30-dagen Tao Transformatie Programma ~🪷~ 30-day Tao Transformation Program

Loslaten ⚡Letting go

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Tao Field Transformation Program, part 7

I am made of two worlds;
one in which I exist to hold everything together,
and the other where I watch myself constantly fall apart.
~ K. Piper ~

August 5, 2023:

Dear Reader,

This day revolved around only one thing: letting go, in many different forms.
It was not an easy day, but it was a very important one.

Note: I am writing this blog on August 25, so almost 3 weeks later retroactively to give you all insight into the power of this special Program. Partly to inspire people that improvement in chronic conditions is possible, and partly because it has been announced that this program will be repeated in September and I wish more people will experience what I experienced!
With today’s knowledge, I understand better and better that all the processes had to be gone through to get where I am today. That first week after receiving the powerful blessings was not so easy but considering where I am now, it was more than worth going through.

As humans, we often want all kinds of things: to be healthy, to have more energy, to have a loving relationship, to have more free time, to travel, to achieve dreams, etc. In order to manifest all these desires, it is important to be in alignment with our soul, our true essence. For that is where our true power of manifestation lies.

Our essence, which has no tangible form is, in my experience, part of an all-encompassing, creating energetic force, which has various names, such as the Creator, God, Spirit, Source, Tao etc.

In quantum physics, it is known that the very smallest material particle, which can no longer be divided into energy, transitions when it collides with another particle. This results in the proposition that form, arises from the formless, from energy.
There is a shift from energy to form when something is created. And form returns to energy when something ceases to exist in the material world.

The Bible tells us that everything originated from God and God is Love. (1 John 4)

The Tao Te Ching writes in Chapter 40: Being is born of non-being.

So the question of where we come from and what something arises from seems to be answered similarly in both physics and metaphysics. Form arises from the formless.
But if we arise from the formless, then the formless is therefore part of us. After all, we are a part of the whole.
A part comprises the essence of the whole from which it comes. Think of a cup of water from a lake, it contains the essence of the lake. Or a blood sample, which gives information about the body it came from. Or a DNA sample. Or a wood carving, which contains the essence of the tree the wood came from.

So if we extend that to our lives and who we are, then it is plausible to think, that if we emerge from the all-encompassing creating energy, that we also carry that energy in essence within us.
In my personal belief, we are a part of the Creator/God/Tao. And so we also essentially carry that within us. The Tao is not only around us, but also within us.

Our physical body is an expression in the form of all the information, including the Tao, that is within us. During our lifetime, we can do our best to express this beautiful essence to the best of our ability. The faster our vibration is, the closer we get to this essence. The highest vibrations are in alignment with Source, Creator, God, Tao.

So if I/you look(d) at it this way, we are all an individualized expression of the Tao.
In other words, the more space we can give to the Tao within us and around us, the more we embody the qualities of the Tao, the more likely we are to become healthy and create anything we desire.
This Tao Field Transformation Program helps to attune to the Tao!

Throughout our lives we have forgotten this power within us or have distanced outselves from this original essence.
Every thought, every emotion, every action either brings us closer to the Source/Tao or takes us further away from where we came from and who we essentially are. It then creates disconnection. We move out of connection, and the very purpose in life is to live in connection. In connection with yourself, in connection with each other, in connection with that all-encompassing creating Source of Energy, Love and Light….

The healing process thus takes on a different perspective and a deeper and more substantial meaning. It is not so much about finding a treatment as it is about finding alignment/unification with the Tao.

We will have to let go of everything that is inconsistent with our true essence.

If I want to return to my essence, I will have to return to the purest expression of that highest Love and Light and open my heart and soul to give form to that essence. And ask and remind myself again and again: Is what I am thinking, speaking, doing in alignment with the Tao? Am I getting closer to that essence by what I am thinking, saying or doing now, or am I getting further away from it. Am I becoming more connected or am I actually becoming disconnected. It is a constant process of opening to and embodying that highest Source, and of letting go of what does not resonate with it.

