30-dagen Tao Transformatie Programma ~🪷~ 30-day Tao Transformation Program

Heling van ME/CVS⚡Healing of ME/CFS

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Tao Field Transformation Program part 3

August 1, 2023:

Choice, Chance, Change
You must make the choice,
to take the chance,
if you want anything in life to change.
~author unknown~

dear reader,

Although the Tao Field Transformation Program officially began on August 8, 2023, of course, there was a lot going on even before then. The whole process began for me on August 1, 2023.

I had heard the first introduction about this program and with that a seed was planted in me. I felt by everything that it would be important to participate in the program, but the resistance was also palpable.
In fact, I had decided that I would take a break in August, a kind of vacation, where I would take some time for the things I had not been able to do for far too long. I did not have an intensive online healing program in mind. That was not rest… So this didn’t work out at all…. Or did it?!!!

And what about the intensity of the program. Wasn’t the program too intense? Could I handle it? What if it’s too much and I would just get worse now that the temperature was also going up again?

It kept me up all night: To participate or not to participate?

And if I were to participate, what should be my focus? Should I choose my condition or should I focus on something else. After all, I had already fairly recovered from the chronic condition I am dealing with, ME (myalgic encephalomyelitis).
Where I was once at 3-5% daily, I had now climbed to 50-60% of my capacity, on the good days. And that can already be called truly miraculous. Most people with severe ME rarely have improvement and if there is any relief it is often a few percent. What I achieved in 13 years of Tao Healing was already more than is usual with this condition. Something I am very aware of and also very grateful for!
But I would so much like to regain even more of my life as it was before I became ill 30 years ago….and then also every day, not just on the good days when all the circumstances are along! Let’s be very honest about that 😊😇

It hasn’t been critical for quite some time, but I still have symptoms that bother me a lot and still limit my life on a daily basis.
The question that kept me up all night was, how do I best manage those residual symptoms? Is it by getting more rest as I had planned, or just by taking that extra step and following an intensive online program?

Fortunately, I don’t have to decide everything all by myself, and I can communicate with my guides and teachers in the spiritual world through my open spiritual channels. I call them Shi Fus. You may know that name from the Kung Fu Panda Films😊

Shifu is a Chinese title meaning “capable person,” “teacher,” or “master.” I am very grateful to be able to communicate with various teachers in the spiritual world. Beautiful and powerful souls who are willing to guide me, including, among others, Guan Yin (the Buddha / Goddess of Compassion) and Yan Wang Ye (the leader of the Akashic Records).
They have so much more knowledge and insight than I do, and I love to be guided by them and others.

After all, ME is a condition that affects a great many organs and systems, including the brain, nervous system, endocrine system, digestive system, liver, kidneys, heart, immune system and more.
To heal ME, I have found that it is not easy to address everything individually.
Supplements and medications often have side effects and do not fully do what I wish they would do. In addition, they mainly act on the physical body.
The spiritual body, the emotional body, the mental body also play a big role in ME and contribute to why it is a chronic and mostly misunderstood condition.

To heal such a complex condition, I have to go to the core. But as a human being, it is difficult for me to have the overview of what is the core; What is the cause; What is a consequence.
That is why I am so incredibly grateful for my open spiritual channels. They have proven to be my greatest gift in my quest for recovery and health. Without all that information I have received through my spiritual channels and from my Shi Fus I would never have been able to reclaim so much of my life.

A recovery from 3-5% to 50-60% is something that I am very aware is unusual for many and that many fellow sufferers only dream of.
I wish recovery for more people and so I openly share here, what I did and still do.

That is not to say that it will be the same for everyone. After all, everyone is unique!
But what is similar for everyone dealing with a (chronic) condition is that there is negative information in the vibrational field. By finding out what kind of information it is, you have the opportunity to transform it into positive information which promotes health.
In the coming blog posts, I will share about the different forms of negative information that I personally deal with, with the intention of providing insight and thus contributing to broadening the field of vision and offering tools to work with.

My Shi Fu’s have been telling me for a long time, that I should not believe my doctors’ opinion, that there was no hope for me.
I wish that this path I am walking, may be an example to many. If this doesn’t feel like your path, that’s fine too. Then I hope you can respect my choices.

So I connected with my Shi Fu’s and asked them what in their eyes would be best for my continued recovery. There was a very clear central message in the advice I received from them:
I needed to connect more and more deeply with my own soul, let go of the expectations of others and become more in alignment with my soul. The more I live in alignment with my own soul, the more I can heal the symptoms associated with ME.
This program can help me with that, as my Shi Fu’s told me very clearly. What exactly it will bring me I will only discover if I give myself a chance.

I promised myself years ago that I would take every chance I got. So that I would participate was clear to me, even though I had no idea what outcome it would lead to.
Either way, it brings a lot of insight. And I write and record what this program brings me in those 5 weeks. Writing does make me more aware of what information is stored within me.
I could keep it private, but how nice it would be if it helps others at the same time!

This blog is not about me, my story is for other people.

How interesting is that… What’s in a name?
I got ME and lost more and more of myself as a result…..
To heal from ME I need to search for myself and connect with my soul? 🤔😳
So how do I best do that?

The answer from my Shi Fus was to focus on the HEART for that.
During the rest of the day and the next day, I received more and more information and details. As a result, it became increasingly clear to me that it was important to indeed make that choice for my heart.
More about that in my next posting.

Love Barbara

~ True beauty is revealed only if there is light from within ~

Certified Soul Healer, Soul Teacher, Soul Communicator (Readings Akashic Records) en Guan Yin Lineageholder


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