30-dagen Tao Transformatie Programma ~🪷~ 30-day Tao Transformation Program Zelf-heling Oefeningen ~🪷~ Self-healing Practices

De keuzes die we maken ⚡The choices we make

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Tao Field Transformation Program, part 9

Freedom is not the absence of commitments,
but the ability to choose –
and commit myself to –
what is best for me.
~Paulo Coelho ~

August 7, 2023:

Dear Reader,

One of the secrets of life is that everything hinges on the decisions you make.
Every moment is filled with small seemingly insignificant decisions that lead to the moments when we make big decisions.
Every path you take leads to a decision, and some decisions change everything. Every moment of the rest of your life is defined by them.
If we say YES, it opens up a completely different path than if we say NO.
Do we persevere then it leads to different decisions than if we give up.
Do we go left or do we go right, the situation will be different.
Whether we do something in the morning or in the afternoon can make a world of difference.
Every decision we make has consequences.

For me, saying YES to Tao Transformation was a decision with great consequences. Every night I receive deep healing frequencies that deeply affect my soul, heart, mind and body. When I awaken I feel that much has happened and deep insights are coming.

Everything we think, say, do and/or omit affects our soul.
We are free to determine what we say, think, do and/or omit.
The consequences, however, are not free.

Positive thoughts, words, actions, anything by which we help another brings virtue to our soul. Virtue is needed for our soul to grow and be successful.
Negative thoughts, words, actions or omissions, anything we do that may harm or hurt another, can lead to blockages and challenges.
Each choice affects our vibrational field and thus determines what situations in life we attract. We do not attract what we want, we attract what we are, through the vibration we emit.

Every thought, every word, every emotion, every action affects that vibration. It can raise or lower the vibration. Thus we carry its effects in every part of us: soul, heart, mind, energy and matter.
Newton’s third law says: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.
The spiritual teachings call it the universal law of karma.

You can see the current situation in our lives as the sum of all the choices we have made in this life. To that you can add the choices we made in previous lives because those choices also have an impact. In addition, we also carry with us some of the consequences of our ancestors’ choices. And all of that makes us who we are at this moment and what our life looks like.

In the NOW, present, past and future come together.
In the NOW, we can do a lot to bring change to our present situation. We can rewrite the past and determine the future.
Our state of being, our vibrational field, is not a fixed thing; it is changeable. We influence the information we carry within us. Information and vibration are changeable!
Through the choices we make right now, the changes we create, we can undo the effects of the past and direct our future.
We cannot always influence the circumstances around us, but…. we do influence our reaction and the choices we make. We can consciously work to transform information from negative to positive.

I have regularly approached my condition from this angle.

  • What information is stored in the different bodies I have: the spiritual body, the emotional body, the mental body, the energetic body, the material body?
  • What can I change in order for my future to look different.
  • How do I best do that? What options do I have that will lead to my desired outcome.

Illness does not just happen without reason. It is preceded by a whole process of all kinds of information coming together that leads to a particular outcome, namely the condition.
Positive information leads to positive outcomes, such as health, healing, success.
Negative information leads to challenges in life, such as illness, relationship problems, financial problems, etc.

The question that has occupied my mind for a long time is what information I carry inside of me, that led to my chronical and serious illness. And what difference can I make, to change that.
A more specialized question that came up this morning was: What causes me to have a condition where my freedom is so limited. Where I function indoors but going outside is still such a challenge. What keeps me indoors?

My experiences that tomorrow
In this life, while working in court, I have written many judgments and participated in decisions that deprived people of their freedom. Instead of helping those people, as I now know is the task of my soul, I participated in robbing someone’s freedom with my actions, my judgment, my words. True, I worked for the judiciary, but that does not take away from the fact that people ended up in prison partly because of my actions.

There are also events in my ancestral line that led to deprivation of liberty. One of my grandfathers served in the resistance during World War II. I do not know details of what happened during that time because it was not talked about. What I do know is that my grandfather’s actions led to my grandfather being arrested and imprisoned in the “Oranjehotel” and he suffered the consequences for the rest of his life.
The choices of grandparents have a great impact on the lives of grandchildren. So, in this case, my grandfather’s life can have a huge impact on mine.

Past lives also have a great influence on our present lives. I asked my Shi Fus that morning if there was any other information that might be affecting my current situation, where my physical freedom of movement is still so limited and what I need to take into account.
I accessed new information about one of my past lives through my spiritual channels this morning.

