30-dagen Tao Transformatie Programma ~🪷~ 30-day Tao Transformation Program

Wat is: ⚡What is: Tao Field Transformation Program

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Tao Field Transformation Program part 2

What is the Tao Transformation Program?

Dear reader,

The Tao Field Transformation Program is a deeply transformative 30-day online program that started last August 8 and is offered by my teacher Dr. and master Zhi Gang Sha. I chose to participate in it.

Why do I want to blog about it? Because many people and animals are going through difficult times right now. People and animals need help. Many would like to have help, but medical help is not available for everyone. I know how it feels when there is no medical help and how desperate and hopeless it feels.😕

I am still grateful every day that I found another form of help that offers me powerful solutions. This Program can provide a solution for many people, but not many people understand the power of this Program.

That is why I am happy to share more information about it, so that hopefully more people can get the help they are looking for. Because I hear heartbreaking stories on a regular basis, and I wish for those people to get relief as well.
And the Program will be repeated regularly! There will be multiple rounds, so getting in is possible then.

Serious or Chronic Conditions
Many people are currently dealing with serious or chronic health conditions. For some conditions, there is medical treatment or relief available. For conditions like mine, unfortunately, there is no medical treatment available.
Nevertheless, a different approach is possible.

As many of you know, I was given up by my doctor about 13 years ago. He had no idea how to support me anymore and gave me only a few months to live.
Yet today, almost 13 years later, I am typing this blog. 💗🙏🏻
The only reason is that I received the help of Dr. and Master Sha. The form of help now offered in this Program! Do you understand my joy and enthusiasm? 😀.

Illness is not just something physical. Physical manifestation is the final stage.
Illness arises in the vibrational field as negative information.
This negative information is carried in the soul/vibrational field and passes through the heart and mind/consciousness to the energy and matter in our body. When this negative information starts to manifest in the body, disease occurs. The medical world focuses on restoring the body, but the original negative information is not always transformed in the process. As a result, disorders can become chronic or, as in the case of cancer, recurrent.
You can read more details about this process here.

For my situation with severe ME (myalgic encephalomyelitis), there was no treatment available at all. Yet through changing negative information, I was able to improve my physical condition and create recovery.
This can be done through many ways by yourself. But there is also a faster way possible. Namely through a spiritual order to change this negative information.
You can also call this a partial karma cleansing for a specific condition.
Not everyone believes in this and that’s okay. Everyone may believe what they want, but I have experienced (seen, heard, felt) its power and so I know for myself it is real.

My spiritual channels are open and I don’t just see the light beings. I also see the not so nice entities that cause illness, pain, damage, energy shortages, calamities, accidents. I saw them around me. I saw them causing damage internally.
It was very informative to have an opened third eye, but unfortunately at that time I was not able to do anything against these forces.

When I met Dr. and Master Sha, I could hardly walk. I had tremendous pain and frequent nerve spasms.
I received his help on stage in October 2010. I will spare you the details but it was extremely painful for me and no fun for the people in the audience to witness what happened when all those dark forces attacked so intensely.
However, Dr. and Master Sha has special abilities. The moment he changed the negative information, peace came into me and around me.
I could see, feel and hear how the dark entities were removed by the light beings. My spasms stopped, the pain disappeared, I regained control of my body and shortly thereafter was able to walk almost normally again.

People in the room were amazed. And me, I couldn’t believe that something that had caused so much pain for so many years was suddenly gone. I felt liberated. I had hoped for a miracle for years, and I had just gotten it!
A miracle that I was able to experience several times in the following years. Each time a higher layer of negative information was changed, and with it more and more light and life came back into me. This is what has extended my life for almost 13 years now.

I still regularly see both sides in the spiritual world. I see. I hear. I feel. I experience. And can and do resolve a great deal myself. But there are forces that are stronger. And how grateful you can be when there is someone who can help you.
That help cannot be expressed in value to me.
I know what it’s like to be like a vegetable, lying flat for almost 7 years and feeling like life was pulled more and more out of me.
I know what it feels like when help is there and, as if by some miracle, life comes back partially.

This is real! This is something I have also been able to observe in many other people over the past 13 years with very many different conditions or recovery from accident. This is the unique power that Dr. and Master Sha brings to the world. And this is now possible again in this 30-day Transformation Program.

Who is dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha?
Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha is an 11-time New York Times bestselling author and a pioneer in modern-day transformational spirituality. He combines the essence of Western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine with ancient energy and spiritual secrets from China.

Master Sha is a world-renowned Tao Grand Master, teacher, and healer who has helped thousands and has trained many teachers and healers to assist people all over the world.

An expert on breakthrough research on the health and well-being of the soul, mind, and body, Master Sha is an inspired guide to the ultimate dimension of soul over matter. As the co-creator of Tao Science, he is also in the forefront of advances in unifying science and spirituality.

Master Sha is a medical doctor in China and a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine in China and Canada. Master Sha studied at Xi’an Jiaotong University, completing his medical degree in Western medicine in 1983. He was also certified as an acupuncturist and herbalist in 1986 by the World Health Organization’s Institute of International Acupuncture and Moxibustion in Beijing, where he taught acupuncture, tai chi, and qigong to foreign physicians. He is a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine and was a highly successful acupuncturist in Canada, using his unique and powerfully effective techniques. In 1988 he received a Master’s Degree in Public Administration from the University of the Philippines and established a free health clinic for people in need.

