30-dagen Tao Transformatie Programma ~🪷~ 30-day Tao Transformation Program

15 redenen om het hart te helen ⚡15 reasons to heal the Heart

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Tao Field Transformation Program part 4

August 2, 2023:

I said: what about my eyes? 
He said: Keep them on the road. 
I said: What about my passion? 
He said: Keep it burning. 
I said: What about my heart? 
He said: Tell me what you hold inside it? 
I said: Pain and sorrow.
He said: Stay with it.  
The wound is the place where the Light enters you. 

~ Rumi ~ 

dear readers,

Since it is difficult to decide for myself what the right choice is, I liked to let my Shi fu’s guide me. After all, they have much more knowledge, insight and overview than I have as a human being.

I connected with my guides and companions in the spiritual world to hear what guidance I would receive. Through soul communication, I can communicate with them as I do with humans. I can ask a question and receive an answer. These messages come through my spiritual channels, usually in English. I always have to co-type these messages simultaneously because at the end of the sentence, I don’t remember the beginning of the sentence. They do not come through my consciousness but through my spiritual channels. Hao, for me is the signal that a message begins or ends.

So when making such an important decision as what I can best receive help for, I connect with my Shi Fus.
Yan Wang Ye, the leader of the Akashic Records relayed a clear message to me:

Hao my dear beloved daughter, this is Yan Wang Ye, on this day the answer for you is YES you need to join this program, as what is being offered is the greatest gift you can imagine. To receive this karma cleansing will bring you back to life. It will repair your heart in a way that you could not imagine, it wil restore the traumatic memories,  heal the heart ache, transform mental issues and most of all open the doorway for you to grow on the spiritual journey, helping you to achieve your dreams. There is no hesitation. Do it. Rest in between but allow yourself to jump into this opportunity of a lifetime as what is being gifted will totally transform your life. This can not be done alone as it is too highlevel, it will take you many lifetimes to suffer with this condition, this deep guilt and sadness you have been carrying for eons. To be soft, to have self-love is to take this opportunity. Do not miss. Hao, Yan Wang Ye. 

This message gave me the deeper insight that my heart is the right choice, given the negative information that is asking to be healed at this time.
The longer I thought about it, the more insight I gained.
I will give 15 reasons (in no particular order) why healing my heart is so important right now.

  1. Trauma and Guilt
    I know since early childhood, that my soul has experienced something very traumatic in previous lives which has left deep feelings of guilt, helplessness, sadness.
    Trauma and guilt manifest as blockages in the heart. Healing the heart is important to heal guilt and trauma.
  2. Memories on the soul
    In ancient spiritual wisdom, it is said that the heart is connected to the soul and mind. The soul and mind house in the heart.
    The negative information that largely underlies the reason for my ME situation is connected to negative information that I still carry in my soul that must be transformed in order to fulfill my task in this life. So healing that information in my soul will not only help my soul, but also help me heal the ME situation. Through the heart, I can also heal my soul.
  3. Blockages in the mind
    Blockages in the mind include negative mindsets, negative beliefs, negative attitudes, ego, attachments.
    Even though I am by nature a positive minded person, and have a strong ability to always see the good side in something, 30 years of being sick does not remain without effects on my ways of thinking, beliefs, attachments, etc.
    Since the mind resides in the heart, healing the heart will also affect the mind in a positive way.
  4. Opening spiritual channels
    To help change my ME situation, my spiritual channels have proven to be the most important source of information. The further they open, the more I am able to access information I need to take the next step in my healing process.
    The most important part of opening your spiritual channels further is opening and purifying the heart.
  5. Brain functions
    ME affects brain functions in multiple ways. I notice this in various ways, including that I am hypersensitive to sound, can no longer do 2 things at once, my ability to concentrate and react is impaired. My photographic memory is gone.
    There is a clear connection between the heart and the brain/nervous system. The heart coherence field controls the brain’s electrical field.
    Through transforming the heart, the brain/nervous system will also be able to change with it.
  6. Self-love
    I have been restricted in my actions for so long and have had to give up so many dreams, that this has affected my self-love. Perhaps this is not the case for everyone, but it is for me. I know that my self-love can and should be strengthened more.
    Self-love is connected to the heart.
  7. Fire Element
    The heart is the most important organ in the Fire Element in Traditional Chinese Medicine. The Fire Element is also connected to the small intestine, blood circulation, veins, emotions of depression/anxiety and joy.
    I would love to get back those deep feelings of joy in life that I used to feel so strongly. And also my small intestine and circulation could use healing!
  8. Most important organ
    The heart not only controls the Fire Element, it is also the most important organ in our body. After all, a beating heart is the beginning of life here in this body.
    The founder of Buddhism, Shi Jia Mo Ni Fo, spent forty-nine years of his life teaching. One of his profound and sacred teachings was:

    All diseases arise from the heart. Healing the heart means healing all diseases.

