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Tao Field Transformation Program, part 8
A physician once said “the best medicine for humans is love”.
Someone asked, “what if it doesn’t work?”
He smiled and said, “increase the dose”.
August 6, 2023:
Dear Reader,
Waking up was tough that morning.
My head felt like a heavy cotton ball, like my brain was full of fog. I was very tired and still very emotional.
And when I am that emotional it blocks in my head, especially in the back of my head. It’s then like information is not being processed normally.
There is a blockage in my head that is more noticeable with emotions and affects the speed of communication in my head, the openness of my heart, but also in processing certain triggers and information. If I drink enough water and am awake for a while, things are usually a lot better, but my brain seems to have to “warm up” slowly every morning like a diesel, processing toxins and emotions, circulation has to be started up.
And that is something I find very difficult and can’t get used to. Especially since before I got sick I had a super fast working and almost photographic memory. It has been so difficult when I was so sick, to be completely disorientated in my own home, not recognizing my furniture, not recognizing the ingredients in the kitchen. I could only function in those moments because everything had a fixed place, knowing where something was and what was in it. If someone put it in a different place or it was a different brand that I didn’t know, then I had a big problem. Only when my head was clear and functioning could I replenish supplies.
Thankfully that did get much better as I recovered and, my heart continued to open and my energy increased as a result. I can function reasonably again in my kitchen and do my own shopping, but I am not yet at my old level where I want to be again. Especially after receiving or passing on powerful blessings that release so many emotions, it feels like I am temporarily back in that fog again, and that makes physical movement challenging.
Every disadvantage has its advantage
It was very nice to be able to help that sweet dog and his owners with his passing yesterday and give him the light and support of my Shi Fus. Helping others gives value to my existence, but blessings like this obviously do something to me too. My emotions are also touched, of course, and that has certain consequences for me.
Still, I am grateful to be able to function in this way. My body may be limited and my brain functions are not yet as fast as society sometimes demands, but my spiritual channels have only opened further during my illness, perhaps because of my illness. And because of that, I can actually do so much more than before I became ill. I can now help people in ways that I couldn’t before and that I find more valuable than the good career within the judiciary that I had previously envisioned!
I can relay healing sessions remotely, sitting down, without having to walk, and my 10-finger blind typing has remained unaffected. This is and remains extraordinary to me that certain aspects of normal life have diminished, while my spiritual channels and all abilities to help another have been enhanced. Indeed, it does seem precisely because I have become partially so restricted as if that other side has been strengthened. But you often see that when certain functions diminish that other functions then become stronger. People who are blind, for example, often become much more sensitive. As if the brain creates or starts using other pathways that it didn’t need before.
I can still make a big difference in the lives of others because of this, and it gives my own life color and value. I can now help people to be healthier and happier, despite/because of my disability. I now use other parts of my brain that I didn’t have as much access to before as I do now. A case of “every disadvantage has its advantage”? 😉
Doesn’t take away from the fact that I miss other aspects of life, very much….
That morning when I woke up I felt the deep pain of letting go of this sweet dog and with that came emotions that obviously there is going to come a time when I have to start letting go of my loved ones, who I have missed for so long and would love to see more often.
The social interaction with those who are dear to me, the spontaneity of going somewhere, experiencing important events physically instead of over the phone, everything came up and became extra palpable that morning.
Even though I have become quite used to it and can largely accept it, there are moments when the pain is palpable in all its intensity. This was one of those mornings. I felt so deeply how much I want that part of my life back too.
I decide to focus my meditation and self-healing exercises for my heart on this and see if I can get back more of what I love. There is a powerful animation video in the Tao Field Transformation Program and I turn it on to help me heal my heart.
Note: I cannot share this animation here because it is part of the program, but on my blog I have posted another similar practice that anyone can do. After all, there are many exercises for opening your heart. You can find them in the self-healing practices section.
It is important to open my heart even further, to love myself more, including the parts that are still not feeling well or have challenges. To accept the situation as it is and to love myself, my body, my life unconditionally despite all the challenges and limitations. It’s important to include self-forgiveness in that, because when you have to miss so much for so long there are times when you start to feel guilty that you can’t be there again, have to say NO again, knowing that others miss you just as much as you miss them…..
Wherever there are challenges, there is a lack of love.
A challenge, pain, blockade is often ignored, bypassed. Recognizable?
