Zelf-heling Oefeningen ~🪷~ Self-healing Practices

Open je hartchakra ⚡ Open your heart chakra

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New beginnings are often disguised as painful endings 
~ Lao Zu ~

Dear readers,

In this blog I will write about the significance of the heart chakra in case of (chronic) conditions.
Those, who have read my blog before already know that I am on this journey of healing and transformation of my chronic condition (ME). Conventional modern medicine in my country (the Netherlands) doesn’t have an adequate solution so far to treat this condition, but that doesn’t mean that I will “just do my time”. I truly believe that there is a solution, however not in the conventional way at this time. I believe a more holistic view is needed when there is an illness like this and I feel reinforced in that belief by the teachings of Dr. and Master Sha and the progress I have experienced because of these teachings.
A while ago I saw a message on Facebook with a very frightening prospect for people suffering from a condition like ME. That inspired me to write this blog. I would like to express another side of this issue, however this information could also be interesting for people with other (chronic) conditions. 

Holistic vision
Do I believe that ME is a physical condition? Yes I do, because I know from myself that I have had a virus, not treated in the right way, and therefore the virus was able to wreak havoc in my body for many years. But there was also that inner voice that kept on asking me the question why my body wasn’t able to overcome that virus. Is it truly only the lack of the right treatment or was there maybe something else that also could play a vital role in this. I truly felt deep within, that everyting is deeply connected, soul, heart, mind and body. And that you cannot see a sickness as an isolated aspect of your being. Therefore, in my opinion, treatment of the physical body alone would probably not be enough. Everything is interrelated. Emotions, psychological processes, spirituality also have effect on and are connected with the physical illness.

In the past years I have studied the teachings of Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha because it has brought me a wider context than conventional medicine had given me so far. Conventional modern medicine mainly focusses on the physical examination and treatment of the symptoms via medicines.

Through the teachings however, I learned about the founder of Buddhism, Shi Jia Mo Ni Fuo (Siddhartha, Guatama Buddha), who offered forty-nine years of teaching in his time on Mother Earth. One of his profound sacred teachings was:

All sicknesses are due to the heart.
To heal the heart is to heal all sicknesses.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine they also include emotions and energy healing in the treatment. 

And in the books of Master Sha is clearly stated that all healing starts with healing of the heart and soul. Healing starts from within. All sickness are due to the blockages we have on the soul, heart, mind and body levels. When there is a physical illness, it means that there are blockages on one or more levels. The soul blockages and heart blockages are the most important. Soul is the boss. Blockages on the soul are caused by negative karma or negative soul memories. When you transform these blockages on the soul, then transformation of the heart, mind and body will follow.

The heart is the receiver of the messages from the soul. However, there could also be blockages in the heart, caused for example by anger, lack of wisdom, greed, impurity, judgement and more. The mind can also have many blockages, like negative mindsets, negative beliefs, negative attitudes, ego and attachments. And there can also be blockages in the energy and matter which create issues in or around the cells. 

In stead of focussing only on the matter, while the doctors kept on telling me that they do not have a solution, I invested my time and energy in searching for a different perspective. It gave me so much hope. It gave me an explanation why the treatments so far didn’t had the effect I was hoping for. The blockages on the soul level were not included in the treatment and therefore not being removed… So now I had found an explanation in the teachings of Master Sha and I had the motivation and the tools to do something about it. That however doesn’t mean that it was easy. You can look at it as if you are peeling an onion. There are many layers which need to be peeled off to get to the core. Nobody however has ever told that healing is easy, right? The idea of being sick for the rest of my life however, for me was the worst case scenario. 

Closing my heart
I knew there had been a situation in my life that probably could have played an even bigger role than I had realized back then. Someone I truly loved, made a decision without telling me the truth. I  knew it, I felt it, but what can you do if someone is not able or not willing to tell you the truth. You are actually quite powerless and that loss broke my heart.
With all the knowledge I have now, it is easy to look back and see what I did wrong, however at that time I wasn’t able to respond in a different way. Not knowing the truth broke my heart and because of the pain I (partially) closed my heart and my spiritual channels. I just didn’t want to feel or see so much anymore and with that decision I probably started the process. The closing of the heartchakra has a lot of consequences. Shortly after that, they found the virus within my blood and it wasn’t treated well. They told me the virus had to be healed in time, but my body wasn’t able to do that and the symptoms got worse every year.
I often say in a little sarcastic way, that I had lost myself, but got ME. 