    How wonderful that would be, because after all, ME affects a large part of the body!
  9. Lost parts of my soul.
    Another message I received showed that my soul is eager to be whole again, that it is looking for the lost parts.

    The message said:

    Hao, If you follow the majority, you will not distinguish yourself from the majority, you will not get that deeper layer of information you are looking for. What will become known to you is the path of the heart, of the brave who want that deeper connection with their own souls.
    The path on which your master and teacher will take you is the path of coming to know the Divine, the Tao, the Source. It will transform blockages and connect you more deeply with Source.
    What your soul is willing to do is to go deep within and explore the information within yourself, you want to understand more deeply who you are. This is only possible if you explore the path within. Connect with your heart, with your soul and receive that information so that you can wander the earth, so that you can travel through the galaxies, looking for the missing pieces of your soul.
    Your soul has been scattered by many interventions of the dark side, many choices you have made to take the dark side of others to relieve them of their suffering. This was seen and supported by the light side, but the dark side was stronger and caused you to lose important parts of yourself. You need to collect these pieces again. Go deeper, much deeper within and heal the broken heart, heal the broken pieces and restore your soul. Hao

    So healing my heart is important for that too!

    You cannot find your soul through your consciousness, for that you have to use your heart ~Nilas

  10. Broken heart
    Over the past few years, several things have happened, breaking my heart into a thousand pieces. Deep sorrow overwhelmed me and I feel that I have still not fully overcome these losses. So that is another reason why it is important right now to heal my heart.
  11. Judgment
    Judgment causes blockages in the heart.
    When I started law school, I noticed that I was slowly getting sicker and sicker. Of course I pointed at the Epstein-Barr virus and my immune system which was unable to respond adequately. But years later, after I understood the importance of an open heart for my recovery, I realized that my law studies and my choice of work (clerk in the criminal division) where I wrote verdicts on a daily basis, in all likelihood had a great impact. I also often saw the souls of convicted criminals around my bed at night. They were looking for healing..but I had convicted them….
    Also to further transform this blockage, it is good to focus on the heart.
  12. Anger
    Anger is also a form of a blockage in the heart.
    Let’s be very honest that there have been many moments of anger over the past 30 years of being sick. The misunderstanding of doctors, the painful reactions of people in society, the rejection of colleagues/friends, the powerlessness to be trapped in a body that does not want to function, these are just a few examples.
    Even though I have learned over the last few years to let go and forgive a lot, further healing is no luxury😉
  13. Loneliness
    ME has brought me many years of solitude, isolation and being alone. The good thing about it is that it allowed me to go very deep inside and find answers and obtain healing in a way that I would not have obtained had I been able to continue to live as I was used to in my younger years.
    But the painful side is that it also brought a lot of loneliness. Even though through my open spiritual channels I still had a very valuable contact with the soul world and was very much aware of the fact that I was anything but alone, human contact for at least 13 long years was limited to the most minimal and that left its mark in my heart….
  14. Life force / vital energy
    The heart chakra, which is obviously connected to the heart, is involved in the development of Qi, the vital energy or life force. And that very thing is so greatly lacking in ME/CFS. So healing the heart can also have a positive impact on vital energy and life force.
  15. Spiritual journey
    The most important thing in this life (in my opinion) is to grow on your spiritual journey. To release more and more of the negative information we carry in our souls and increase the positive information, love and light. However, I cannot ask for healing in this Tao Transformation Program for something as big as the spiritual journey. However, another way to ease the spiritual journey is through the opening and purification of the heart. And for that, I could ask for help! 🙏🏻

No doubt there will be more points to mention, but I think with the above 15 points you have a good idea why I was guided to choose to heal, open and purify my heart and not to heal my condition ME.

Perhaps as this period of transformation progresses I will hear more important reasons or receive deeper insights during my meditations. But for now, this was more than enough for me.

I had clear to myself what I needed to choose and why. Later that day, I was strongly encouraged by my Shi Fus to register immediately and not wait. Since they always have a reason for this, I registered that afternoon. Less than 5 minutes later, it became clear to me why they had insisted so strongly 😊

More about that tomorrow!

Love Barbara

~ True beauty is revealed only if there is light from within ~

Certified Soul Healer, Soul Teacher, Soul Communicator (Readings Akashic Records) en Guan Yin Lineageholder

Website: www.puur-licht.nl

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