Master Sha learned the most profound wisdom and knowledge from Dr. and Master Zhi Chen Guo, his adoptive father, the founder of Zhi Neng Medicine and Body Space Medicine, who also taught him the integration of Taoism, Buddhism, and Confucianism with modern medicine and traditional Chinese medicine.

Master Sha is the founder of Tao Academy™ and the Love Peace Harmony Foundation, which is dedicated to helping everyone worldwide create happier and healthier lives, and the Sha Research Foundation. A Grand Master of several Eastern Arts, he was named Qigong Master of the Year at the Fifth World Congress on Qigong in 2002. In 2006 he was honored with the prestigious Martin Luther King Jr. Commemorative Commission Award for his humanitarian efforts. In 2016 Master Sha received esteemed appointments as Shu Fa Jia (National Chinese Calligrapher Master) and Yan Jiu Yuan (Honorable Researcher Professor), the highest titles a Chinese calligrapher can receive, by the State Ethnic Academy of Painting in China. He is the creator of Tao Calligraphy, a unique new form of calligraphy that supports well-being and healing.

I am extremely grateful to have received the help of Dr. and Master Sha.
Through that help I was able to create change that no doctor or therapist in the Netherlands could bring me.
But I want to be realistic and not give false hope.
After that first meeting with Dr. and master Sha and transforming negative information in me, my life came back step by step. It was not an immediate and complete result.
Is my life perfect? NO.
Am I completely healthy? NO.
Sickness has layers and in these past 13 years I have felt much improvement, but sometimes also reached a layer that I could not get through by myself and where I needed help again to recover further.
Nor is it the case that when help is given that everything is immediately over. I had to give a lot of my own effort to promote my recovery.

I have received powerful spiritual intervention on several occasions. What I received in terms of help and light force has dissolved some of the blockages and brought them into the light, thus opening the way to recovery.
There are still several blockages in me that I have to resolve myself. My own input. And I do so with all love and gratitude, because I was given an opportunity that no one else could offer me.

Because I remember like yesterday when no doctor had any hope for me. I felt like nothing more than a vegetable, waiting for the end. That feeling I had then, I remember all too well.
And now, now I feel human again. I may still have limitations, but my life is livable and has quality. And by blogging and sharing my experiences and helping others, it gets even more value! And that is and always will be special to me! 🙏🏻💫

Tao Transformation Program
The program has been going on for 2 weeks at the time I write this blog. Through the form of help during this Program, I am experiencing new openings and improvement in longstanding, persistent complaints.

What makes this Program so special:

  • Negative information associated with a personal request (a system, organ, body part, health condition or relationship) is transformed in a quick and powerful way..
  • A Tao De Bo Re Field is transferred for one request (This means, Tao (Ultimate Source) De (Nutrients) Bo Re (Highest Light & Wisdom) FIeld (Field). This is a Spiritual transfer to support participants in their healing process.
  • Dr. and Master Sha will chant and trace for 30 minutes each day. So each participant will receive the most powerful spiritual healing every day for an additional 30 minutes.
  • Everyone’s request will be in the Tao calligraphy field 24/7, giving you the protection of light 24/7.
  • You will have access to an Online Tao Field Circle. This is an online community where you can be in contact with other participants and practice and learn together.
  • 7 Leading Teachers will offer 30-minute practice sessions daily, throughout the week (all sessions will be available for replay during a 24-hour replay that you can watch as many times as you like).

That is what makes this program so unique and valuable.
Negative information associated with illness is partially transformed into light, where you can choose an organ (heart, liver etc), a system (digestive system, respiratory system etc), condition (cancer, diabetes, chronic fatigue etc), body part (back, neck, wrist etc).
You receive a powerful light transmission that you can work with yourself to help your body recover.
Protection comes to ensure that the dark forces can no longer touch you.
You receive 30 days of support for your recovery.

And this can be done for both humans and animals. There are also animals who are seriously ill and receive help through this program.

There are also participants who have chosen a specific relationship.
After all, blockages in relationships are also negative information, preventing you from finding your life partner, for example, or preventing you from having a loving contact with your mother.

There are also participants in the program who are not seriously ill at all, but who receive help for a particular organ to prevent illness. Prevention is perhaps even more important than treatment for a disease that has already manifested itself. Before problems manifest in matter, the information is already present in your vibrational field. How nice it is to change that negative information before physical problems arise!

In addition, changing the information in our vibrational field will not only improve this life, but also future lives. So your future self will be very grateful to you! 😊
And since everything we heal within ourselves also carries over to our ancestors and descendants, this program is much more comprehensive than it may seem at first glance.

Are you someone or Do you know someone for whom this program could be a solution?
Then please read along with my experiences in the coming time so that you can understand more about whether this is appropriate for you as well, if this program gets a repeat.

And if you don’t find this interesting yourself, but you know someone else who might want to know more about this, please share my blog. Let’s collectively help as many people and animals as possible to alleviate suffering.

Please know that I am not related with this program and therefore not responsible for the content. I participate, but am so happy with what I experience that I am happy to share more content, because I love to see the suffering of many reduced and know that the uniqueness of this program could help with that.
Thank you. 💗🙏🏻
I see the power of Tao Healing daily in my online practice but also know that there are people who need more. This program can bring that extra light for them.

Love Barbara

P.S. The image is a Tao Calligraphy, written by Dr. and Master Sha, with the meaning: Da Ai. This is Mandarin Chinese for Greatest Love. Love melts all blockages.

~ True beauty is revealed only if there is light from within ~

Certified Soul Healer, Soul Teacher, Soul Communicator (Readings Akashic Records) en Guan Yin Lineageholder


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