I ask for forgiveness from that soul of the challenge, from the blockage in my heart and brain that I have clearly given too little love to.
I consciously give love and gratitude to the soul of the challenge.
I try to understand and get deeper into the message that this situation hides within so that I have a chance to transform and learn.

Love can meld all blockages.
And therefore it is necessary to love myself, this illness, challenge unconditionally.
I connect deeply with the blockages and chant the mantra Da Ai. What you chant is what you become. Da Ai is Mandarin Chinese for unconditional love, greatest love. And that is what I desire, I desire to fill myself completely with the greatest love.
Da Ai
Da Ai
Da Ai
Da Ai
As I chant along with the animation video, I gently tap on my heart chakra to move and help open the cells so that the energy can begin to flow and unconditional love can fill my heart.
Not only does the energy start to flow this way, so do my tears.
It is nice to discharge and create space this way.
Greatest Love
Unconditional Love
Da Ai
Da Ai
I observe how it feels when my heart opens to receive all that unconditional love.
Loving myself unconditionally is the key to go deeper in my transformation process, to open my heart further and further to receive all that unconditional love from my own soul, from my shi fus, from the Divine, Tao, Source.
Suddenly, with my third eye, I see a large and powerful being of light standing behind me. There is a hand on my shoulder and it looks like I am getting a knife in my heart chakra through the back, but with the good intentions. It doesn’t hurt. It doesn’t scare me either, because I feel the loving presence. It looks like something is being removed from my heart chakra. Then I see sutures being applied.
It reminds me of a “Soul Operation.” This is just like a physical operation only this is performed at the soul level. An opening is then created at the soul level, allowing the heavy, dark energy to leave the area, light fills the opened space and then the opening is closed via light and “sutures” to keep the light and energy in place. It felt so powerful.
I feel so much more space in my heart chakra afterwards and much more inner peace. The tears stop and I feel that I am beginning to function much better in all areas. I am very grateful for the powerful help I was able to receive.
Soul Communication
Then I tune in to my Shi Fus and receive strict instructions from them through soul communication as to what I should do that day. I was planning to catch up on my backlog of teaching hours a bit, but my Shi Fus have a different plan and I have learned that there is always an intention for that.
My dear daughter. On this day, it is important that you dive deeper into the essence of this Program and share it with your clients. It is important to share, to bring that message to their consciousness. Serve them in this way. Watch the recording of the teachings later, dive into the Zoom meeting first to understand the information more deeply and then share it from your heart. You can do it!
Writer’s block
I delve more into the details of the program and start writing. I have always loved to write. It always energized me, made me happy, opened my heart and creativity. Words usually flowed smoothly from my fingers, but…. lately that was different. It seemed like I had a Writer’s Block. So writing had become more of a task than a creative process from which I derived joy.
But if my Shi Fus want me to write a newsletter then I should do it I thought. To my happy surprise, it turned out that day that it came naturally again. I became more and more energized, words and sentences formed organically/flowing without effort, the structure I didn’t even have to think about. It was sitting and typing non-stop until the inspiration stopped. When I read it back I immediately noticed that everything was in logical clear order in the screen.
WOW! What a delightful surprise. That morning my request had clearly been fulfilled. I could again do something for myself that brought me much joy and at the same time help others with it.
And what was so wonderful was that I was back in the DOEF DOEF DOEF noise from the heavy bass of a beach party for 8 hours that night. Something that normally drains me completely, but because I was typing so much in flow and was so happy about it, it affected me much less than usual.
And even nicer was when people responded to the newsletter and were interested in the Tao Field Transformation Program.
Live your life from your heart.
Share from your heart.
And your story will touch and heal people’s souls.
~ Melody Beattie ~
I really began to notice the effects of opening my heart and the power of this program.
So deeply, deeply grateful.
And I was sure it was going to do the same for those who now knew more about the Program. (Should you also be interested in this now, a new round of the Program starts on Sept. 5, 2023. Please feel free to get in touch).
What began as a tough morning ended that evening with a very happy feeling in my heart. I had recovered a part of myself that I had lost for a long time. The power of the Tao Field Transformation Program was beginning to show itself and there were still many days to go…. That promised a lot!
Love Barbara
~ True beauty is revealed only if there is light from within ~
Certified Soul Healer, Soul Teacher, Soul Communicator (Readings Akashic Records) en Guan Yin Lineageholder
Website: www.puur-licht.nl/en