When I closed my heart and spiritual channels, I also lost the connection with who I truly am. Was I aware of it at that time, NO, absolutely not. But it is easy to look back and say what was right or wrong and what I should have done differently. At that time, with the knowledge I had at that time, I wasn’t able to do things differently. Does this mean that I got sick because of the other person. NO, certainly not! It was my response, along with even more circumstances that I found out about over time, that had caused a chain reaction and took away the strength and power within my physical body to overcome the virus. And then the virus could wreck havoc over the years. 

Heart Chakra
In the Tao Song Tao Dance Book written by Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha, page 120, I found deep insights that I was right on with my hunch. The heartchakra, or like Master Sha used to call it, the fourth soul house, is a fist-size space behind your sternum. This soul house (heartchakra) is very significant.

  • The heartchakra has a very important role in opening your spiritual channels.  
  • It is the center that is connected to your overall emotional body.
  • It is the center that is connected to 3 important Elements in the Traditional Chinese Medicine:
    The Fire Element (heart, small intestines, tongue, bloodvessels, depression and anxiety),
    The Metal Element (lungs, large intestines, skin, nose, grief/sadness),
    The Earth Element (spleen, stomach, mouth, lips, gums, teeth, muscles, worry and the immunesystem).
  • The heartchakra is also connected to healing of the circulatory system, respiratory system, lymphatic system and digestive system.
  • This fourth soul house is also the karma center, healing center, and the center for love, forgiveness, compassion, light, lifetransformation and enlightenment.
  • It is also the center for expression and speaking the truth.
  • And last but not least, it is the center which is connected to developing Qi, which is vital energy of life force.

If, for example, you suffer from depression or sadness, this will show as a blockage in your heart chakra. But it could also be the other way around. If you have an issue with your lymphatic system and therefore there is a blockage in your heart chakra, this could also have an impact on other systems or emotions connected with this chakra and for example develop depression or sadness. But in this way, it could also have an impact on your immunesystem or your Qi/vital energy.
To heal and to open this chakra / soul house can benefit many aspects of your spiritual, mental, emotional or physical body, because it connects to them all.

So… you can probably imagine that for me some of the pieces of the puzzle fell into place of what the possible consequences had been of my unconscious action to (partially) close my heart/heartchakra and my spiritual channels. It also was not very helpful to assist the judge in criminal court sessions and it has had a huge impact on my heartchakra.

The way back
Then the long way back to re-open my heart and spiritual channels started. There are many practices and remedies and many different modalities working with the heartchakra. For me the techniques given by Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha were very effective. Why? Because these techniques simultaniously work on the blockages on the level of the soul, the heart, the mind and the body. I never worked with the blockages on the soul before, and for me that made a huge difference! 

Master Sha has a lot of experience as a M.D. in Western Medicine, as a doctor in Traditional Chinese Medicine, as a Master in many different ancient disciplines and also as a spiritual healer. He combined all of these experiences and developed a method based on his deep insights:

In order to restore health you have to transform the blockages on soul, heart, mind and body.
Karma (good karma and negative karma) is the rootcause of success and failure in every aspect of life, including health, relationships and finances.

He offers different methods and many powerful practices to work with all of these blockages. He combines his knowledge and wisdom in the Five Power Techniques. Each of these techniques in itself is very powerful, however all together they are even more powerful and in this way they can transform blockages on soul, heart, mind and body, little by little.

By applying these techniques I was able to transform my situation little by little. You may wonder, does this really work? Is this not too simple to believe? My experience, and the experience of many others is, that indeed this will work! But it takes time. Many people give away their own power when they get sick, and visit another person to ask what to do to restore their health. Medical professionals can do a lot for you, however when they do not have the right answer to your questions, it doesn’t mean that there is no solution at all. Do not forget that we have a lot of power within. The human body is a wonderful creation that can do a lot, if only we learn to understand the signals. We have to focus our time and attention to our self-healing abilities and empower ourselves.

Practice makes perfect
The practices of Master Sha help to empower you and to take control over your own healing process. Do not expect a transformation within an hour, when there is a long-term illness or a condition in a very advanced stage, like I had or even when you have pain for many years. Practice is needed. It is the same with study, you have to put in some time and effort to have the best results. When you want to be the best in sports, you have to train your physical body. It is the same with transforming blockages, it takes time, practice and discipline.

