me all this time from further restoring my health.

Restoring health is achieved on the one hand by receiving more light (increase positive information), and on the other hand by releasing more of the blockages (release negative information).

Letting go is sometimes accompanied by intense purging reactions. That’s part of it 😊
Especially when it involves such a powerful “Light Blast” as the Tao Field Transformation Program brings!

BEFORE the healing session, often from the moment you think about participating, you often experience the lower frequencies that will have to give way as the light of the session passes through you. They become extra palpable so that you can become aware of them.

DURING the session you experience the power of the light and the love and warmth of the light beings.

AFTER the session begins the releasing process, the transformation process and that can be accompanied by many symptoms.

Typical purification reactions after a spiritual healing session are for example fatigue, heaviness in the body, inability to move forward, muscle pain, sweating, feeling cold, all kinds of emotions: fears, anger, sadness, irritation, feeling as if you have lost your direction, mild form of diarrhea, or restless feeling in the intestines, skin reactions, dreams etc.

This should subside with a few days and then you often feel better than before.

Often you can use the following guideline: Everything is Yin and Yang in perfect balance.
The more powerful the Light, the deeper/intenser the purification process could be.
And the most appropriate response to that is: THANK YOU!
Gratitude is the key to further progress.

The more aware you are of this, the easier it is to recognize. And then you can work with it with self-healing exercises, forgiveness exercises, mantras, making changes in your life, etc. In order to eventually receive the healing and transformation your soul longs for.
In order to continue on your journey back to a deeper connection with the Pure Light of Source.

So I spent this day feeling deeply, “sleeping off”, lying and resting and being kind to my body.
I spent a lot of time with meditation and soul communication.
And that brought me lots of new possibilities for the next day.
First the light, then the process of letting go and then there is room for growth and results.
More on the results tomorrow.

What The Great Learning teaches, is to illustrate illustrious virtue; to renovate the people; and to rest in the highest excellence.

The point where to rest being known, the object of pursuit is then determined;
and, that being determined, a calm unperturbedness may be attained to.
To that calmness there will succeed a tranquil repose.
In that repose there may be careful deliberation,
and that deliberation will be followed by the attainment of the desired end.

~Confucius ~

P.S. In this blog you will read my experience of participating in the 30-day Tao Field Transformation Program. It has brought me a lot. If you are looking for a powerful solution for your (chronic) condition and want to experience what this Program can do for you, you can join the new round that will officially start next week, September 12, 2023. Whether there will be a sequel after that is unclear. I hope so so that even more people can start experiencing this. Send me a message if you are interested and would like to hear more details or fill out the application to participate in the program directly.
If you want to read about my experiences and discover with me what the final outcome is going to be, keep following this blog where I will describe my experiences from day to day.

Love Barbara

~ True beauty is revealed only if there is light from within ~

Certified Soul Healer, Soul Teacher, Soul Communicator (Readings Akashic Records) en Guan Yin Lineageholder

Website: www.puur-licht.nl/en

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