Letting go means letting go of old information (a story/memory/pattern, emotion, thought) that no longer serves you for the sake of your own life’s happiness and that of others. Letting go means moving with what your soul, your guides, Source/Tao asks of you and daring to trust that.

The more we can open our hearts, the more we connect with our true selves, the more our lives can positively change and create health. So healing is not so much about adding something as it is about letting go more. After all, that which we need, the most powerful healing frequency is already within us.

After the 2 huge blessings I had received, the infusion of Light and Love from the Tao, my vibration was raised. Anything that does not resonate with those higher frequencies must be released. But letting go is not always so easy. There is often resistance to letting go, we have difficulty forgiving, we hold on for fear of the unknown. Memories, emotions, thought patterns often go so deep that it is difficult to change them.
This day revolved entirely around letting go, in many different forms.

I woke up with a headache, pain in my brain stem, and the emotions and tears were high for me. Many memories were coming back and I was getting in my own way tremendously. I was out of sorts, angry about nothing, very tired. I hoped that taking a shower would help ground me and help “wash things off,” but to no avail. That which came up did not let go as easily as I wished.
There was nothing I could do but instead, let go of my plans for the day and go deeper into the integration process.

And that integration takes time. I took the time to go deep into my self-healing practices that I have learned over the past few years. There are many Tao Healing exercises that I have used. This allowed me to feel deeply what was coming to the surface inside me, what the underlying message was that needed to be released along with all those tears that kept flowing and allowed me to transform the negative information into a healing force that provided further transformation.
Anyone can learn these simple practices. I will share a basic practice on this blog tomorrow.

2 other forms of letting go
In the afternoon I received a message from a client, that her dog was not doing well and that she expected him to pass soon. Whether I might give a blessing to help him with that.
My Shi Fus indicated to me that they were happy to help this special soul with his transition, but that the blessing had to be given today because the end was near. After all, I can and may only pass blessings as a channel to people or animals who are still alive.

That afternoon was therefore devoted to two other forms of letting go.
On the one hand, the (temporary) letting go of my own situation in order to be able to fully serve as a channel for the soul world. It is a great honor to be able to pass on blessings, but then I have to empty myself to be able to pass on the maximum to another.

On the other hand, I felt a personal connection with this dog. When I first saw a picture of him, tears streamed down my cheeks. How deeply his soul touched my heart.
So now to be able to accompany him through his transition touched me personally and as his transition approached it was a certain kind of letting go not only for his owners but also for me.
A blessing like this is always special to be able to pass on.
My shi fus told me that the light from this session can help him as follows:

With this light he is about to receive, his soul journey will change, he will receive Love, Light, Virtue and transformation so that his soul will be peaceful and the transition will be smooth. He will be prepared by the light beings who will take care of him, help him in this preparation time and guide him to the higher realms. There he will be taught what he needs to know to be prepared for his next earthly presence. This light, this love will elevate his journey, help him clear some blockages so that everything will be more peaceful and harmonious. He will be cared for during this session and beyond.
He will be loved, he will be blessed.

During this special session I feel a sacred serene energy and I see several light beings descending to this sweet dog, whom I see lying down. I see that they surround him, but cannot give further details here for privacy reasons.

And suddenly I see his happy face in front of me, as if he has come to say goodbye. He looks very happy and he is sitting, moving.
I say goodbye to him, give him my love and thank him for his trust in me, wish him all the best while the tears continue to flow.
When I get the sign that I have to finish this session, it is hard for me, I must confess, but it is also time for me to let him go.

I spent the rest of the evening resting, watching a movie, giving myself love, compassion, time and relaxation to let all the penetrating events of the past few days sink in. This, too, is necessary. The body integrates the light, and releases the dark best, in moments of relaxation.

Another day tomorrow………

Note: His owner wrote to me the next day that she could see that surrender came during the blessing and that this sweetheart passed in peace the next day. ✨🙏🏻✨

Love Barbara

~ True beauty is revealed only if there is light from within ~

Certified Soul Healer, Soul Teacher, Soul Communicator (Readings Akashic Records) en Guan Yin Lineageholder

Website: www.puur-licht.nl/en

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