30-dagen Tao Transformatie Programma ~🪷~ 30-day Tao Transformation Program

3…2…1…Gelanceerd! ⚡3…2…1…We have liftoff!

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Try not to resist the changes that come your way.
Instead let life live through you.
And do not worry that your life is turning upside down.
How do you know that the side you are used to is better than the one to come?”
~ Rumi ~

Tao Field Transformation Program, part 10

dear reader,

On the day I type this, the 30-day Tao Field Transformation Program has just been completed. What an incredible experience! What a rollercoaster!
It has brought me so much. Deep healing. Many new insights. Powerful tools to continue working with. Very briefly summarized: It brought a breakthrough I had not seen coming. 🙏💗🌈

More on that step by step in this blog.🤩
The result is something I am very happy with. But the road to it was not always easy. As I said, it was a huge rollercoaster with ups and downs; Moments of deep healing and transformation where I clearly noticed progress; Interspersed with days where I encountered myself or where the utmost was asked of me.
It’s all part of the game. There is a spiritual wisdom that says, “Success and disasters happen at the same time.”
Blessings and Purification both happen at the same time/near the same time.
That process is not always easy, but it was all worth it.

I just didn’t have as much time to write because of that. And it simply takes a lot of time/energy to create this blog, so I’m a little behind…. I still have a lot to do to fulfill my promise to each of you to keep you updated on what this program would do to me. So I am writing retroactively, but that might just make the process more powerful, because I can look back with the wisdom and experience of now.

Lion’s Gate
The day it all really began was Aug. 8, 2023. In my mind, it is no coincidence that it began on that day. I was so looking forward to that day because Aug. 8 is a powerful day for transformation.

Aug. 8 is known to many as the day of the Lion’s Gate. Every year on this day, a special energy portal opens: the Lion’s Gate. When this energy portal opens, powerful light frequencies connected to the planet Sirius come to Earth. This affects our light body. It is an important event that heralds a new cycle for many. There may be many changes, setting the tone for the coming year. That is why this day is used by many for attunement, meditation and intentions.
And that was really my plan for the day as well. But things went a little differently. I was restless and had more and more to do, so I had no time at all for attunement, meditation and setting intentions.
But that did not detract from the fact that a lot did happen in a different way than I had planned, because you can say that this day has indeed set the tone. And My Goodness, has it been powerful!

Soul Light Era
Besides the intense power of the Lion’s Gate being open, the energy was also so strong for other reasons.
Aug. 8 was also the 20th anniversary of the Soul Light Era. An era that began on Aug. 8, 2003 and will last 15,000 years. A period in which the power of the soul will gain more and more influence and the mind will take a step back. You can read more about it in my blog.
It is a special day for all souls, in all dimensions and in all universes. And therefore also for us on Earth. Many souls celebrate this day.

When I woke up I feel the tremendous excitement. Partly in me because the program starts in the evening, but also around me. The soul world feels very close on this special energetic day. And the 20th anniversary makes it extra special. That excitement and celebration in the spiritual world was clearly felt by me.
My Shi Fus made it clear to me that this day was not about changing the negative information in me, like yesterday. But about increasing the positive information in me and especially the positive nformation/virtue in my soul!

In a healing process, both are important: Reducing the negative information and increasing the positive information.

Soul Power
A human being has a soul, a mind (consciousness) and a body. Your mind can do many things for your life. For example, your mind has the power to heal the body. By using your mind, you can create and manifest. The mind can transform every aspect of life. Mind-body-healing and mind-body-connection are well known. They are examples of Mind over Matter.
Much research has been done that demonstrates the power of the mind.
But the power of mind is not enough.

Soul power is greater. Soul over Matter means that your soul can make things happen, such as healing, prevention of sickness, rejuvenation and prolonging life, as well as transformation of every aspect of life, including relationships and finances.
The ultimate goal of Soul over Matter is to enlighten your soul, enlighten all souls of humanity and enlighten all souls (including animals, nature etc) throughout the world and in all universes.

That is a very grand goal and it will take a long time and many steps before that goal can be achieved. The first step begins with healing and enlightening our own souls. And that is exactly the goal of the Tao Field Transformation Program. To bring healing and light to the soul of each participant.
Therefore, as I wrote, it is no coincidence for me that the start of this program coincides with the celebration of the anniversary of the Soul Light Era.

We are still at the beginning of this important period when it is more and more about the heart, about the soul, about feeling, and less and less about the mind, the ratio, the thinking.
It is a time in which more and more people will use the power of their soul, their special skills and gifts. In which more and more healing will take place from the soul, using the power of the soul. A time when more and more information will be known and shared about the soul and the spiritual world. A time in which we will work more and more towards Love, Peace and Harmony between all souls.