During my meditation, I was shown an image of a camp.
I see a fence, wooden poles, metal fencing between them, and there are many people trapped behind that fence. The people look skinny, tired and jaded. It touches me to see how these people are suffering.
Then I am shown an image indicating that I am guarding them…. I am not at all pleased by what I am shown and my heart breaks.
I see that I have someone above me giving me orders. I carry them out, fearing for my own life, but see the suffering of the people behind the fence and do little to nothing to alleviate that suffering, partly because of the threatening attitude of the one with that higher position.
It is a poignant scene to behold.

I can’t go back in time, but in the present moment, thankfully, I can still do something about the choices of long ago.
I can choose to feel sad and/or guilty. That doesn’t help anyone, it just brings down the frequency even further. I can get angry at the one higher up, but with anger I lose virtue and that is exactly what I need to restore my health.
I can turn my head away and say, oh that happened, very sad but it is what it is. In doing so, nothing changes.
I can also be in the present moment, working at the soul level and asking to be allowed to change the situation. For this last option I choose: Soul healing.

I invite all the souls who suffered so much because I guarded and locked them up to participate in this exercise.
I ask each of them for forgiveness from my heart for the choices I made then, whether forced or not.
I ask forgiveness for my fear of not acting differently than I did.
I ask my Shi Fus, the Divine/Tao/Source to help all these souls with light and love to relieve their suffering.
I ask for an opportunity to change the consequences of the choices made and during my meditation, using creative visualization, I open the gate.
I see many of the prisoners going out and I ask them to meditate with me and to open their hearts and souls to receive the light and healing so that their souls, too, can be freed from the pain and suffering. I ask for forgiveness and offer them my love, my light, my blessings.

I see that my soul fears for its life, but then I receive an image that I am protected by the higher light. Light surrounds me and I am asked to continue leading the meditation.

I see many prisoners sitting in the field and I lead them in a forgiveness practice.
I ask all souls in that field, as well as all light beings, to join in and create love, peace and harmony.
I chant the following mantra for a while:

I deeply apologize
Please forgive me
Ten Greatest Qualities
Transform all life
Love you, Love you, Love you
Thank you Thank you, Thank you

Note: The 10 greatest Tao qualities are: Love, Forgiveness, Compassion, Light, Humility, Harmony, Success, Gratitude, Service, Enlightenment.
They can change every aspect of life.

Forgiveness brings inner peace and inner joy
~Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha ~

More and more light comes during my meditation. More freedom. More harmony among these souls.
After some time, the image of the field of people fades. Another image of an illuminated path takes its place. That path leads to a pink/red evening glow in the mountains. I see a soul high on a mountaintop and I wander a bit through those mountains.
It feels to me like I am given the freedom to continue on my path to recovery and I am no longer held back.

This sounds too simple for many, I know. But that doesn’t mean it can’t be very powerful. The power of forgiveness has been used for thousands of years in many different cultures. I’m sure that’s not without reason, don’t you think? 😌

Through my spiritual channels I receive the following message confirming the power of the exercise:

This was a very powerful exercise session. Many souls opened their hearts and souls, they were able to forgive and release the negative memories of imprisonment. It opened the door for you to continue on your path to enlightenment. It opened your heart to love. It freed you from grief, responsibility. Now it is time to move forward and walk the path, climb the mountains. Let go more. Forgive more. Practice more and it will all transform in a short time. You are loved, blessed and protected. Never underestimate the power of forgiveness. Love, Peace and Harmony will spread.

I also notice a real difference in how I feel the rest of the day. As if a lot has been taken off me and a beginning of further recovery is now possible.
I found it very impressive to be able to see and feel this. To gain more insight into the kind of information that was carried in my soul.

To be able to receive information from the Akashic Records is a great privilege which can offer much insight. I am grateful to have that opportunity.
It has given a different meaning to my current situation and in the weeks since, I have really experienced more freedom.

Forgiveness Practice
Do you also now feel the deep desire to change certain situations in your life?
Doing forgiveness practices with other souls is very powerful!
You can do this at any time, in any place.
You can reach out to any soul and ask for forgiveness, offer forgiveness, give love and thus transform something from the past.
Some souls will listen immediately and want to forgive. Others first want to feel that you mean it and see that you have changed. By making different decisions in the present moment, showing that you have changed, or that you have learned from the past, you can show that you are no longer making the same choices and by continuing to do that consistently, giving love and light, more and more souls will be able to forgive. Be sincere, keep repeating it where necessary, and see what happens.