Practice, patience and dedication, as well as the help from the people around me, helped me to move forward step by step. My heart opened again, my organs got stronger, my energy increased slowly. However, I could still feel that there was a deep layer within my heart that was still not able to open. And no matter how hard I tried, it felt to me like I couldn’t get access to that layer.
Until recently someone I love very much made a decision and kept the truth to him/herself. It was kind of a similar situation as I went through many years ago. And the pain I felt was huge. Nothing happens without a reason and you always get another chance until you learn what you had to learn.
I could make the same choice as I did  years ago, or I could use all the wisdom and knowledge I had now to use this loss to heal this situation. Kind of a chance to show that I could respond in a different way now.

I remembered the quote of Leonard Cohen: 

There is a crack in everything.
That’s how the light gets in.

And because of the deep pain I felt, my heart was cracked open, so the perfect opportunity to bring in as much light as possible. Light heals, prevents sickness, purifies and rejuvenates soul, heart, mind and body and that was exactly what I needed and what I was trained for to do by Master Sha.

There is an ancient saying: 
where golden light shines, all sickness will disappear. 

Golden light comes from the Source, from the Tao, from the Divine, from all your spiritual fathers and mothers and from your own soul.

I had received lots of theory, practical techniques, and healingtransmissions to bring light to myself and others. So in this way I was able to bring light to my own broken heart. I also received blessings from my teachers. And I could feel how I could get through that layer, which I had no access to before.

Missing link
The heart and the heart chakra, as well as the emotions, are hardly included in a treatment for ME. Also the power of the basic energy centers, like the Lower Dan Tian, and the Kundalini (both of these energycenters are important for energy, stamina, vitality and immunity) is seldom increased. And they hardly pay attention to the soul.
Many treatments focus on the physical body or the training of the mind. My personal experience is that the soul and the emotions played the most important role in my sickness and in my healing process and they can not be forgotten. For me this was the key to understanding why my physical body didn’t respond to any treatment of conventional modern medicine. Like I have shared in other blogpostings already, the soul is the boss, the heart is the receiver, the mind is the processor, and the body follows and manifests. To focus only on the physical body, was not helpful for me.
To make it very clear, I am not saying that a condition like this is all in the head. On the contrary. I am just sharing my understanding and experience that a holistic point of view could bring more effective results than focussing on the body alone.

I am sharing this to indicate that there could be many reasons why people get sick and there are many ways to heal. Out of a completely negative and painful experience could come something good and there is also the possibility to find a way back and restore health. It doesn’t have to progress more and more and end up in a complete doomsday scenario like someone on Facebook wrote and it also doesn’t have to be completely hopeless. I personally didn’t like the idea of waiting for science to do research for a medicine, that may be developed, may be not. And that is the reason that I followed this path.
This is my personal healing journey. Does it work like this for everybody in the same way? No, of course not. Everybody has his or her own stories, different events in his or her life, and different blockages on the soul, heart, mind and body. But there are methods to work with these blockages. You can do a lot by yourself, if you know the right self-healing techniques and you learn to meld the blockages. It just can’t be, that when the conventional modern medicine doesn’t have a solution yet, that you are completely empty-handed.  There are too many examples in history of people doing the “impossible”. That is what inspires me the most … to get from “impossible” to “I’m possible”  🙂

“We would accomplish many more things
if we did not think of them as impossible.”
~ Vince Lombardi ~

You have the power to heal yourself. Do a good job!
~ dr. and master Zhi Gang Sha ~

What a wonderful quotes…. that was what I needed!

These soulfulness techniques I used, can be used in addition to any other treatment and they have brought me so much. I also received lots of help from Master Sha personally. I am not the kind of person who says:  “I am my own Guru, I don’t need anybody else.” I am very aware of the fact that I don’t know everything, so I am very grateful when I can receive help from someone who has years of experience and who can see the blockages which I can’t see because of my blind spots. I received many blessings to accelerate my self-healing process. I am very grateful for the help and the teachings I received.

