Persoonlijke Groei ~๐Ÿชท~ Personal Growth

(๐”ƒ๐“ฎ๐“ต๐“ฏ)๐“ฟ๐“ฎ๐“ป๐“ฝ๐“ป๐“ธ๐“พ๐”€๐“ฎ๐“ท (deel 2)โšก๐“’๐“ธ๐“ท๐“ฏ๐“ฒ๐“ญ๐“ฎ๐“ท๐“ฌ๐“ฎ (part 2)

Dear Reader,

In part 1, I shared what healing sessions for (self) confidence do to me.
In this blogposting, I address what it can do for others.

Last Friday was the first group session with the theme of (self)confidence.
And I personally found it a very special session to be able to pass on.
I think everyone knows that having (self)confidence is important in life.
But self-confidence apparently has many different aspects, more aspects than I myself had thought of when I brought this theme as the central theme in the group sessions.

Last year I gave 4 group sessions with this theme.
Then theย firstย group session focused on transforming blockages to fully have confidence in your own soul and to fully trust the higher wisdom of the higher realms and trust the divine timing, the divine guidance that everything that happens is for your highest good.

The second group session was all about strengthening confidence to open yourself to the Divine Flow, the Universal Flow, the creative power that goes through everyone, that manifests your life in the best way possible, if you allow it. To confidently and courageously go where this flow, this power takes you.

The third group session focused on healing and transforming blockages related to having confidence and faith in the spiritual journey. This session addressed the painful moments, the memories of violated trust in the spiritual journey and helped to increase the courage to move forward even when things are difficult to bear/take.

The fourth session was about confidence and courage to have the relationships that are best for your soul to develop and grow and are supportive of your soul’s journey…. Having confidence and courage in a relationship means having the confidence to express what is in your heart and soul, to be yourself, to attract the people who will support you on your journey, to have the courage to leave a situation that is harmful or hurtful and let it go without resentment or negative feelings toward the other person.

That there are other aspects to (self)confidence became apparentย last Friday. It was then about confidence to (be able to) complete your task in this life.
Everyone comes into this life with a certain task for your soul to complete.

Below is one of the messages that came through me and part of the description of what I was allowed to see during the group session with my third eye in terms of images from the spiritual world.
I think this is interesting for everyone to read/learn from.

Channelled message:

my dear beloved ones. I welcome you all on this day for this very special session regarding confidence. This session today is going to help you transform the negative information within your akashic records and within your soul, so you could develop and experience a greater sense of confidence, so you can go out and spread your light in a more powerful way. This session today is going to help you clear some of the blockages preventing you to take action, to take full responsibility for what it is your soul is asked to bring forward in this lifetime. You have all come with an assignment into this embodiment. You have all received clear guidance what it is your soul has to accomplish in order to take the next step on your soul journey to enlightenment. That information is within the contract in your akashic record. You all need the confidence to act accordingly to fulfill that contract. This blessing session today is going to help you feel confident enough to actually fulfill that contract in a better way. Whatever is standing in your way will be examined and the most appropriate blessing will come your way so you have more chance to fulfill this.
Open your heart and soul and relax. This session will start now.ย 

Description of what I was allowed to observe:

When the blessing starts I see the books in the Akashic Records. They look much larger than normal, but then the image changes and I see a kind of scroll/contract describing what this life is going to bring and what is possible. Some phrases are bolded in the image I am shown and that bolded information is what tonight is all about.ย 

There are many pages in the akashic records connected to the information in that contract and I see changes being made in the pages. Sentences are being rewritten, deleted, as a sign that the information leading to certain blockages is being changed in order to transform the blockages in this lifetime.ย A lot of light goes into that information.

I see golden light in the heart chakra of each participant, the heart is further opened. There is a stronger connection between the heart chakra and the original scroll I was shown.ย 

I feel lots of energy and light passing through me and see many spiritual hands helping to dissolve blockages.

I see/hear each being spoken to, courage being spoken to, insights being shared to be able to do what each has to do.ย 

Then I see a particularly large, rainbow-colored ball, encompassing everyone and helping to bring more confidence. The powerful rainbow-colored light seems to dissolve blockages all over the body that were connected to a lack of self-confidence.ย 

Then I feel and see so much joy, as if many souls are dancing, grateful to have come closer to themselves. As if celebrated. Again I get to see those scrolls and the golden thread/connection that is there with the heart chakra. It feels to me like everyone is empowered more, the potential to fulfill the soul’s task in this life is strengthened and that is celebrated.

A lot more happened during the session but I can’t share everything in my blog ๐Ÿ˜Œ.

What I do like to share is, that it is also a surprise for me myself every time what comes through during these group sessions.
I am extremely grateful for and also impressed by the power of this new transmission.ย 

(Self)confidence, besides being connected to many aspects of life, is connected to the first chakra, the base chakra. As the word says, it is at the base of life. The less blockages a person carries in the first chakra the better it is, including for the adrenal glands, the colon, the connection to mother earth, life energy, the immune system and so much more.

On Friday Febr. 9, 2024 is theย second and also last group sessionย with the theme of (self) confidence. If you, like me, would also like to transform negative information associated with (self)confidence into positive information, light and power, please let me know today or tomorrow.ย  Everyone is welcome to join this group session and experience its power for yourself (or your loved ones).

I am confident that it will be another powerful transformative session.

I hope to support many of you on friday evening at 7:30 p.m. CEST.

If this appeals to you, then please have a look on this page for more information:

If you read this later, it is always possible to make an individual appointment.

Love, Barbara

~ True beauty is revealed only if there is light from within ~

Certified Soul Healer, Soul Teacher, Soul Communicator (Readings Akashic Records) en Guan Yin Lineageholder


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