30-dagen Tao Transformatie Programma ~🪷~ 30-day Tao Transformation Program

Wat je geeft, komt naar je terug ⚡What you give, comes back to you

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Tao Field Transformation Program part 6

And the day came,
When the rist to remain tight in a bud
was more painful than

the risk it took to blossom.
~ Anais Nin ~

August 4, 2023:

Dear reader,

If we would like to become healthy, we cannot continue in the same way we did before and do the same things that made us sick. We will have to find something to transform the blockage(s) that has/have arisen, to replace the darkness that is there with light.

To transform a blockage requires a higher frequency than the frequency that is within the blockage. If we connect ourselves with higher frequencies of light, with positive emotions, with positive thoughts, and the positive frequencies are high enough, then the darkness can transform. If we bring exactly the right frequency to the blockage, it can disappear. When the blockage is gone, healing can take place.

For a very long time, the blockages in me, the deep pain and trauma, had a higher frequency than I could transform with my own Light power, my positive feelings and thoughts. So the blockages remained.
However, yesterday I had received so much Light from the higher dimensions, with such high frequencies, that I could really feel that a lot was changing.
What I noticed very clearly was that it was so much easier to get up that morning! It took me much less time to get up from bed, to go to the bathroom, to the kitchen and to the computer. Everything was easier. Whereas on bad days it could sometimes take up to 2 hours before I got my body to the point where it wanted to function somewhat, because everything goes in slow motion, now it only took me 45 minutes. What a difference after only 1 day!

I had also slept deeper and better and really felt that I had more energy and my nervous system was working better. I felt so much gratitude and most of all I felt hope. Hope that I would finally be able to take the next step in my healing process in the time to come.

My Shi Fus insisted that I write and submit a testimonial to Master Sha as a thank you for what I had received and to help and inspire others.

Gratitude is very important when you have received a powerful blessing.
It is important to express/show your gratitude to the Divine, the Tao, The Source, because everything comes from The Source.
It is important to express gratitude to the soul or souls from whom you sought help, because they gave you their love, light and healing blessing.
It is important to give thanks to your own soul because you were open-minded enough to receive the blessing you asked for. (If you are not really open to receiving light and healing, you will unfortunately be able to receive less.) So also thank your own soul for his/her openness.
Gratitude is an important spiritual courtesy and no less important than showing gratitude to others in our daily lives.

Therefore, I was strongly guided by my Shi Fus to express my gratitude. Again, as always, my wonderful Shi Fus know more than I do….

Because what I had never taken into account was that my gratitude letter was read during our online class that afternoon. I immediately noticed all kinds of negative thoughts and emotions that were still calling for transformation 😉:
“Oh my gosh, did my testimony really need to be read aloud?”, I didn’t have at all as many results as others yet…. Nor had I used so many grand words at all. I had expressed my gratitude for the hope and joy I felt that meant so much to me. My words came straight from my heart, sure, but I just don’t write in superlatives like I heard in other testimonials read before me and that little negative voice in me asked me over and over again, Was it good enough…? “
Doubt struck…

As it turned out, there was no need! Because right after my piece was read I felt even more Light and Blessings coming my way. I felt good that afternoon, still happily surprised by how much difference I had experienced that morning when getting up, but suddenly, for no reason, the tears began to flow and they kept flowing, for at least an hour…. What a release of many emotions that had been stuck for so long and to which I had not previously had access. Well, even if you are strong, trying to make the best of it within the circumstances you have, that does not mean that there are no emotions.

Crying, however, is something I don’t do very easily. I usually force myself to stay strong and just take it as it is. That has good sides, but it also causes certain emotions to have no way out and get stuck. And that’s not so good. Then it really takes something special to loosen that up. And that happened after I felt those powerful frequencies of Light going through me for the second time in a short time. Suddenly a tidal wave of tears was released. What a blessing!

Sharing is healing
In that short letter I had also expressed my gratitude for all the transformation I had received over the past 13 years and briefly told how all the help from the Source had saved my life, hoping it could inspire others as well.
And so it turns out that it is true: Sharing is Healing! when you follow the footsteps of Truth in serving others….

Being of service is enormously important. For others, but also for yourself.
When you give unconditional service to help others, you yourself will receive blessings in return. What you send out comes back to you…. When you help another, you receive help back from Source.
You may not receive material rewards, but you will acquire much virtue. This virtue or good karma will transform your spiritual life and your healing journey for the better.

In the Tao Transformation Program, Master Sha explained it as follows:

“Sharing is a great service. When you share your positive experiences, help and inspire others, countless Buddhas, saints, Divine/Tao Source, heaven’s generals and soldiers, countless planets, stars, galaxies and universes will automatically bless you for further transformation. They will share their light with you and continue to remove blockages on your soul, heart, mind, energy and matter for the request you have made.”

And that was exactly what I felt happening after my words of gratitude and my experience were read. Even more light came to me and my heart and emotional center were further opened.

While I was still trying to convince myself that my words had been good enough, I received sweet app messages from a few acquaintances that they were so touched by my words, that it sounded so sincere precisely because it was not written in superlatives. And with that I could let go even more and open myself even more to fully receive all that extra light that wanted to help me.

Well, sometimes you just have to trust that what you write or do from the heart is authentic and good enough.

After releasing all those tears, I suddenly noticed in the evening that the pain in my neck had changed, the pressure on my forehead had changed, the pain in my Frozen Shoulder that I have had since May had subsided and I could suddenly move my right arm better and more. It really can go that fast 😳 What a gift….

So grateful for the additional blessings and for the wisdom of my Shi Fus and of my own soul that it was important to take the time to write a testimony.

The soul always knows what to do to heal itself.
The challenge is to silence the mind.

Love Barbara

~ True beauty is revealed only if there is light from within ~

Certified Soul Healer, Soul Teacher, Soul Communicator (Readings Akashic Records) en Guan Yin Lineageholder

Website: www.puur-licht.nl/en

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