My Shi Fus had indicated, as I wrote earlier, that it was important to share the information about this Program in my newsletter because there were 4 other people in my circle who would be interested in participating. And that I therefore needed to inform them. To my happy surprise, there were indeed exactly 4 people who responded to my newsletter earlier that week.
There were several questions that gave me the opportunity to explain more.
And that is something I always do with great pleasure and love. It feels good to help people understand more about the power of the soul in order to experience more love, more energy, more health.
But besides the fact that I just really enjoy doing it, there is a deeper meaning. And I was able to experience the power of that very clearly later that evening.

Purpose of life
The purpose of physical life is to serve the spiritual journey.
The purpose of your spiritual life is to grow as a soul. To increase the light and virtue, the positive information in your soul.
How do you do that best? By helping others.
The more you help others feel happier, healthier and/or go through life with more soul power, the more blessings you yourself will receive in return. You may not receive material rewards, but you will acquire much virtue. This virtue or good karma will support your spiritual life and healing process.

And what could be better than giving people access to information that can strengthen their health? I was honored to guide them to start this program with me. However, it took quite some time and the time pressure combined with that powerful energy that day made me not feel very relaxed. I felt like I was under high energy and pressure ⚡😵‍💫⚡ but fortunately everything was completed on time and everyone was able to be at the start of the Program.

When the Program began that evening, it felt to me as if I felt another tremendous amplification of light and frequencies passing through me, as if I were receiving the third powerful healing in a short time.
I had not taken that into account. I thought I had already received the powerful healing with which this program would start. But so I received a very clear boost. What a gift!
And that is what I find so beautiful about the soul world, about the spiritual path.
As Dr. and Master Sha so often says: Heaven is most fair.
What you give comes back to you. Do you share your energy with others to help them, you get energy back.
If you share your knowledge with others and teach Tao, the Tao will give you deeper insights in return.
No investment of what you do is lost that way.

When after the online meeting, I finally had time to meditate and connect with my Shi Fus, they gave me a very clear message:

“On this day you have received an even deeper transformation of the blockages of your heart as a gift for all your hard work and all your unconditional service to your clients. It has brought you deeper inner peace, more mental clarity, a boost in your life force, and most of all, it has further opened your heart and soul to what is to come. What you have been given has increased your soul energy, it has opened your spiritual channels and it has brought you virtue to enhance your service.
Meditate deeply with this treasure in the coming weeks, use it to take maximum advantage of this program and all of your life will transform.
It has opened the door for you to heal your soul, heart, mind and body on a deeper level. It has brought you relief from your health problems, it will support your energy so you can walk more often, it has opened and aligned your heart. It will bring you deep love and connection for the rest of your life.
What was given to you on this day has totally changed the blueprint for the rest of your life. You are loved, you are blessed.”

I was very touched by this message. Even though my day had gone completely differently than I had envisioned that morning, in the end I had achieved exactly what I had hoped for.

And I can tell you, now on this 7th day of September that I am writing this, that I am indeed experiencing all of this. My heart feels totally different and my life is beginning to take a different shape step by step.
That is the power of the Tao.
That is the power of Tao Healing.
That is the power of working with the power of the soul.
This is the most powerful Program I have ever followed to bring change to my 30-year healing process of ME/CFS. Anyone who knows this condition knows how difficult it is to create improvement. These past few weeks have really helped me take another step in the right direction.
I know this Program will be able to help many more to experience relief from symptoms of a (chronic) condition. That is the reason I am writing this blog. I grant everyone the opportunity I have been given to experience what this Program brings.

“We are not bestowed with inherently good or bad lives. 
We are granted a life, and it is within our control to determine whether it becomes good or bad.
~Marcus Aurelius~

New start
For those who are now thinking, “oh Barbara if only I had known that, I would have liked to do that too.”
No worries! You can participate in the new round that officially starts next week, Sept. 12, 2023. Whether there will be a sequel after that is unclear. I hope so, so even more people can start experiencing this. Send me a message if you are interested and would like to hear more details.
If you want to read about my experiences and discover with me what the final result will be, keep following this blog, in which I will describe my experiences from day to day.

Love Barbara

PHOTO: NASA’s next-generation moon rocket takes off from launch pad 39-B at Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Florida, U.S., Nov. 16, 2022. (Reuters photo)

~ True beauty is revealed only if there is light from within ~

Certified Soul Healer, Soul Teacher, Soul Communicator (Readings Akashic Records) en Guan Yin Lineageholder

Website: www.puur-licht.nl/en

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