Something to hang on to
What I would like to leave with you in this blog, is that if you got diagnosed, because it is important to go to a medical doctor to receive a diagnoses, and there is not a proper treatment or solution for you in conventional modern medicine, that it doesn’t have to be hopeless. Or that you have to wait until they develop a new medicine or treatment.
In the teachings and books of Master Sha it is said over and over again, that when there is an illness (no matter what the diagnoses is) there is a blockage on the soul. And you can work with that blockage. You can do the practices, even when you are laying down in bed….
In my case, a conventional treatment didn’t have the results I was hoping for, but these soulfulness techniques which includes all 5 layers of the human being, brought back a quality of life that I had missed for a long time (lying in bed for over 7 years). Besides that, I noticed that by using these techniques, other treatments (like physiotherapy or the use of supplements) that didn’t have the effects I was hoping for before, now started to get results. Those treatments got more effective, and in this way healing could take place even further.
And I see this happen in many people around me with different illnesses or challenges in life, that they have similar experiences.
I hope that my insights could bring you some hope or courage or something to hang on to. I like to approach my illness as a time of finding back myself. A journey with very painful moments, but at the same time it has been the most interesting journey.

In the books you can find many practices and profound wisdom and explanations. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Maybe I could help you on your journey. Please keep the faith! Where there is life, there is hope!

When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be ~ Lao Zu.

Now I will give you one example of many different practices you can do to open and purify your heart chakra:
The energy healing and spiritual healing practices from China, India and other countries have served many people over the last five thousand years. Nowadays, many have forgotten about the ancient practices and their power, however if these practices weren’t so powerful and effective, they would not have survived for such a long time 🙂
These techniques are simple, but don’t let it fool you. The fact that these practices are simple, doesn’t mean that they are not powerful! On the contrary. The power and effectiveness of these 5 techniques all together have served many people and transformed their lives. Experience it yourself now and apply these techniques.

1)      Body Power: Where you put your hands, is where you receive the blessings.We use specific body positions and hand positions to promote energy flow en to promote healing. Where you put your hands is where the energy will flow and where you will receive the benefits for healing and rejuvenation. Sit up straight with your back free from the chair. Keep your back straight, with your crown and your perineum in one line. In this way the energy and the light can flow freely. The universal light can enter through your crownchakra and can go down through the other chakra’s and your central channel to your lower abdomen where very important foundational energy centers are located. Put one hand on your lower abdomen, so the energy centers are nourished and you are firmly grounded. Put the other hand on the place where you need healing, in this case on your heart chakra. Put your feet flat on the ground so you can connect with Mother Earth and you are also firmly grounded in this way during the practice. Close your eyes during the practice. Breath into your lower abdomen and fully relax. The more relaxed you are, the more healing can take place. 

Note: If you cannot sit upright, you can also do this exercise lying down. This is how I started myself)

2)      Soul Power: What you ask of Heaven, Tao (Source) and your own soul is what blessings you will receive.Here we address the power of the soul. We say 

hello. There is a distinction between inner souls and outer souls.
We all have a body soul, but also all our organs, systems, cells, DNA/RNA have their own function and their own soul. We can speak to them and ask them to heal themselves. Every soul has a great ability to self-heal and by saying 

hello to the souls we can actually activate that power. Your body soul knows what is has done to create these karmic blockages. The Divine, Tao, Source, and your spiritual fathers and mothers know where there are blockages on your soul, heart, mind and body. They know what is needed to heal. Your soul and the souls around you have deep wisdom and knowledge and great power to help you heal. All you need to do is ask. 
Say Hello:        Dear soul, heart, mind and body of ­­­­­­­­­­­my heart chakra ( or name the part of the body where you would like to receive the healing)
Give love:         I love you.
Affirmation:     You have the power to heal yourself.
Give an order:    Do a good job.
Give gratitude:   I am very grateful

It is important to give love to the area which needs healing. Love has the power to meld all blockages. Often people speak very negatively about the part of the body which hurts or is sick, but to speak negatively only creates more blockages. It is better to give love to the area. That is a way to promote healing.

There are also outer souls, the souls around us. You can think about the light beings, like the ascended masters, the gurus, lamas, kahuna’s, angels, archangels, the Divine, the Tao, the Source. But also the soul of the sun, the moon, the stars, the planets, the souls of nature. These light beings have powerful souls and they have great potential to bring love, light and healing. We can ask them to help us in our healing process. You can call their names if you feel very connected to a specific soul like an archangel or Jesus or Mother Mary or Guan Yin. Or you ask all of them for help in a general way, by asking all the spiritual fathers and mothers for help. By asking the light beings for help we can accelerate our healing process, because their souls are so advanced and pure. They are all around us and they are willing to assist us, but they often are waiting for our request. Speak with sincerity, speak from your heart and soul and simply ask for help. You can always ask for help. But you cannot force it or demand it.