You can make it as specific and extensive as you wish. Talk to their soul as if it were someone sitting in front of you right now, filling it in with your own words from your heart. The truer your words are, the more impact! For souls, there is no time or distance. They can hear.

An example of what you could say:

Asking forgiveness from other souls:

Dear all souls who have been hurt, damaged, harmed, or taken advantage of in any way by me in this life or in past lives,
Dear all souls who have been hurt, damaged, harmed, or taken advantage of in any way by my ancestors in this life or in past lives,
please come to me.
I love, honor and appreciate you.
I sincerely apologize to you for the mistakes my ancestors and I have made. I am sorry.
I thank you for the lessons you teach me. I am learning my lessons and am no longer
that same person. Therefore, I ask you to forgive me and my ancestors.
Please, unconditionally forgive me and my ancestors. I will not take advantage of that, I will provide service to others.
Thank you.

Offer forgiveness:
Dear all souls who have inflicted, damaged, harmed or hurt me and my ancestors in any way, in this life or in past lives,
please come to me as well.
I love, honor and appreciate you.
It is my desire to transform the karma between us and to improve the karmic relationship between us.
Therefore, I offer you my unconditional forgiveness and I also ask all my ancestors to do the same.
Let us connect our hearts and souls and live in love, peace and harmony.
Thank you.

My dear soul and all my inner souls of all my organs, systems, body parts, cells, RNA and DNA.
I love you honor you and appreciate you.
I sincerely apologize to you for all the mistakes I have made toward you,
for all the times when I did not give love to myself, did not stand up for myself, poisoned myself with the things I ate or drank or with the products I used, damaged myself.
I am sorry. Please forgive me. I will take better care of you. Thank you very much.
I am very grateful to you all and cannot thank you enough for your service to me.
Thank you very much.

Creative visualization
Next, visualize all the souls you have invited into the light.
Visualize how they fill with light and love. Visualize how healing takes place.
How Love, Peace, Harmony increases.

As you do that you can recite or chant a mantra, for example the one I used. But you can also use another positive mantra of your choice.

I deeply apologize
Please forgive me
Ten Greatest Qualities
Transform all life
Love you, Love you, Love you
Thank you Thank you, Thank you

You can do this for as long as you like and as many times in a day as you feel the need. The more often and the longer you practice, the more profound the results will be.

Making a difference
SO on this morning here at home I was able to make change in choices I made in this life, that my grandfather made, that I made in a past life, ask for forgiveness and give light and love to the pain and suffering.

Asking for forgiveness is very powerful. It emphasizes taking responsibility for negative patterns in yourself. With that, it is much more than a mantra you repeat.
When you do this from the heart, in all sincerity, it is a deep process that requires dedication, honesty and patience. However, it can lead to healing on a deep cellular but also collective level.
It transforms the information in the vibrational field. And so it can change past, present and future.

For me, that morning felt like another step towards more freedom. I felt the liberation of my soul. And if my soul carries less negative information, that will work through in a positive way on my heart, my consciousness, my body and can promote further recovery.
I have repeated this exercise at other times with the result that I felt more freedom both inside and outside!

Try for yourself what a forgiveness exercise can do for you.
Even if you don’t know so specifically what happened in past lives, do it in a general sense.
When there is illness, it is safe to say that there is negative information where other souls (human, animal, nature, mother earth) have been hurt, damaged, harmed, etc,
Take responsibility for your own vibrational level and you can help heal your current situation that way.
If you would like to go deeper into it, then you can ask someone who has access to the Akashic Records for a reading, so that you can get started with your self-healing exercises in a more precise way.

Almost all of us long for peace and freedom;
but very few of us have much enthusiasm for

the thoughts, feelings and actions that make for peace and freedom.
~ Aldous Huxley ~

Good luck!

I forgive you,
Please forgive me,
Bring Love, Peace, Harmony
Bring Love, Peace, Harmony

Love Barbara

~ True beauty is revealed only if there is light from within ~

Certified Soul Healer, Soul Teacher, Soul Communicator (Readings Akashic Records) en Guan Yin Lineageholder

Website: www.puur-licht.nl/en

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