Dear ­­­­­­­________ (call the souls who you would like to ask for help and receive a healing from)I love you, honor you and appreciate you.Please come. Please help me to heal and open my heart chakra or to ­_______ (make your request)Dear all souls I have ever hurt or harmed.Please forgive me for my mistakes in this lifetime and all of my other lifetimes.I cannot thank you enough. Thank you.Dear soul, mind and body of the universal light,I love you.You have the power to heal me and to bring more light within my soul, heart, mind and body.Do a good job.Thank you.

3)      Mind Power: Where you focus your mind is where you receive the blessings. 
We use the power of creative visualization. Where you put your mind, using creative visualization, is where we receive benefits for healing, rejuvenation, and transformation. Where you put your mind, is where the light will go to and where the healing will take place. Visualize golden light, coming from 360 degrees to the area where you need healing. Visualize the golden light in the area of your request, in this practice the heart chakra (but you can use this practice also to bring healing to your heart, your liver, your kidneys etc.) It is important to visualize light and not to visualize energy. Light has no negative side-affects. When you focus on energy you could create an imbalance between yin and yang. 

4) Breathing Power: Abdominal breathing. When you inhale, your abdomen expands. When you exhale, your abdomen contracts. Follow nature’s way.Inhale deeply to your lower abdomen and while you breath in you visualize golden light coming from 360 degrees to the place where you would like to receive the healing. Every breath comes through your nose and through every pore of your skin to bring light to the place where you need the healing. When you exhale you visualize light in your whole body.

5)  Sound Power:  What you chant, is what you become.We use the power of chanting specific sounds or specific mantras. What you chant, is what you become. To chant healing mantras has a positive effect on the healing process. But it has another effect as well. Many people experience difficulties to silent the mind during meditation because the mental chatter just doesn’t stop. By chanting the mantra you prevent the inner chatter and negative talking which affect the outcome of the practice in a negative way. We can use the mantra ““Universal Light heals me”. Chant: 

Universal Light heals me
Universal Light heals me

Universal Light heals me
Universal Light heals me
Universal Light heals me

You can also chant:

Universal Light
Universal Light
Universal Light
Universal Light
 Universal Light 

Chant for at least 3-5 minutes per time, silently or aloud.When you chant silently, the smaller cells and smaller spaces within your body will vibrate. When you chant out loud the bigger cells and the bigger spaces in your body will vibrate. To chant silently is Yin Chanting. To chant out loud is Yang Chanting. It is important to alternate Yin and Yang, because when Yin and Yang are balanced, health will be restored. There where golden light shines, sickness will disappear.

Close the practice by saying:
Hao! Hao! Hao!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you.
Gong Song! Gong Song! Gong Song!

Hao!  Is Mandarin Chinese and means Perfect! Get well!
Gong Song is what we say to all the souls who came and it means: respectfully return to your abode or to the place where you are needed at this time.

To offer your gratitude is very important. We say “thank you” three times. The first “Thank you” is to the Divine, the second “Thank you” is to all the souls who came and joined in the practice, and the third “Thank you” is to your own soul.

This is a very simple and basic practice you can do to bring more light to your soul, heart, mind and body.
Light heals the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical bodies.
Light prevents all sicknesses.

Light purifies and rejuvenates soul, heart, mind and body.
Light transforms relationships.
Light transforms business and finances.

Light increases intelligence.
Light opens your spiritual channels.
Light brings success in every aspect of life.

The more often and the longer you chant and connect with the light, the better it is.

For chronic and life-threatening conditions, chant 2 hours or more per day. This can be an uninterrupted period of 2 hours or you can practice multiple times per day and add all of your practice time together to total at least two hours per day.You can also chant when you take a walk outside, when you take a shower, when you drive your car (but do not close your eyes of course while driving J ) etc.

This may seem very simple to you. This may seem too simple for you to believe, but you will see when your practice regularly and consequently that it could bring changes in the way you feel or in many aspects of your life. The help from a mentor or someone with experience also can benefit you a lot. 

Love, Barbara

~ True beauty is revealed only if there is light from within ~

Certified Soul Healer, Soul Teacher, Soul Communicator (Readings Akashic Records) en Guan Yin Lineageholder

Website: www.puur-licht.nl/en

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